Fork 1
Emi Matchu 07617fa34f Increase ID column limit for item_outfit_relationships
Ahh wow, we're finally at the point of having enough outfits to need to
increase this ID field!

I got an alert this morning that queries were failing with the MySQL error
"id out of range". I went and found that creating a new outfit still works if
it's empty, but fails once you try to add an item to it. So, I assume this is
the failing column!

Note that I'm writing this from my emergency Steam Deck workstation, and that
I didn't quite get MySQL set up on it yet (I just yolo ran this in
production), so we don't have the corresponding changes to `db/schema.rb` yet.
This might require another commit from my normal workstation later to
complete this change!
2024-03-24 11:09:40 +11:00
20101109021049_create_outfits.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20101109021147_create_item_outfit_relationships.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20101110213044_add_name_and_starred_to_outfits.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20101125153424_treat_sold_in_mall_as_a_boolean.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20101125154435_allow_null_for_some_objects_fields.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20101125160843_add_swf_assets_type_and_id_index.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20110126180835_users_devise.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20110210222230_guest_outfits.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20110514145602_add_has_image_to_swf_assets.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20110515134542_add_image_requested_to_swf_assets.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20110626202605_add_image_mode_tester_to_users.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20110712232259_create_closet_hangers.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20110713162012_set_closet_hangers_quantity_default_to_zero.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20110720183722_add_neopets_username_to_users.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20110722180616_add_owned_to_closet_hangers.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20110726231143_create_closet_lists.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20110730174148_add_closet_hangers_visibility_to_users.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20110731021808_add_visibility_to_closet_lists.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20110804134432_add_timestamps_to_items.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20110807212936_add_conversion_timestamps_to_swf_assets.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20120112204234_rename_swf_assets_id_to_remote_id.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20120308205324_add_image_to_outfits.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20120321214802_index_associations.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20120321222001_index_closet_hanger_query.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20120321231507_index_closet_hanger_query2.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20120521164652_add_female_and_mood_and_unconverted_and_labeled_to_pet_states.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20120716193946_add_image_layers_hash_to_outfit.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20120725232903_add_image_enqueued_to_outfits.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20121006010446_add_explicitly_body_specific_to_objects.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20130111213346_translate_items.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20130121193957_create_species.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20130121205607_create_colors.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20130121221226_create_zones.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20130128065543_remove_translated_fields_from_items.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20130427151327_add_glitched_to_pet_states.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20131016203607_add_image_manual_to_swf_assets.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20140117171729_create_neopets_connections.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20140119040646_add_contact_neopets_connection_id_to_users.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20140125202515_add_prank_to_colors.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20140331034031_add_artist_neopets_username_to_pet_state.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20140403034558_create_wardrobe_tips.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20140910014231_create_donations.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20140910030549_create_donation_features.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20140910181819_add_email_to_donations.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20140910204019_create_campaigns.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20140910204043_add_campaign_id_to_donation.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20150225194522_add_advertised_to_campaign.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20150728192329_add_description_to_campaigns.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20150728195029_add_name_to_campaigns.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20150802202909_add_theme_id_to_campaigns.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20150905181350_add_basic_image_hash_to_pet_types.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20150923052017_add_thanks_to_campaign.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20150927033046_create_news_posts.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20170105205222_add_purpose_to_campaigns.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20180509210338_add_manual_special_color_id_to_items.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20230729181111_drop_news_posts.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20230802195548_drop_wardrobe_tips.rb Oops, should've used migration version 4.2 2023-10-23 19:05:08 -07:00
20231024221826_delete_orphaned_closet_hangers.rb Stop orphaning hangers when deleting lists 2023-10-24 15:35:21 -07:00
20231110043543_add_manifest_url_to_swf_assets.rb Move manifest backfill to swf_assets:manifests task 2023-11-10 16:52:50 -08:00
20231111232015_remove_image_mode_tester_from_users.rb Remove old Image Mode stuff 2023-11-11 15:21:49 -08:00
20231111234255_remove_mall_spider_fields_from_item.rb Remove unused NC Mall spider code & fields 2023-11-11 15:45:38 -08:00
20240119061745_add_last_trade_activity_at_to_users.rb Save last trade activity time onto User 2024-01-19 00:00:46 -08:00
20240123125509_add_name_to_species_and_color.rb Improve species/color name migration performance & correctness 2024-01-23 05:30:42 -08:00
20240123133215_add_label_and_plain_label_to_zones.rb Start migrating off globalize gem for zones 2024-01-23 05:43:00 -08:00
20240124102340_create_alt_styles.rb Add alt style support to modeling 2024-01-24 03:25:23 -08:00
20240129114639_add_support_staff_to_users.rb Add support_staff flag to user record; they can use Support tools 2024-01-29 04:21:19 -08:00
20240201134440_add_alt_style_id_to_outfits.rb Add Alt Style support to outfit saving 2024-02-01 05:55:19 -08:00
20240203161355_drop_translations_for_colors_and_species_and_zones.rb Migration to drop {color,species,zone}_translations 2024-02-03 08:20:18 -08:00
20240220230420_add_translated_fields_directly_to_items.rb Add translated item fields directly to the Item model 2024-02-20 15:25:03 -08:00
20240221004332_fix_default_value_for_modeling_logs_created_at.rb Fix default value for Impress 2020's modeling_logs.created_at 2024-02-20 16:46:19 -08:00
20240221005949_drop_item_translations.rb Drop item_translations table 2024-02-20 17:01:54 -08:00
20240225231346_add_manifest_loaded_at_and_manifest_status_code_to_swf_assets.rb Track when manifest was last loaded, and what status it returned 2024-02-25 15:35:04 -08:00
20240227231815_add_series_name_to_alt_styles.rb Add series_name database field to alt styles 2024-02-27 15:28:05 -08:00
20240227233743_change_default_for_alt_styles_series_name.rb Update series_name for alt styles to be null, with a fallback string 2024-02-27 15:48:28 -08:00
20240229015410_convert_all_tables_to_utf8mb4.rb Improve Unicode support, emojis don't crash us anymore lol! 2024-02-28 18:54:27 -08:00
20240323234243_increase_limit_for_item_outfit_relationships_id.rb Increase ID column limit for item_outfit_relationships 2024-03-24 11:09:40 +11:00