Emi Matchu 610177d3f5 Remove supervisor from the Falcon process?
Idk what it's doing, but what I do know is the Falcon process is
weirdly slow to restart on deploy. My hope was this would fix it cuz
the supervisor was maybe blocking process exits? Idk, something to look
into, I don't think this fixed it but I also don't think it broke
anything, and I think systemd is doing a fine job monitoring already?
2024-01-24 00:20:23 -08:00

10 lines
239 B

#!/usr/bin/env -S falcon host
# frozen_string_literal: true
load :rack
hostname = File.basename(__dir__)
rack hostname do
endpoint Async::HTTP::Endpoint.parse('http://localhost:3000').
with(protocol: Async::HTTP::Protocol::HTTP1)