Fork 1
Emi Matchu 7eb209e206 Update pet state bulk-labeling to skip to next unlabeled if desired
Previously, "Then: Go to unlabeled appearance" would always take you to
the *first* unlabeled appearance in our database.

Now, we go to the *next* unlabeled appearance in the list, relative to
this one.
2024-12-08 10:08:39 -08:00

58 lines
2 KiB

- title "#{@pet_type.human_name}: #{pose_name @pet_state.pose}"
- use_responsive_design
= link_to "Rainbow Pool", pet_types_path
= link_to @pet_type.possibly_new_color.human_name,
pet_types_path(color: @pet_type.possibly_new_color.human_name)
%li{"data-relation-to-prev": "sibling"}
= link_to @pet_type.possibly_new_species.human_name,
pet_types_path(species: @pet_type.possibly_new_species.human_name)
= link_to "Appearances", @pet_type
= support_outfit_viewer pet_state: @pet_state
= support_form_with model: [@pet_type, @pet_state] do |f|
= f.errors
= f.fields do
= f.radio_grid_fieldset "Pose" do
- pose_options.each do |pose|
= f.radio_field do
= f.radio_button :pose, pose
= pose_name(pose)
- if @reference_pet_type
= link_to @reference_pet_type, target: "_blank", class: "reference-link" do
= pet_type_image @reference_pet_type, :happy, :face
%span Reference: #{@reference_pet_type.human_name}
= external_link_icon
= f.field do
= f.label :glitched, "Glitched?"
= f.select :glitched, [["✅ Not marked as Glitched", false],
["👾 Yes, it's bad news bonko'd", true]]
= f.actions do
= f.submit "Save changes"
= f.go_to_next_field after: @pet_state.id,
title: "If checked, takes you to the first unlabeled appearance in the database, if any. Useful for labeling in bulk!" do
= f.go_to_next_check_box "unlabeled-appearance"
Then: Go to next unlabeled appearance
- content_for :stylesheets do
= stylesheet_link_tag "application/breadcrumbs"
= stylesheet_link_tag "application/magic-magnifier"
= stylesheet_link_tag "application/outfit-viewer"
= stylesheet_link_tag "application/support-form"
= stylesheet_link_tag "pet_states/support-outfit-viewer"
= page_stylesheet_link_tag "pet_states/edit"
- content_for :javascripts do
= javascript_include_tag "magic-magnifier"
= javascript_include_tag "outfit-viewer"
= javascript_include_tag "pet_states/support-outfit-viewer"