Emi Matchu 82be7fe301 Move most fundraising files into a Fundraising module
Mostly this is just me testing out what it would look like to
modularize the app more… I've noticed that some concerns, like
fundraising, are just not relevant to most of the app, and being able
to lock them away inside subfolders feels like it'll help tidy up
long folder lists.

Notably, I haven't touched the models case yet, because I worry that
might be a bit more complex, whereas everything else seems pretty
well-isolated? We'll try it out!
2024-02-18 20:12:14 -08:00

49 lines
1.7 KiB

- title "Thanks for donating!"
= image_tag thank_you_greeting_url, id: 'thank-you',
alt: '"Thank You" Neogreeting'
%strong Thanks so much!
That's another
= number_to_currency(@donation.amount.to_f / 100)
toward this year's bills—thanks!
Your support keeps Dress to Impress online and running smoothly,
and we really, truly couldn't do this without you.
Do you feel the love? Because we do <3
%strong But enough about us. Let's talk about you!
When we brag about you on our #{link_to 'donors list', @donation.campaign},
what should we say?
(If you'd rather take care of this later, no worries!
Check your email for a copy of this URL.)
= form_for @donation, html: {id: 'edit-donation'} do |f|
= f.label :donor_name, "Your name on the donors list"
= f.text_field :donor_name, placeholder: 'Anonymous'
- @features.each do |feature|
= label_tag "feature[#{}][outfit_url]", "Featured outfit URL"
= text_field_tag "feature[#{}][outfit_url]",
placeholder: outfit_url(12345678)
- if user_signed_in?
= surround '(', ')' do
or choose
= select_tag "feature[#{}][user_outfits]",
options_for_select( { |o| [, outfit_url(o)] },
include_blank: true
= f.submit 'Save donation details'
- content_for :javascripts do
= include_javascript_libraries :jquery
= javascript_include_tag 'fundraising/donations/show'
- content_for :stylesheets do
= stylesheet_link_tag 'fundraising/donations/show'