- title "Import from #{@neopets_page.name}, Page #{@neopets_page.index}" - content_for :before_flashes do = link_to 'Back to Your Items', user_closet_hangers_path(current_user), :id => 'back-to-items' = form_for @neopets_page, :html => {:id => 'closet-page-form'} do |f| = f.hidden_field :index #closet-page-frame-wrapper %span %strong Page #{@neopets_page.index} of your #{@neopets_page.name} %iframe#closet-page-frame{:src => @neopets_page.url} #closet-page-source = f.label :source, "Paste source code below" = f.text_area :source = f.submit 'Import items' :markdown **Welcome to the bulk #{@neopets_page.name} importer!** We're going to make it as easy as possible to import your Neopets.com #{@neopets_page.name} data into your Dress to Impress items list. Here's how it works. 1. Check the framed Neopets.com window on the left, pointing to [page #{@neopets_page.index} of your #{@neopets_page.name}][cp]. * **Confirm that you're logged in.** If you're logged into Neopets, but the above frame says that you're not, try enabling "third-party cookies" in your browser. (Most have that on by default.) * **If you haven't logged in, #{link_to_neopets_login "do so in another window"}.** It's never a good idea to log in inside of a frame, unless you're a web programmer pro who can check that the frame does, in fact, point to Neopets.com. To be safe, #{link_to_neopets_login "pull up another window, check the URL, and log in safely"}. * **Confirm that the page is, in fact, your #{@neopets_page.name}.** Similarly, don't just trust a website when they tell you to copy-paste the source code of another site. Instead, check that the page is what it is supposed to be and does not contain any information you didn't mean to give out. 2. View the frame's source code. * **In Google Chrome,** right-click the frame and choose **View Frame Source**. * **In Firefox,** right-click the frame, choose **This Frame**, then **View Frame Source**. * In other browsers, right-click, and look for something similar. If you're still having trouble, try #{link_to "viewing the page in a new window", @neopets_page.url, :target => "_blank"}, right-clicking, and choosing View Source. 3. Highlight the entire source code, and copy-paste it into the box on the right. * Some nifty shortcuts: Ctrl-A to select all the text, Ctrl-C to copy it, Ctrl-V to paste it in. 4. Submit! * We'll analyze the code you sent us, grab exclusively the identity and quantity of items in your #{@neopets_page.name}, and add that to your Dress to Impress items list. I promise it's all safe, but, if you're concerned, find a programmer buddy and [check out the source code to be sure][source]. [cp]: #{@neopets_page.url} [source]: http://github.com/matchu/openneo-impress-rails