Fork 1
Emi Matchu 82be7fe301 Move most fundraising files into a Fundraising module
Mostly this is just me testing out what it would look like to
modularize the app more… I've noticed that some concerns, like
fundraising, are just not relevant to most of the app, and being able
to lock them away inside subfolders feels like it'll help tidy up
long folder lists.

Notably, I haven't touched the models case yet, because I worry that
might be a bit more complex, whereas everything else seems pretty
well-isolated? We'll try it out!
2024-02-18 20:12:14 -08:00

131 lines
5.7 KiB

- title "Support Dress to Impress"
- if @current_campaign.progress > 0
= campaign_progress(@current_campaign) do
We've received #{cents_to_currency(@current_campaign.progress)}
toward #{@current_campaign.purpose}.
Thanks so much!
-# TODO: Reinstall Stripe before showing the checkout form
= form_tag donations_path, method: 'POST', id: 'donation-form',
'data-checkout-image' => image_path('default_preview.png'),
'data-checkout-publishable-key' => Rails.configuration.stripe[:publishable_key],
'data-campaign-theme' => @current_campaign.theme_id do
= hidden_field_tag 'donation[stripe_token]'
= hidden_field_tag 'donation[stripe_token_type]'
= hidden_field_tag 'donation[donor_email]'
= hidden_field_tag 'donation[amount]'
Thanks for supporting Dress to Impress!
From modeling to servers, Dress to Impress is a community effort.
This year, we need to raise
#{cents_to_currency(@current_campaign.goal, precision: 0)}
to cover our #{@current_campaign.name} hosting costs.
As a thank-you gift, for every $5 you give, we'll feature one of your
outfits here and on the homepage. Show off your latest designs!
All donations are securely powered by
#{link_to 'Stripe', 'https://stripe.com/'}, and go directly toward our
hosting costs. Thank you for your help!
#amount-header Amount
%input#amount-5{type: 'radio', name: 'amount', value: '5.00'}
%label{for: 'amount-5'} $5
%input#amount-10{type: 'radio', name: 'amount', value: '10.00'}
%label{for: 'amount-10'} $10
%input#amount-30{type: 'radio', name: 'amount', value: '20.00', checked: true}
%label{for: 'amount-30'} $20
%input#amount-50{type: 'radio', name: 'amount', value: '50.00'}
%label{for: 'amount-50'} $50
%input#amount-custom{type: 'radio', name: 'amount', value: 'custom'}
%label{for: 'amount-custom'} Other
%label#amount-custom-fields{for: 'amount-custom-value'}
%input#amount-custom-value{type: 'text'}
%button{type: 'submit'} Donate now!
- if @donations.present?
%h2 Thanks to our lovely donors!
- if @all_campaigns.length > 1
- @all_campaigns.each do |campaign|
- if campaign == @campaign
%strong= campaign.name
- else
= link_to campaign.name, campaign
- @donations.each do |donation|
-# if large_donation?(donation.amount)
Thanks, #{donation.donor_name}, for donating
#{number_to_currency(donation.amount / 100.0)}!
- donation.features.each do |feature|
- if outfit_image?(feature.outfit) || !large_donation?(donation.amount)
- if outfit_image?(feature.outfit)
= link_to image_tag(feature.outfit.image.small.url), feature.outfit
- else
= image_tag 'default_preview.png'
%header Thanks, #{donation.donor_name.presence || 'Anonymous'}!
- else
- current_index = @all_campaigns.index(@campaign)
- prev_campaign = @all_campaigns[current_index + 1]
- if prev_campaign
%p#last-years-donors= link_to "Don't forget to check out last year's donors, too!", prev_campaign
%h2 Some notes on featured outfits
**TL;DR: We love to help and acknowledge our good-faith donors,
but reserve the right not to do those things,
in order to better handle bad-faith donors and unexpected circumstances.**
#{image_tag 'emoticons/smiley.gif'}
When you make a donation, we'll divide the amount by $5 USD, and, rounding
down, that's how many of your outifts we'll feature. This is our way of
publicly thanking our donors, and we love doing it! However, it is not a
purchased service. Your outfit is not guaranteed to appear anywhere on the
site, for any amount of time. (That said, our donors' outfits generally
appear on the site very quickly, and we plan to continue to showcase them
for as long as the site stays up!)
We reserve the right to refuse to post any content for any reason, and we
reserve the right to remove any previously posted content at any time for
any reason. If we we're not comfortable with the outfit's name, the
outfit's appearance, or the name on your donation, or anything else, then
we might choose not to publish it.
(That said, we plan to allow any name and outfit that are appropriate for
Neopians of all ages.)
If you change your mind about donating, no worries: you can request a
refund at any time #{image_tag 'emoticons/smiley.gif'} If it's within 30
days of when you donated, then we promise to refund your donation as soon
as we can. If it's been longer, we're a bit more limited in what we can do,
but we'll try our best to help! Additionally, if we remove your outfit
because we didn't feel comfortable showcasing it, then we may choose not to
issue a refund, regardless of when you ask. (Sorry for the extra
complexity, but this exception helps us discourage bad behavior.)
We also accept donations via PayPal.
#{mail_to 'webmaster@openneo.net', "Please email us for more information."}
Thank you!!
- content_for :javascripts do
= javascript_include_tag 'https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js',
- content_for :stylesheets do
= stylesheet_link_tag 'fundraising/campaigns/show'