!!! %html %head %title Dress to Impress - Planning an outfit /[if lt IE 9] = javascript_include_tag "http://html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js" = stylesheet_link_tag "http://#{RemoteImpressHost}/assets/css/clean.css" %body.standard.outfits-edit.fullscreen #container %a#home-link{:href => "/"} %span Dress to Impress %h1#title Planning an outfit #pet-type-not-found.possible-error We haven't seen that combination before. Have you? Submit the pet's name if you have! #preview-toolbar %form#pet-type-form %select{:name => "color"} %select{:name => "species"} %input{:type => "submit", :value => "Go"}/ %form#pet-state-form Gender/Emotions: %ul #sharing %input#short-url-response{:type => "text", :value => "http://www.example.com/"}/ %button#short-url-button Short URL #share-button-wrapper %button#share-button.addthis_button %img{:src => "http://s7.addthis.com/static/t00/logo1414.gif"}/ Share #preview #preview-swf %p Flash and Javascript (but not Java!) are required to preview outfits. %p If this message stays after the page is done loading, check those first. #preview-closet %h2 Closet %ul %p#fullscreen-copyright Images © 2000-2010 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission %form#preview-search-form %header %h2 Add an item %input{:name => "query", :placeholder => "Search items...", :type => "search"}/ %input{:type => "submit", :value => "Go"}/ #preview-search-form-pagination %a#preview-search-form-clear{:href => "#"} clear %dl#preview-search-form-help %div %dt kreludor "altador cup" -background %dd returns any item with the word "kreludor" and the phrase "altador cup" in it, but not the word "background" %div %dt collar -is:nc -is:pb %dd returns any item with the word "collar" in it, but is not from the NC mall, and is not from a deluxe paint brush set %div %dt %span species: %span.search-helper{"data-search-filter" => "species"} Acara %dd returns any item a %span.search-helper{"data-search-filter" => "species"} Acara can wear %div %dt %span type: %span.search-helper{"data-search-filter" => "type"} background %dd returns any item that fills a %span.search-helper{"data-search-filter" => "type"} background zone #preview-search-form-loading Loading... #preview-search-form-error.possible-error #preview-search-form-no-results No results for "" %ul #no-assets-full-message We haven't seen this item on this body type before. Have you? Submit its name on the home page if you have! /[if IE] %script{:src => "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.0/jquery.min.js", :type => "text/javascript"} %script{:src => "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/swfobject/2.2/swfobject.js", :type => "text/javascript"} %script{:src => "http://bit.ly/javascript-api.js?version=latest&login=openneo&apiKey=R_4d0438829b7a99860de1d3edf55d8dc8", :type => "text/javascript"} %script{:src => "http://s7.addthis.com/js/250/addthis_widget.js#username=openneo", :type => "text/javascript"} %script{:src => "http://#{RemoteImpressHost}/assets/timestamped/js/jquery.jgrowl-v1278204174.js", :type => "text/javascript"} = include_javascripts :edit_outfit_package #userbar #userbar-login-with Login with: %ul#userbar-auth-servers %li %a{:href => "http://id.openneo.net/?app=impress&path=%2Fwardrobe&session_id=a9ddeffb83a923447e2f40a2fe8387dc"} %img{:src => "http://id.openneo.net/favicon.png"}/ %span OpenNeo ID #footer %ul %li %a{:href => "http://openneo.net/", :target => "_blank"} OpenNeo %li %a{:href => "http://blog.openneo.net/", :target => "_blank"} Blog %li %a{:href => "http://forum.openneo.net/", :target => "_blank"} Forum %li %a{:href => "http://github.com/matchu/openneo-impress"} The Source Code %li %a{:href => "/terms.html"} Terms of Use %div Contact: %ul %li %a{:href => "http://openneo.uservoice.com/forums/40720-dress-to-impress"} Feedback %li %a{:href => "mailto:webmaster@openneo.net"} Questions, comments, bug reports %p Images © 2000-2010 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission