- title "#{@pet_type.human_name}: #{pose_name @pet_state.pose} [\##{@pet_state.id}]" - use_responsive_design = outfit_viewer pet_state: @pet_state %dl %dt{title: "Pose usually affects just the eyes and mouth. Neopets " + "genders these as Male/Female, but I don't like those " + "terms for like… it's just eyelashes! Sheesh!"} Pose %dd = pose_name @pet_state.pose - if @pet_state.pose == "UNCONVERTED" (Retired, replaced by #{link_to "Alt Styles", alt_styles_path}) %dt{title: "This is our own internal ID number, nothing to do with " + "Neopets's official data."} DTI ID %dd= @pet_state.id %dt{title: "When we notice a form looks wrong, we mark it Glitched, to " + "tell our systems to prefer other forms for this pose instead."} Glitched? %dd - if @pet_state.glitched? 👾 Yes, it's bad news bonko'd - else ✅ Not marked as Glitched - content_for :stylesheets do = stylesheet_link_tag "application/hanger-spinner" = stylesheet_link_tag "application/outfit-viewer" = stylesheet_link_tag "pet_states/show" - content_for :javascripts do = javascript_include_tag "outfit-viewer", async: true