Emi Matchu
Because we ended up with such a big error, and it doesn't have an easy fix, I'm wrapping up today by reverting the entire set of refactors we've done lately, so modeling in production can continue while we improve this code further over time. I generated this commit by hand-picking the refactor-y commits recently, running `git revert --no-commit <hash>` in reverse order, then manually updating `pet_spec.rb` to reflect the state of the code: passing the most important behavioral tests, but no longer passing one of the kinds of annoyances I *did* fix in the new code. ```shell git revert --no-commit48c1a58df9
git revert --no-commit42e7eabdd8
git revert --no-commitd82c7f817a
git revert --no-commit5264947608
git revert --no-commit90407403ba
git revert --no-commit242b85470d
git revert --no-commit9eaee4a2d4
git revert --no-commit52ca41dbff
git revert --no-commitc03e7446e3
git revert --no-commitf81415d327
git revert --no-commit13ceec8fcc
144 lines
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144 lines
6 KiB
require "active_support/core_ext/integer/time"
Rails.application.configure do
# Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb.
# Code is not reloaded between requests.
config.enable_reloading = false
# Eager load code on boot. This eager loads most of Rails and
# your application in memory, allowing both threaded web servers
# and those relying on copy on write to perform better.
# Rake tasks automatically ignore this option for performance.
config.eager_load = true
# Full error reports are disabled and caching is turned on.
config.consider_all_requests_local = false
config.action_controller.perform_caching = true
# Ensures that a master key has been made available in ENV["RAILS_MASTER_KEY"], config/master.key, or an environment
# key such as config/credentials/production.key. This key is used to decrypt credentials (and other encrypted files).
# config.require_master_key = true
# Enable static file serving from the `/public` folder (turn off if using NGINX/Apache for it).
config.public_file_server.enabled = false
# Compress CSS using a preprocessor.
# config.assets.css_compressor = :sass
# Compress JS using a preprocessor.
config.assets.js_compressor = :terser
# Do not fallback to assets pipeline if a precompiled asset is missed.
config.assets.compile = false
# Enable serving of images, stylesheets, and JavaScripts from an asset server.
# config.asset_host = "http://assets.example.com"
# Specifies the header that your server uses for sending files.
# config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = "X-Sendfile" # for Apache
# config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = "X-Accel-Redirect" # for NGINX
# Store uploaded files on the local file system (see config/storage.yml for options).
# config.active_storage.service = :local
# Mount Action Cable outside main process or domain.
# config.action_cable.mount_path = nil
# config.action_cable.url = "wss://example.com/cable"
# config.action_cable.allowed_request_origins = [ "http://example.com", /http:\/\/example.*/ ]
# Assume all access to the app is happening through a SSL-terminating reverse proxy.
# Can be used together with config.force_ssl for Strict-Transport-Security and secure cookies.
config.assume_ssl = true
# Disable serving static files from the `/public` folder by default since
# Apache or NGINX already handles this.
config.public_file_server.enabled = ENV['RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES'].present?
# Don't fallback to assets pipeline if a precompiled asset is missed
config.assets.compile = false
# Force all access to the app over SSL, use Strict-Transport-Security, and use secure cookies.
config.force_ssl = true
# Log to STDOUT by default
config.logger = ActiveSupport::Logger.new(STDOUT)
.tap { |logger| logger.formatter = ::Logger::Formatter.new }
.then { |logger| ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(logger) }
# Prepend all log lines with the following tags.
config.log_tags = [ :request_id ]
config.react.variant = :production
# Info include generic and useful information about system operation, but avoids logging too much
# information to avoid inadvertent exposure of personally identifiable information (PII). If you
# want to log everything, set the level to "debug".
config.log_level = ENV.fetch("RAILS_LOG_LEVEL", "info")
# Use a different cache store in production.
# config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = {host: "impress.openneo.net"}
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
:address => "smtp.fastmail.com",
:port => 465,
:tls => true,
:domain => "openneo.net",
:authentication => :login,
:user_name => "matchu@openneo.net",
:password => Rails.application.credentials.matchu_email_password,
:enable_starttls_auto => false
config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true
config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true
config.action_mailer.perform_caching = false
# Use a real queuing backend for Active Job (and separate queues per environment).
# config.active_job.queue_adapter = :resque
# config.active_job.queue_name_prefix = "openneo_impress_items_production"
# Ignore bad email addresses and do not raise email delivery errors.
# Set this to true and configure the email server for immediate delivery to raise delivery errors.
# config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false
# Enable locale fallbacks for I18n (makes lookups for any locale fall back to
# the I18n.default_locale when a translation cannot be found).
config.i18n.fallbacks = true
# Don't log any deprecations.
config.active_support.report_deprecations = false
# Do not dump schema after migrations.
config.active_record.dump_schema_after_migration = false
# Enable DNS rebinding protection and other `Host` header attacks.
# config.hosts = [
# "example.com", # Allow requests from example.com
# /.*\.example\.com/ # Allow requests from subdomains like `www.example.com`
# ]
# Skip DNS rebinding protection for the default health check endpoint.
# config.host_authorization = { exclude: ->(request) { request.path == "/up" } }
# Use the live copy of Impress 2020. (Can override this with the
# IMPRESS_2020_ORIGIN environment variable!)
config.impress_2020_origin = ENV.fetch("IMPRESS_2020_ORIGIN",
# Save the Neopets Media Archive in `/var/lib/neopets-media-archive`, a
# long-term storage location.
config.neopets_media_archive_root = "/var/lib/neopets-media-archive"
# Save our public data exports in `public/public-data`. (This should be
# symlinked to a shared folder persisted across all versions.)
config.public_data_root = Rails.root / "public" / "public-data"
# Use the live NeoPass production server.
config.neopass_origin = "https://oidc.neopets.com"
# Set the NeoPass redirect callback URL.
config.neopass_redirect_uri =