I'm gonna also use this for a task to try to warm up *all* the manifests in the database! But to start, just a simple one, to prepare the alt styles page quickly on first run. (This doesn't really matter in production now that I've already visited the page once, but it helps when resetting things in dev, and I think more it's about establishing the pattern!)
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class AltStylesController < ApplicationController
def index
@alt_styles = AltStyle.includes(:species, :color, :swf_assets).
order(:species_id, :color_id)
if params[:species_id]
@species = Species.find(params[:species_id])
@alt_styles = @alt_styles.merge(@species.alt_styles)
# We're going to link to the HTML5 image URL, so make sure we have all the
# manifests ready!
SwfAsset.preload_manifests @alt_styles.map(&:swf_assets).flatten
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render }
format.json {
render json: @alt_styles.includes(swf_assets: [:zone]).as_json(
include: {
swf_assets: {
include: [:zone],
methods: [:html5_image_url, :html5_svg_url],
methods: [:series_name, :adjective_name, :thumbnail_url],