Emi Matchu 77d88e50a6 Oh right, make the item kind badges translatable!
Also make it an abbr, which means we need to override the default
text-decoration on it
2024-01-21 05:41:55 -08:00

48 lines
2.2 KiB

- raise ArgumentError unless defined? item
- raise ArgumentError unless defined? trades
- raise ArgumentError unless defined? current_subpage
= image_tag item.thumbnail_url, class: 'item-thumbnail'
- if
%abbr.item-kind{'data-type' => 'nc', title: t('')}
= t('')
- elsif item.pb?
%abbr.item-kind{'data-type' => 'pb', title: t('')}
= t('')
- else
%abbr.item-kind{'data-type' => 'np', title: t('')}
= t('')
= link_to t(''), jn_items_url_for(item)
- if item.nc_trade_value
= link_to t('', value: item.nc_trade_value.value_text),
title: nc_trade_value_updated_at_text(item.nc_trade_value)
- unless
= link_to t(''), shop_wizard_url_for(item)
= link_to t(''), super_shop_wizard_url_for(item)
= link_to t(''), trading_post_url_for(item)
= link_to t(''), auction_genie_url_for(item)
%p.item-description= @item.description
= link_to t(''), item,
class: ['preview-link'], 'data-is-current' => current_subpage == 'preview'
%header= t('')
= link_to t('',
count: trades[:offering].size),
item_trades_path(item, type: 'offering'),
'data-is-current' => current_subpage == 'trades_offering'
= link_to t('',
count: trades[:offering].size),
item_trades_path(item, type: 'seeking'),
'data-is-current' => current_subpage == 'trades_seeking'