Emi Matchu a184c75575 Handle noscript for the new species face picker
We mark the options as `inert` and `aria-hidden` while the JS is still
loading—and if the `noscript` tag tells us it's never coming, it covers
up the picker with a brief explainer!
2024-09-03 13:46:55 -07:00

89 lines
3.3 KiB

- title
- canonical_path @item
= render partial: "item_header",
locals: {item: @item, trades: @trades, current_subpage: "preview",
current_user_lists: @current_user_lists,
current_user_quantities: @current_user_quantities}
- if "Baby Body Paint"
The Baby Body Paint items seem to have new zone restriction rules that our
system doesn't support yet, whuh oh! This might require major changes to
how we handle zones. Until then, these items will be <em>very</em> buggy,
= turbo_frame_tag "item-preview" do
= render partial: "outfit_viewer", locals: {outfit: @preview_outfit}
💥 We couldn't load all of this outfit. Try again?
= form_for item_path(@item), method: :get, class: "species-color-picker",
data: {"is-valid": @preview_error.nil?} do |f|
- if @preview_error == :pet_type_does_not_exist
%span.error-icon{title: "We haven't seen this kind of pet before."} ⚠️
- elsif @preview_error == :no_item_data
%span.error-icon{title: "We haven't seen this item on this pet before."} ⚠️
= select_tag "preview[color_id]",
"id", "human_name", @selected_preview_pet_type.color_id)
= select_tag "preview[species_id]",
"id", "human_name", @selected_preview_pet_type.species_id)
= submit_tag "Go", name: nil
This fancy species picker requires Javascript, but you can still use the
dropdowns instead!
"inert": true, # waits for JS to remove
"aria-hidden": true, # waits for JS to remove
- @preview_pet_type_options.each do |pet_type|
= radio_button_tag "species_face_id", pet_type.species_id,
checked: pet_type == @preview_outfit.pet_type
= pet_type_image pet_type, :happy, :face
%h3 Occupies
- if @appearances_by_occupied_zone.present?
- @appearances_by_occupied_zone.each do |zone, appearances_in_zone|
= zone.label
- if item_zone_partial_fit? appearances_in_zone, @all_appearances{
title: item_zone_species_list(appearances_in_zone)
(#{appearances_in_zone.size} species)
- else (None)
%h3 Restricts
- if @item.restricted_zones.present?
- @item.restricted_zones.sort_by(&:label).each do |zone|
%li= zone.label
- else (None)
- unless @contributors_with_counts.empty?
%header #{t '.contributors.header'}:
- @contributors_with_counts.each do |contributor, count|
%li= link_to(, user_contributions_path(contributor)) + format_contribution_count(count)
%footer= t '.contributors.footer'
- content_for :stylesheets do
= stylesheet_link_tag "application/hanger-spinner"
- content_for :javascripts do
= javascript_include_tag "lib/idiomorph", async: true
= javascript_include_tag "outfit-viewer", async: true
= javascript_include_tag "items/show", async: true