Emi Matchu
To activate this, I created a `.env.development` file in my project root, with the following content: ```env IMPRESS_2020_ORIGIN=http://localhost:4000 ``` Then, I started impress-2020 with `yarn dev --port=4000`. Now, the app loads from there, hooray!! It even fixes that obnoxious pet state ID bug that happens when you run against the production db lol
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77 lines
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%meta{charset: 'utf-8'}
- if content_for? :title
= yield :title
- if content_for? :title_category
= yield :title_category
- else
#{t 'app_name'}: #{t '.title_tagline'}
%link{href: image_path('favicon.png'), rel: 'icon'}
= yield :stylesheets
= stylesheet_link_tag "application"
= render 'static/analytics'
= yield :meta
= open_graph_tags
= csrf_meta_tag
= impress_2020_meta_tag
= signed_in_meta_tag
- if user_signed_in?
= current_user_id_meta_tag
%body{:class => body_class}
= yield :before_title
= render 'static/announcement'
- if content_for?(:title) && show_title_header?
%h1#title= yield :title
= yield :before_flashes
= flashes
- if content_for? :content
= yield(:content)
- else
= yield
- if home_link?
%a#home-link{:href => root_path}
%span= t 'app_name'
- if user_signed_in?
= t '.userbar.greeting', :user_name => current_user.name
= userbar_contributions_summary(current_user)
= link_to t('.userbar.items'), user_closet_hangers_path(current_user), :id => 'userbar-items-link'
= link_to t('.userbar.outfits'), current_user_outfits_path
= link_to t('.userbar.settings'), edit_auth_user_registration_path
= button_to t('.userbar.logout'), destroy_auth_user_session_path, method: :delete,
params: {return_to: request.fullpath}
- else
= link_to auth_user_sign_in_path_with_return_to, :id => 'userbar-log-in' do
%span= t('.userbar.login')
= form_tag choose_locale_path, :id => 'locale-form' do
= hidden_field_tag 'return_to', request.fullpath
= select_tag 'locale', options_for_select(locale_options, locale)
%noscript= submit_tag 'Go'
%li= link_to t('organization_name'), 'https://openneo.net/'
%li= link_to t('.footer.blog'), 'https://blog.openneo.net/'
%li= link_to t('.footer.source_code'), 'https://github.com/openneo/impress'
%li= link_to t('.footer.terms'), terms_path
%li= mail_to contact_email, t('.footer.email')
%p= t '.footer.copyright', :year => Date.today.year
= javascript_include_tag 'application'
= yield(:javascripts)