!!! 5 %html %head %meta{charset: "utf-8"} %meta{name: "viewport", content: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"} %title Embed for Asset ##{@swf_asset.id} | #{t "app_name"} %link{href: image_path("favicon.png"), rel: "icon"} -# Load the stylesheet first, because displaying things correctly is the -# actual most essential thing. = stylesheet_link_tag "swf_assets/show", debug: false -# NOTE: For all these assets, the Content-Security-Policy doesn't account -# for asset debug mode, so let's just opt out of it with `debug: false`! - if @swf_asset.canvas_movie? -# This is optional, but preloading the sprites can help us from having -# to wait on all the other JS to load and set up before we start! - @swf_asset.canvas_movie_sprite_urls.each do |sprite_url| %link{rel: "preload", href: sprite_url, as: "image", crossorigin: "anonymous"} -# Load the scripts: EaselJS libs first, then the asset's "library" file, -# then our page script that starts the movie. = javascript_include_tag "easeljs.min", defer: true, debug: false = javascript_include_tag "tweenjs.min", defer: true, debug: false = javascript_include_tag @swf_asset.canvas_movie_library_url, defer: true, id: "canvas-movie-library" = javascript_include_tag "swf_assets/show", defer: true, debug: false %body - if @swf_asset.canvas_movie? %canvas#asset-canvas -# Show a fallback image, for users with JS disabled. Lazy-load it, so -# the browser won't bother to load it if it's not used. = image_tag @swf_asset.image_url, id: "fallback", alt: "", loading: "lazy" - else = image_tag @swf_asset.image_url, alt: "", id: "asset-image"