
138 lines
5.5 KiB

- hide_home_link
= advertise_campaign_progress @campaign
%p#pet-not-found.alert= t 'pets.load.not_found'
- if show_announcement?
= image_tag "about/announcement.png", width: 70, height: 70,
srcset: {"about/announcement@2x.png": "2x"},
class: "neopass-thumbnail"
= link_to "We've updated the item page!",
It should load faster, work better on phones, and be more reliable—no
more "failed to fetch"! Please try it out and let us know if it does
anything weird!!
%p{style: "font-style: italic; opacity: .85; font-size: 85%"}
By the way, our integration work with TNT is on pause while they focus
on the
= link_to "~Void Within plot~!", "",
target: "_blank", style: "color: purple; font-weight: bold"
We'll start it back up closer to the new year.
- localized_cache :action_suffix => 'outfit_forms_intro' do
= image_tag 'default_preview.png', :alt => ''
%h1= t 'app_name'
%h2= t '.tagline'
= form_tag load_pet_path, method: 'POST', class: 'primary load-pet-to-wardrobe' do
= hidden_field_tag 'destination', 'wardrobe'
%legend= t '.load_pet'
= pet_name_tag class: 'main-pet-name'
%button{:type => "submit"}
= t '.submit.primary'
= form_tag wardrobe_path, method: 'GET', class: 'secondary start-from-scratch', authenticity_token: false do
%legend= t '.start_from_scratch'
= pet_attribute_select 'color', @colors, 8
= pet_attribute_select 'species', @species
%button{:type => "submit"}
= t('.submit.secondary')
- localized_cache :action_suffix => 'your_items_module' do
= link_to image_tag('your_items.png'), your_items_path
%h3= link_to t('your_items'), your_items_path
%h4= t '.your_items.tagline'
%p= t '.your_items.description'
= form_tag users_path, :method => 'get' do
= text_field_tag 'name', '', :type => 'search',
:placeholder => t('.your_items.user_search.placeholder')
= submit_tag t('.your_items.user_search.submit')
- localized_cache :action_suffix => 'infinite_closet_module' do
= link_to image_tag('items.png'), items_path
%h3= link_to t('infinite_closet'), items_path
%h4= t '.infinite_closet.tagline'
%p= t '.infinite_closet.description'
= form_tag items_path, :method => 'get' do
= text_field_tag 'q', '', :type => 'search',
:placeholder => t('.infinite_closet.item_search.placeholder')
= submit_tag t('.infinite_closet.item_search.submit')
= link_to bulk_pets_path do
= image_tag ''
%h3= link_to t('modeling_hub'), bulk_pets_path
%h4= t '.modeling_hub.tagline'
%p= t '.modeling_hub.description'
= form_tag load_pet_path, method: 'POST' do
= pet_name_tag placeholder: t('.modeling_hub.load_pet.placeholder'),
required: true
= submit_tag t('.modeling_hub.load_pet.submit')
- if @latest_contribution # will be nil for a fresh copy of the site ;P
= link_to t('.latest_contribution.header'), contributions_path, :id => 'recent-contributions-link'
= latest_contribution_description(@latest_contribution)
%abbr#latest-contribution-created-at{:title => @latest_contribution.created_at.getutc.iso8601}
- if @newest_unmodeled_items.present?
%h3= t '.newest_items.unmodeled.header'
- @newest_unmodeled_items.each do |item|
- localized_cache "items/#{} modeling_progress updated_at=#{item.updated_at.to_i}" do
%li{'data-item-id' =>}
= link_to image_tag(item.thumbnail_url), item, :class => 'image-link'
= link_to item, :class => 'header' do
%span.meter{style: "width: #{@newest_unmodeled_items_predicted_modeled_ratio[item]*100}%"}
= render_predicted_missing_species_by_color(@newest_unmodeled_items_predicted_missing_species_by_color[item])
- if @newest_modeled_items.present?
%h3= t '.newest_items.modeled.header'
- @newest_modeled_items.each do |item|
= link_to item, title:, alt: do
= image_tag item.thumbnail_url
= nc_icon_for(item)
- localized_cache :action_suffix => 'templates' do
%script#pet-query-notice-template{:type => 'text/x-jquery-tmpl'}
%img.inline-image{:src => '${pet_image_url}'}
= t '.pet_query.notice_html', :pet_name => '${pet_name}'
%script#preview-pet-type-not-found-template{:type => 'text/x-jquery-tmpl'}
= t '.preview.pet_type_not_found', :color_name => '${color_name}',
:species_name => '${species_name}'
%script#preview-pet-not-found-template{:type => 'text/x-jquery-tmpl'}
= t '.preview.pet_not_found'
- content_for :javascripts do
= include_javascript_libraries :jquery, :jquery_tmpl
= javascript_include_tag 'ajax_auth', 'lib/jquery.timeago', defer: true
- content_for :javascripts_body do
= javascript_include_tag 'outfits/new', defer: true