class ClosetHanger < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :item belongs_to :list, class_name: 'ClosetList', optional: true belongs_to :user delegate :name, to: :item, prefix: true validates :item_id, :uniqueness => {:scope => [:user_id, :owned, :list_id]} validates :quantity, :numericality => {:greater_than => 0} validates_presence_of :item, :user validate :list_belongs_to_user scope :alphabetical_by_item_name, -> { it = Item::Translation.arel_table joins(:item => :translations).where(it[:locale].eq(I18n.locale)). order(it[:name].asc) } scope :newest, -> { order(arel_table[:created_at].desc) } scope :owned_before_wanted, -> { order(arel_table[:owned].desc) } scope :unlisted, -> { where(:list_id => nil) } {:owned => true, :wanted => false}.each do |name, owned| scope "#{name}_trading", -> { joins(:user).includes(:list). where(:owned => owned). where(( arel_table[:list_id].eq(nil).and( User.arel_table["#{name}_closet_hangers_visibility"].gteq(ClosetVisibility[:trading].id) ) ).or( ClosetList.arel_table[:visibility].gteq(ClosetVisibility[:trading].id) )) } end before_validation :merge_quantities, :set_owned_by_list def possibly_null_closet_list list || user.null_closet_list(owned) end def trading? end def possibly_null_list_id=(list_id_or_owned) if list_id_or_owned.to_s == 'true' || list_id_or_owned.to_s == 'false' self.list_id = nil self.owned = list_id_or_owned else self.list_id = list_id_or_owned # owned is set in the set_owned_by_list hook end end def verb(subject=:someone) self.class.verb(subject, owned?) end def self.verb(subject, owned, positive=true) base = (owned) ? 'own' : 'want' base << 's' if positive && subject != :you && subject != :i base end def self.preload_items( hangers, items_scope: Item.all, item_translations_scope: Item::Translation.all ) # Preload the records we need. (This is like `includes`, but `includes` # always selects all fields for all records, and we give the caller the # opportunity to specify which fields it actually wants via scope!) items = items_scope.where(id: translations = item_translations_scope.where(item_id: # Group the records by relevant IDs. translations_by_item_id = translations.group_by(&:item_id) items_by_id = items.to_h { |i| [, i] } # Assign the preloaded records to the records they belong to. (This is like # doing e.g. i.translations = ..., but that's a database write - we # actually just want to set the `translations` field itself directly! # Hacky, ripped from how `ActiveRecord::Associations::Preloader` does it!) items.each do |item| item.association(:translations).target = translations_by_item_id[] end hangers.each do |hanger| hanger.association(:item).target = items_by_id[hanger.item_id] end end def self.set_quantity!(quantity, options) quantity = quantity.to_i conditions = {:user_id => options[:user_id].to_i, :item_id => options[:item_id].to_i} if options[:key] == "true" conditions[:owned] = true conditions[:list_id] = nil elsif options[:key] == "false" conditions[:owned] = false conditions[:list_id] = nil else conditions[:list_id] = options[:key].to_i end hanger = self.where(conditions).first if quantity > 0 # If quantity is non-zero, create/update the corresponding hanger. unless hanger hanger = hanger.user_id = conditions[:user_id] hanger.item_id = conditions[:item_id] # One of the following will be nil, and that's okay. If owned is nil, # we'll cover for it before validation, as always. hanger.owned = conditions[:owned] hanger.list_id = conditions[:list_id] end hanger.quantity = quantity! elsif hanger # If quantity is zero and there's a hanger, destroy it. hanger.destroy end # If quantity is zero and there's no hanger, good. Do nothing. end protected def list_belongs_to_user if list_id? if list errors.add(:list_id, "must belong to you") unless list.user_id == user_id else errors.add(:list, "must exist") end end end def merge_quantities # Find a hanger that conflicts: for the same item, in the same user's # closet, same owned status, same list. It also must not be the current # hanger. Select enough for our logic and to update flex_source. # TODO: We deleted flex, does this reduce what data we need here? conflicting_hanger =[:id, :quantity, :user_id, :item_id, :owned]). where(:user_id => user_id, :item_id => item_id, :owned => owned, :list_id => list_id).where(['id != ?',]).first # If there is such a hanger, remove it and merge its quantity into this one. if conflicting_hanger self.quantity += conflicting_hanger.quantity conflicting_hanger.destroy end true end def set_owned_by_list self.owned = list.hangers_owned if list true end end