# requires item sweeper at bottom class Item < ActiveRecord::Base include PrettyParam SwfAssetType = 'object' has_many :closet_hangers has_one :contribution, :as => :contributed has_many :parent_swf_asset_relationships, :as => :parent has_many :swf_assets, :through => :parent_swf_asset_relationships attr_writer :current_body_id, :owned, :wanted NCRarities = [0, 500] PAINTBRUSH_SET_DESCRIPTION = 'This item is part of a deluxe paint brush set!' SPECIAL_COLOR_DESCRIPTION_REGEX = /This item is only wearable by Neopets painted ([a-zA-Z]+)\./ SPECIAL_PAINTBRUSH_COLORS_PATH = Rails.root.join('config', 'colors_with_unique_bodies.txt') SPECIAL_PAINTBRUSH_COLORS = File.read(SPECIAL_PAINTBRUSH_COLORS_PATH).split("\n").map { |name| Color.find_by_name(name) } set_table_name 'objects' # Neo & PHP Impress call them objects, but the class name is a conflict (duh!) set_inheritance_column 'inheritance_type' # PHP Impress used "type" to describe category cattr_reader :per_page @@per_page = 30 scope :alphabetize, order('name ASC') scope :join_swf_assets, joins(:swf_assets).group('objects.id') scope :newest, order(arel_table[:created_at].desc) if arel_table[:created_at] scope :spidered_longest_ago, order(["(last_spidered IS NULL) DESC", "last_spidered DESC"]) scope :sold_in_mall, where(:sold_in_mall => true) scope :not_sold_in_mall, where(:sold_in_mall => false) scope :sitemap, select([:id, :name]).order(:id).limit(49999) scope :with_closet_hangers, joins(:closet_hangers) def closeted? @owned || @wanted end def nc? NCRarities.include?(rarity_index) end def owned? @owned end def wanted? @wanted end def restricted_zones unless @restricted_zones @restricted_zones = [] zones_restrict.split(//).each_with_index do |switch, id| @restricted_zones << Zone.find(id.to_i + 1) if switch == '1' end end @restricted_zones end def occupied_zones all_body_ids = [] zone_body_ids = {} selected_assets = swf_assets.select('body_id, zone_id').each do |swf_asset| zone_body_ids[swf_asset.zone_id] ||= [] body_ids = zone_body_ids[swf_asset.zone_id] body_ids << swf_asset.body_id unless body_ids.include?(swf_asset.body_id) all_body_ids << swf_asset.body_id unless all_body_ids.include?(swf_asset.body_id) end zones = [] total_body_ids = all_body_ids.size zone_body_ids.each do |zone_id, body_ids| zone = Zone.find(zone_id) zone.sometimes = true if body_ids.size < total_body_ids zones << zone end zones end def affected_zones restricted_zones + occupied_zones end def special_color @special_color ||= determine_special_color end protected def determine_special_color if description.include?(PAINTBRUSH_SET_DESCRIPTION) downcased_name = name.downcase SPECIAL_PAINTBRUSH_COLORS.each do |color| return color if downcased_name.include?(color.name) end end match = description.match(SPECIAL_COLOR_DESCRIPTION_REGEX) if match return Color.find_by_name(match[1].downcase) end end public def species_support_ids @species_support_ids_array ||= read_attribute('species_support_ids').split(',').map(&:to_i) rescue nil end def species_support_ids=(replacement) @species_support_ids_array = nil replacement = replacement.join(',') if replacement.is_a?(Array) write_attribute('species_support_ids', replacement) end def supported_species @supported_species ||= species_support_ids.blank? ? Species.all : species_support_ids.sort.map { |id| Species.find(id) } end def self.search(query, user=nil) raise SearchError, "Please provide a search query" unless query query = query.strip raise SearchError, "Search queries should be at least 3 characters" if query.length < 3 query_conditions = [Condition.new] in_phrase = false query.each_char do |c| if c == ' ' && !in_phrase query_conditions << Condition.new elsif c == '"' in_phrase = !in_phrase elsif c == ':' && !in_phrase query_conditions.last.to_filter! elsif c == '-' && !in_phrase && query_conditions.last.empty? query_conditions.last.negate! else query_conditions.last << c end end limited_filters_used = [] query_conditions.inject(self.scoped) do |scope, condition| if condition.filter? && LimitedSearchFilters.include?(condition.filter) if limited_filters_used.include?(condition.filter) raise SearchError, "The #{condition.filter} filter is complex; please only use one per search. Thanks!" else limited_filters_used << condition.filter end end condition.narrow(scope, user) end end def as_json(options = {}) { :description => description, :id => id, :name => name, :thumbnail_url => thumbnail_url, :zones_restrict => zones_restrict, :rarity_index => rarity_index, :owned => owned?, :wanted => wanted? } end before_create do self.sold_in_mall ||= false true end def handle_assets! if @parent_swf_asset_relationships_to_update && @current_body_id new_swf_asset_ids = @parent_swf_asset_relationships_to_update.map(&:swf_asset_id) rels = ParentSwfAssetRelationship.arel_table swf_assets = SwfAsset.arel_table # If a relationship used to bind an item and asset for this body type, # but doesn't in this sample, the two have been unbound. Delete the # relationship. ids_to_delete = self.parent_swf_asset_relationships. select(:remote_id). joins(:swf_asset). where(rels[:swf_asset_id].not_in(new_swf_asset_ids)). where(swf_assets[:body_id].in([@current_body_id, 0])). map(&:remote_id) unless ids_to_delete.empty? self.parent_swf_asset_relationships. where(rels[:swf_asset_id].in(ids_to_delete)). delete_all end @parent_swf_asset_relationships_to_update.each do |rel| rel.save! rel.swf_asset.save! end end end def origin_registry_info=(info) # bear in mind that numbers from registries are floats self.species_support_ids = info[:species_support].map(&:to_i) attribute_names.each do |attribute| value = info[attribute.to_sym] if value value = value.to_i if value.is_a? Float self[attribute] = value end end end def pending_swf_assets @parent_swf_asset_relationships_to_update.inject([]) do |all_swf_assets, relationship| all_swf_assets << relationship.swf_asset end end def parent_swf_asset_relationships_to_update=(rels) @parent_swf_asset_relationships_to_update = rels end def self.all_by_ids_or_children(ids, swf_assets) swf_asset_ids = [] swf_assets_by_id = {} swf_assets_by_parent_id = {} swf_assets.each do |swf_asset| id = swf_asset.id swf_assets_by_id[id] = swf_asset swf_asset_ids << id end SwfAsset.select([ SwfAsset.arel_table[:id], ParentSwfAssetRelationship.arel_table[:parent_id] ]).object_assets.joins(:parent_swf_asset_relationships). where(SwfAsset.arel_table[:id].in(swf_asset_ids)).each do |row| item_id = row.parent_id.to_i swf_assets_by_parent_id[item_id] ||= [] swf_assets_by_parent_id[item_id] << swf_assets_by_id[row.id.to_i] ids << item_id end find(ids).tap do |items| items.each do |item| swf_assets = swf_assets_by_parent_id[item.id] if swf_assets swf_assets.each do |swf_asset| swf_asset.item = item end end end end end def self.collection_from_pet_type_and_registries(pet_type, info_registry, asset_registry) # bear in mind that registries are arrays with many nil elements, # due to how the parser works # Collect existing items items = {} item_ids = [] info_registry.each do |item_id, info| if info && info[:is_compatible] item_ids << item_id.to_i end end # Collect existing relationships existing_relationships_by_item_id_and_swf_asset_id = {} existing_items = Item.find_all_by_id(item_ids, :include => :parent_swf_asset_relationships) existing_items.each do |item| items[item.id] = item relationships_by_swf_asset_id = {} item.parent_swf_asset_relationships.each do |relationship| relationships_by_swf_asset_id[relationship.swf_asset_id] = relationship end existing_relationships_by_item_id_and_swf_asset_id[item.id] = relationships_by_swf_asset_id end # Collect existing assets swf_asset_ids = [] asset_registry.each do |asset_id, asset_data| swf_asset_ids << asset_id.to_i if asset_data end existing_swf_assets = SwfAsset.object_assets.find_all_by_remote_id swf_asset_ids existing_swf_assets_by_id = {} existing_swf_assets.each do |swf_asset| existing_swf_assets_by_id[swf_asset.remote_id] = swf_asset end # With each asset in the registry, relationships_by_item_id = {} asset_registry.each do |asset_id, asset_data| if asset_data # Build and update the item item_id = asset_data[:obj_info_id].to_i next unless item_ids.include?(item_id) # skip incompatible (Uni Bug) item = items[item_id] unless item item = Item.new item.id = item_id items[item_id] = item end item.origin_registry_info = info_registry[item.id.to_s] item.current_body_id = pet_type.body_id # Build and update the SWF swf_asset_id = asset_data[:asset_id].to_i swf_asset = existing_swf_assets_by_id[swf_asset_id] unless swf_asset swf_asset = SwfAsset.new swf_asset.remote_id = swf_asset_id end swf_asset.origin_object_data = asset_data swf_asset.origin_pet_type = pet_type # Build and update the relationship relationship = existing_relationships_by_item_id_and_swf_asset_id[item.id][swf_asset.id] rescue nil unless relationship relationship = ParentSwfAssetRelationship.new relationship.parent = item relationship.swf_asset_id = swf_asset.id end relationship.swf_asset = swf_asset relationships_by_item_id[item_id] ||= [] relationships_by_item_id[item_id] << relationship end end # Set up the relationships to be updated on item save relationships_by_item_id.each do |item_id, relationships| items[item_id].parent_swf_asset_relationships_to_update = relationships end items.values end class << self MALL_HOST = 'ncmall.neopets.com' MALL_MAIN_PATH = '/mall/shop.phtml' MALL_CATEGORY_PATH = '/mall/ajax/load_page.phtml' MALL_CATEGORY_QUERY = 'type=browse&cat={cat}&lang=en' MALL_CATEGORY_TRIGGER = /load_items_pane\("browse", ([0-9]+)\);/ MALL_JSON_ITEM_DATA_KEY = 'object_data' MALL_ITEM_URL_TEMPLATE = 'http://images.neopets.com/items/%s.gif' MALL_MAIN_URI = Addressable::URI.new :scheme => 'http', :host => MALL_HOST, :path => MALL_MAIN_PATH MALL_CATEGORY_URI = Addressable::URI.new :scheme => 'http', :host => MALL_HOST, :path => MALL_CATEGORY_PATH, :query => MALL_CATEGORY_QUERY MALL_CATEGORY_TEMPLATE = Addressable::Template.new MALL_CATEGORY_URI def spider_mall! # Load the mall HTML, scan it for category onclicks items = {} spider_request(MALL_MAIN_URI).scan(MALL_CATEGORY_TRIGGER) do |match| # Plug the category ID into the URI for that category's JSON document uri = MALL_CATEGORY_TEMPLATE.expand :cat => match[0] begin # Load up that JSON and send it off to be parsed puts "Loading #{uri}..." category_items = spider_mall_category(spider_request(uri)) puts "...found #{category_items.size} items" items.merge!(category_items) rescue SpiderJSONError => e # If there was a parsing error, add where it came from Rails.logger.warn "Error parsing JSON at #{uri}, skipping: #{e.message}" end end puts "#{items.size} items found" all_item_ids = items.keys # Find which of these already exist but aren't marked as sold_in_mall so # we can update them as being sold Item.not_sold_in_mall.where(:id => items.keys).select([:id, :name]).each do |item| items.delete(item.id) item.sold_in_mall = true item.save puts "#{item.name} (#{item.id}) now in mall, updated" end # Find items marked as sold_in_mall so we can skip those we just found # if they already are properly marked, and mark those that we didn't just # find as no longer sold_in_mall Item.sold_in_mall.select([:id, :name]).each do |item| if all_item_ids.include?(item.id) items.delete(item.id) else item.sold_in_mall = false item.save puts "#{item.name} (#{item.id}) no longer in mall, removed sold_in_mall status" end end puts "#{items.size} new items" items.each do |item_id, item| item.save puts "Saved #{item.name} (#{item_id})" end items end def spider_mall_assets!(limit) items = self.select([arel_table[:id], arel_table[:name]]).sold_in_mall.spidered_longest_ago.limit(limit).all puts "- #{items.size} items need asset spidering" AssetStrategy.build_strategies items.each do |item| AssetStrategy.spider item end end def spider_request(uri) begin response = Net::HTTP.get_response uri rescue SocketError => e raise SpiderHTTPError, "Error loading #{uri}: #{e.message}" end unless response.is_a? Net::HTTPOK raise SpiderHTTPError, "Error loading #{uri}: Response was a #{response.class}" end response.body end private class AssetStrategy Strategies = {} MALL_ASSET_PATH = '/mall/ajax/get_item_assets.phtml' MALL_ASSET_QUERY = 'pet={pet_name}&oii={item_id}' MALL_ASSET_URI = Addressable::URI.new :scheme => 'http', :host => MALL_HOST, :path => MALL_ASSET_PATH, :query => MALL_ASSET_QUERY MALL_ASSET_TEMPLATE = Addressable::Template.new MALL_ASSET_URI def initialize(name, options) @name = name @pass = options[:pass] @complete = options[:complete] @pet_types = options[:pet_types] end def spider(item) puts " - Using #{@name} strategy" exit = false @pet_types.each do |pet_type| swf_assets = load_for_pet_type(item, pet_type) if swf_assets contains_body_specific_assets = false swf_assets.each do |swf_asset| if swf_asset.body_specific? contains_body_specific_assets = true break end end if contains_body_specific_assets if @pass Strategies[@pass].spider(item) unless @pass == :exit exit = true break end else # if all are universal, no need to spider more puts " - No body specific assets; moving on" exit = true break end end end if !exit && @complete && @complete != :exit Strategies[@complete].spider(item) end end private def load_for_pet_type(item, pet_type, banned_pet_ids=[]) pet_id = pet_type.pet_id pet_name = pet_type.pet_name pet_valid = nil begin pet = Pet.load(pet_name) if pet.pet_type_id == pet_type.id pet_valid = true else pet_valid = false puts " - Pet #{pet_name} is pet type \##{pet.pet_type_id}, not \##{pet_type.id}; saving it and loading new pet" pet.save! end rescue Pet::PetNotFound pet_valid = false puts " - Pet #{pet_name} no longer exists; destroying and loading new pet" Pet.find_by_name(pet_name).destroy end if pet_valid swf_assets = load_for_pet_name(item, pet_type, pet_name) if swf_assets puts " - Modeled with #{pet_name}, saved assets (#{swf_assets.map(&:id).join(', ')})" else puts " - Item #{item.name} does not fit #{pet_name}" end return swf_assets else banned_pet_ids << pet_id new_pet = pet_type.pets.select([:id, :name]).where(Pet.arel_table[:id].not_in(banned_pet_ids)).first if new_pet pet_type.pet_id = new_pet.id pet_type.pet_name = new_pet.name load_for_pet_type(item, pet_type, banned_pet_ids) else puts " - We have no more pets of type \##{pet_type.id}. Skipping" return nil end end end def load_for_pet_name(item, pet_type, pet_name) uri = MALL_ASSET_TEMPLATE. expand( :item_id => item.id, :pet_name => pet_name ) raw_data = Item.spider_request(uri) data = JSON.parse(raw_data) item_id_key = item.id.to_s if !data.empty? && data[item_id_key] && data[item_id_key]['asset_data'] data[item_id_key]['asset_data'].map do |asset_id_str, asset_data| item.zones_restrict = asset_data['restrict'] item.save swf_asset = SwfAsset.find_or_initialize_by_type_and_id(SwfAssetType, asset_id_str.to_i) swf_asset.type = SwfAssetType swf_asset.body_id = pet_type.body_id swf_asset.mall_data = asset_data item.swf_assets << swf_asset unless item.swf_assets.include? swf_asset swf_asset.save swf_asset end else nil end end class << self def add_strategy(name, options) Strategies[name] = new(name, options) end def add_cascading_strategy(name, options) pet_type_groups = options[:pet_types] pet_type_group_names = pet_type_groups.keys pet_type_group_names.each_with_index do |pet_type_group_name, i| remaining_pet_types = pet_type_groups[pet_type_group_name] first_pet_type = [remaining_pet_types.slice!(0)] cascade_name = "#{name}_cascade" next_name = pet_type_group_names[i + 1] next_name = next_name ? "group_#{next_name}" : options[:complete] first_strategy_options = {:complete => next_name, :pass => :exit, :pet_types => first_pet_type} unless remaining_pet_types.empty? first_strategy_options[:pass] = cascade_name add_strategy cascade_name, :complete => :exit, :pet_types => remaining_pet_types end add_strategy name, first_strategy_options name = next_name end end def spider(item) puts "- Spidering for #{item.name}" Strategies[:start].spider(item) item.last_spidered = Time.now item.save puts "- #{item.name} done spidering, saved last spidered timestamp" end def build_strategies if Strategies.empty? pet_type_t = PetType.arel_table require 'pet' # FIXME: console is whining when i don't do this pet_t = Pet.arel_table pet_types = PetType.select([pet_type_t[:id], pet_type_t[:body_id], "#{Pet.table_name}.id as pet_id, #{Pet.table_name}.name as pet_name"]). joins(:pets).group(pet_type_t[:id]) remaining_standard_pet_types = pet_types.single_standard_color.order(:species_id) first_standard_pet_type = [remaining_standard_pet_types.slice!(0)] add_strategy :start, :pass => :remaining_standard, :complete => :first_nonstandard_color, :pet_types => first_standard_pet_type add_strategy :remaining_standard, :complete => :exit, :pet_types => remaining_standard_pet_types add_cascading_strategy :first_nonstandard_color, :complete => :remaining_standard, :pet_types => pet_types.select(pet_type_t[:color_id]).nonstandard_colors.all.group_by(&:color_id) end end end end def spider_mall_category(json) begin items_data = JSON.parse(json)[MALL_JSON_ITEM_DATA_KEY] unless items_data raise SpiderJSONError, "Missing key #{MALL_JSON_ITEM_DATA_KEY}" end rescue Exception => e # Catch both errors parsing JSON and the missing key raise SpiderJSONError, e.message end items = {} items_data.each do |item_id, item_data| if item_data['isWearable'] == 1 relevant_item_data = item_data.slice('name', 'description', 'price') item = Item.new relevant_item_data item.id = item_data['id'] item.thumbnail_url = sprintf(MALL_ITEM_URL_TEMPLATE, item_data['imageFile']) item.sold_in_mall = true items[item.id] = item end end items end class SpiderError < RuntimeError;end class SpiderHTTPError < SpiderError;end class SpiderJSONError < SpiderError;end end private SearchFilterScopes = [] LimitedSearchFilters = [] def self.search_filter(name, options={}, &block) assume_complement = options.delete(:assume_complement) || true name = name.to_s SearchFilterScopes << name LimitedSearchFilters << name if options[:limit] (class << self; self; end).instance_eval do if options[:full] define_method "search_filter_#{name}", &options[:full] else if assume_complement define_method "search_filter_not_#{name}", &Item.search_filter_block(options, false, &block) end define_method "search_filter_#{name}", &Item.search_filter_block(options, true, &block) end end end def self.single_search_filter(name, options={}, &block) options[:assume_complement] = false search_filter name, options, &block end def self.search_filter_block(options, positive, &block) Proc.new { |str, user, scope| condition = block.arity == 1 ? block.call(str) : block.call(str, user) unless positive condition = condition.to_sql if condition.respond_to?(:to_sql) condition = "!(#{condition})" end scope = scope.send(options[:scope]) if options[:scope] scope.where(condition) } end search_filter :name do |name| arel_table[:name].matches("%#{name}%") end search_filter :description do |description| arel_table[:description].matches("%#{description}%") end def self.adjective_filters @adjective_filters ||= { 'nc' => arel_table[:rarity_index].in(NCRarities), 'pb' => arel_table[:description].eq(PAINTBRUSH_SET_DESCRIPTION) } end search_filter :is do |adjective| filter = adjective_filters[adjective] unless filter raise SearchError, "We don't know how an item can be \"#{adjective}\". " + "Did you mean is:nc or is:pb?" end filter end USER_ADJECTIVES = { 'own' => true, 'owns' => true, 'owned' => true, 'want' => false, 'wants' => false, 'wanted' => false, 'all' => nil, 'items' => nil } def self.parse_user_adjective(adjective, user) unless USER_ADJECTIVES.has_key?(adjective) raise SearchError, "We don't understand user:#{adjective}. " + "Find items you own with user:owns, items you want with user:wants, or " + "both with user:all" end unless user raise SearchError, "It looks like you're not logged in, so you don't own any items." end USER_ADJECTIVES[adjective] end search_filter :user do |adjective, user| # Though joins may seem more efficient here for the positive case, we need # to be able to handle cases like "user:owns user:wants", which breaks on # the JOIN approach. Just have to look up the IDs in advance. owned_value = parse_user_adjective(adjective, user) hangers = ClosetHanger.arel_table items = user.closeted_items items = items.where(ClosetHanger.arel_table[:owned].eq(owned_value)) unless owned_value.nil? item_ids = items.map(&:id) # Though it's best to do arel_table[:id].in(item_ids), it breaks in this # version of Arel, and other conditions will overwrite this one. Since IDs # are guaranteed to be integers, let's just build our own string condition # and be done with it. if item_ids.empty? raise SearchError, "You don't #{ClosetHanger.verb :you, owned_value} " + "any items yet. Head to Your Items to add some!" end arel_table[:id].in(item_ids) end search_filter :only do |species_name| begin id = Species.require_by_name(species_name).id rescue Species::NotFound => e raise SearchError, e.message end arel_table[:species_support_ids].eq(id.to_s) end search_filter :species do |species_name| begin id = Species.require_by_name(species_name).id rescue Species::NotFound => e raise SearchError, e.message end ids = arel_table[:species_support_ids] ids.eq('').or(ids.matches_any([ id, "#{id},%", "%,#{id},%", "%,#{id}" ])) end single_search_filter :type, {:limit => true, :scope => :join_swf_assets} do |zone_set_name| zone_set = Zone::ItemZoneSets[zone_set_name] raise SearchError, "Type \"#{zone_set_name}\" does not exist" unless zone_set SwfAsset.arel_table[:zone_id].in(zone_set.map(&:id)) end single_search_filter :not_type, :full => lambda { |zone_set_name, user, scope| zone_set = Zone::ItemZoneSets[zone_set_name] raise SearchError, "Type \"#{zone_set_name}\" does not exist" unless zone_set psa = ParentSwfAssetRelationship.arel_table.alias sa = SwfAsset.arel_table.alias # Join to SWF assets, including the zone condition in the join so that # SWFs that don't match end up being NULL rows. Then we take the max SWF # asset ID, which is NULL if and only if there are no rows that matched # the zone requirement. If that max was NULL, return the object. item_ids = select(arel_table[:id]).joins( "LEFT JOIN #{ParentSwfAssetRelationship.table_name} #{psa.name} ON " + psa[:parent_type].eq(self.name). and(psa[:parent_id].eq(arel_table[:id])). to_sql ). joins( "LEFT JOIN #{SwfAsset.table_name} #{sa.name} ON " + sa[:type].eq(SwfAssetType). and(sa[:id].eq(psa[:swf_asset_id])). and(sa[:zone_id].in(zone_set.map(&:id))). to_sql ). group("#{table_name}.id"). having("MAX(#{sa.name}.id) IS NULL"). # SwfAsset.arel_table[:id].maximum has no #eq map(&:id) scope.where(arel_table[:id].in(item_ids)) } class Condition < String attr_accessor :filter def initialize @positive = true end def filter? !@filter.nil? end def to_filter! @filter = self.clone self.replace '' end def negate! @positive = !@positive end def narrow(scope, user) if SearchFilterScopes.include?(filter) polarized_filter = @positive ? filter : "not_#{filter}" Item.send("search_filter_#{polarized_filter}", self, user, scope) else raise SearchError, "Filter #{filter} does not exist" end end def filter @filter || 'name' end def inspect @filter ? "#{@filter}:#{super}" : super end end class SearchError < ArgumentError;end end require 'item_sweeper'