Emi Matchu 3eeb5d1065 Actually create user from NeoPass authentication! <3 <3
Whew, exciting! Still done nothing against the live NeoPass server, but
we've got this fully working with the development server, it seems!

This is all still hidden behind secret flags, so it's fine to deploy
live. (And it's not actually a problem if someone gets past to the
endpoints behind it, because we haven't actually set up real
credentials for our NeoPass client yet, so authentication will fail!)

Okay time to lie down lol.
2024-03-14 19:11:06 -07:00

48 lines
1.6 KiB

class Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController < ApplicationController
rescue_from AuthUser::MissingAuthInfoError, with: :missing_auth_info
rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, with: :validation_failed
def neopass
@auth_user = AuthUser.from_omniauth(request.env["omniauth.auth"])
if @auth_user.previously_new_record?
flash[:notice] =
"Welcome to Dress to Impress, #{}! We've set up a DTI " +
"account for you. Click Settings in the top right to learn more, or " +
"just go ahead and get started!"
flash[:notice] = "Welcome back, #{}! 💖"
sign_in_and_redirect @auth_user, event: :authentication
def failure
flash[:warning] =
"Hrm, something went wrong in our connection to NeoPass, sorry! " +
"Maybe wait a moment and try again?"
redirect_to new_auth_user_session_path
def missing_auth_info(error)
Sentry.capture_exception error
Rails.logger.error error.full_message
flash[:warning] =
"Hrm, our connection with NeoPass didn't return the information we " +
"usually expect, sorry! If this keeps happening, please email me at " +
" so I can help investigate!"
redirect_to new_auth_user_session_path
def validation_failed(error)
Sentry.capture_exception error
Rails.logger.error error.full_message
flash[:warning] =
"Hrm, the connection with NeoPass worked, but we had trouble saving " +
"your account, sorry! If this keeps happening, please email me at " +
" so I can help investigate!"
redirect_to new_auth_user_session_path