import React from "react"; import gql from "graphql-tag"; import produce, { enableMapSet } from "immer"; import { useQuery, useApolloClient } from "@apollo/client"; import { useNavigate, useLocation, useSearchParams } from "react-router-dom"; import { itemAppearanceFragment } from "../components/useOutfitAppearance"; import { useSavedOutfit } from "../loaders/outfits"; enableMapSet(); export const OutfitStateContext = React.createContext(null); function useOutfitState() { const apolloClient = useApolloClient(); const navigate = useNavigate(); const urlOutfitState = useParseOutfitUrl(); const [localOutfitState, dispatchToOutfit] = React.useReducer( outfitStateReducer(apolloClient), urlOutfitState, ); // If there's an outfit ID (i.e. we're on /outfits/:id), load basic data // about the outfit. We'll use it to initialize the local state. const { isLoading: outfitLoading, error: outfitError, data: outfitData, status: outfitStatus, } = useSavedOutfit(, { enabled: != null }); const creator = outfitData?.creator; const updatedAt = outfitData?.updatedAt; // We memoize this to make `outfitStateWithoutExtras` an even more reliable // stable object! const savedOutfitState = React.useMemo( () => getOutfitStateFromOutfitData(outfitData), [outfitData], ); // When the saved outfit data comes in, we reset the local outfit state to // match. // TODO: I forget the details of why we have both resetting the local state, // and a thing where we fallback between the different kinds of outfit state. // Probably something about SSR when we were on Next.js? Could be simplified?` React.useEffect(() => { if (outfitStatus === "success") { dispatchToOutfit({ type: "resetToSavedOutfitData", savedOutfitData: outfitData, }); } }, [outfitStatus, outfitData]); // Choose which customization state to use. We want it to match the outfit in // the URL immediately, without having to wait for any effects, to avoid race // conditions! // // The reducer is generally the main source of truth for live changes! // // But if: // - it's not initialized yet (e.g. the first frame of navigating to an // outfit from Your Outfits), or // - it's for a different outfit than the URL says (e.g. clicking Back // or Forward to switch between saved outfits), // // Then use saved outfit data or the URL query string instead, because that's // a better representation of the outfit in the URL. (If the saved outfit // data isn't loaded yet, then this will be a customization state with // partial data, and that's okay.) console.debug( `[useOutfitState] Outfit states:\n- Local: %o\n- Saved: %o\n- URL: %o`, localOutfitState, savedOutfitState, urlOutfitState, ); let outfitState; if ( === && localOutfitState.speciesId != null && localOutfitState.colorId != null ) { // Use the reducer state: they're both for the same saved outfit, or both // for an unsaved outfit (null === null). But we don't use it when it's // *only* got the ID, and no other fields yet. console.debug( "[useOutfitState] Choosing local outfit state", localOutfitState, ); outfitState = localOutfitState; } else if ( && === { // Use the saved outfit state: it's for the saved outfit the URL points to. console.debug( "[useOutfitState] Choosing saved outfit state", savedOutfitState, ); outfitState = savedOutfitState; } else { // Use the URL state: it's more up-to-date than any of the others. (Worst // case, it's empty except for ID, which is fine while the saved outfit // data loads!) console.debug( "[useOutfitState] Choosing URL outfit state", urlOutfitState, savedOutfitState, ); outfitState = urlOutfitState; } // When unpacking the customization state, we call `Array.from` on our item // IDs. It's more convenient to manage them as a Set in state, but most // callers will find it more convenient to access them as arrays! e.g. for // `.map()`. const { id, name, speciesId, colorId, pose, altStyleId, appearanceId } = outfitState; const wornItemIds = Array.from(outfitState.wornItemIds); const closetedItemIds = Array.from(outfitState.closetedItemIds); const allItemIds = [...wornItemIds, ...closetedItemIds]; const { loading: itemsLoading, error: itemsError, data: itemsData, } = useQuery( gql` query OutfitStateItems( $allItemIds: [ID!]! $speciesId: ID! $colorId: ID! $altStyleId: ID ) { items(ids: $allItemIds) { # TODO: De-dupe this from SearchPanel? id name thumbnailUrl isNc isPb currentUserOwnsThis currentUserWantsThis appearanceOn( speciesId: $speciesId colorId: $colorId altStyleId: $altStyleId ) { # This enables us to quickly show the item when the user clicks it! ...ItemAppearanceForOutfitPreview # This is used to group items by zone, and to detect conflicts when # wearing a new item. layers { zone { id label } } restrictedZones { id label isCommonlyUsedByItems } } } # NOTE: We skip this query if items is empty for perf reasons. If # you're adding more fields, consider changing that condition! } ${itemAppearanceFragment} `, { variables: { allItemIds, speciesId, colorId, altStyleId }, context: { sendAuth: true }, // Skip if this outfit has no items, as an optimization; or if we don't // have the species/color ID loaded yet because we're waiting on the // saved outfit to load. skip: allItemIds.length === 0 || speciesId == null || colorId == null, }, ); const resultItems = itemsData?.items || []; // Okay, time for some big perf hacks! Lower down in the app, we use // React.memo to avoid re-rendering Item components if the items haven't // updated. In simpler cases, we just make the component take the individual // item fields as props... but items are complex and that makes it annoying // :p Instead, we do these tricks to reuse physical item objects if they're // still deep-equal to the previous version. This is because React.memo uses // object identity to compare its props, so now when it checks whether // `oldItem === newItem`, the answer will be `true`, unless the item really // _did_ change! const [cachedItemObjects, setCachedItemObjects] = React.useState([]); let items = => { const cachedItemObject = cachedItemObjects.find((i) => ===; if ( cachedItemObject && JSON.stringify(cachedItemObject) === JSON.stringify(item) ) { return cachedItemObject; } return item; }); if ( items.length === cachedItemObjects.length && items.every((_, index) => items[index] === cachedItemObjects[index]) ) { // Even reuse the entire array if none of the items changed! items = cachedItemObjects; } React.useEffect(() => { setCachedItemObjects(items); }, [items, setCachedItemObjects]); const itemsById = {}; for (const item of items) { itemsById[] = item; } const zonesAndItems = getZonesAndItems( itemsById, wornItemIds, closetedItemIds, ); const incompatibleItems = items .filter((i) => i.appearanceOn.layers.length === 0) .sort((a, b) =>; const url = buildOutfitUrl(outfitState); const outfitStateWithExtras = { id, creator, updatedAt, zonesAndItems, incompatibleItems, name, wornItemIds, closetedItemIds, allItemIds, speciesId, colorId, pose, altStyleId, appearanceId, url, // We use this plain outfit state objects in `useOutfitSaving`! Unlike the // full `outfitState` object, which we rebuild each render, // `outfitStateWithoutExtras` will mostly only change when there is an // actual change to outfit state. outfitStateWithoutExtras: outfitState, savedOutfitState, }; // Keep the URL up-to-date. const path = buildOutfitPath(outfitState); React.useEffect(() => { console.debug(`[useOutfitState] Navigating to latest outfit path:`, path); navigate(path, { replace: true }); }, [path, navigate]); return { loading: outfitLoading || itemsLoading, error: outfitError || itemsError, outfitState: outfitStateWithExtras, dispatchToOutfit, }; } const outfitStateReducer = (apolloClient) => (baseState, action) => {"[useOutfitState] Action:", action); switch (action.type) { case "rename": return produce(baseState, (state) => { = action.outfitName; }); case "setSpeciesAndColor": return produce(baseState, (state) => { state.speciesId = action.speciesId; state.colorId = action.colorId; state.pose = action.pose; state.altStyleId = null; state.appearanceId = null; }); case "wearItem": return produce(baseState, (state) => { const { wornItemIds, closetedItemIds } = state; const { itemId, itemIdsToReconsider = [] } = action; // Move conflicting items to the closet. // // We do this by looking them up in the Apollo Cache, which is going to // include the relevant item data because the `useOutfitState` hook // queries for it! // // (It could be possible to mess up the timing by taking an action // while worn items are still partially loading, but I think it would // require a pretty weird action sequence to make that happen... like, // doing a search and it loads before the worn item data does? Anyway, // Apollo will throw in that case, which should just essentially reject // the action.) let conflictingIds; try { conflictingIds = findItemConflicts(itemId, state, apolloClient); } catch (e) { console.error(e); return; } for (const conflictingId of conflictingIds) { wornItemIds.delete(conflictingId); closetedItemIds.add(conflictingId); } // Move this item from the closet to the worn set. closetedItemIds.delete(itemId); wornItemIds.add(itemId); reconsiderItems(itemIdsToReconsider, state, apolloClient); }); case "unwearItem": return produce(baseState, (state) => { const { wornItemIds, closetedItemIds } = state; const { itemId, itemIdsToReconsider = [] } = action; // Move this item from the worn set to the closet. wornItemIds.delete(itemId); closetedItemIds.add(itemId); reconsiderItems( // Don't include the unworn item in items to reconsider! itemIdsToReconsider.filter((x) => x !== itemId), state, apolloClient, ); }); case "removeItem": return produce(baseState, (state) => { const { wornItemIds, closetedItemIds } = state; const { itemId, itemIdsToReconsider = [] } = action; // Remove this item from both the worn set and the closet. wornItemIds.delete(itemId); closetedItemIds.delete(itemId); reconsiderItems( // Don't include the removed item in items to reconsider! itemIdsToReconsider.filter((x) => x !== itemId), state, apolloClient, ); }); case "setPose": return produce(baseState, (state) => { state.pose = action.pose; // Usually only the `pose` is specified, but `PosePickerSupport` can // also specify a corresponding `appearanceId`, to get even more // particular about which version of the pose to show if more than one. state.appearanceId = action.appearanceId || null; }); case "setStyle": return produce(baseState, (state) => { state.altStyleId = action.altStyleId; }); case "resetToSavedOutfitData": return getOutfitStateFromOutfitData(action.savedOutfitData); default: throw new Error(`unexpected action ${JSON.stringify(action)}`); } }; const EMPTY_CUSTOMIZATION_STATE = { id: null, name: null, speciesId: null, colorId: null, pose: null, appearanceId: null, wornItemIds: [], closetedItemIds: [], }; function useParseOutfitUrl() { // Get params from both the `?a=1` and `#a=1` parts of the URL, because DTI // has historically used both! const location = useLocation(); const [justSearchParams] = useSearchParams(); const hashParams = new URLSearchParams(location.hash.slice(1)); // Merge them into one URLSearchParams object. const mergedParams = new URLSearchParams(); for (const [key, value] of justSearchParams) { mergedParams.append(key, value); } for (const [key, value] of hashParams) { mergedParams.append(key, value); } // We memoize this to make `outfitStateWithoutExtras` an even more reliable // stable object! const memoizedOutfitState = React.useMemo( () => readOutfitStateFromSearchParams(location.pathname, mergedParams), // TODO: This hook is reliable as-is, I thinkā¦ but is there a simpler way // to make it obvious that it is? // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps [location.pathname, mergedParams.toString()], ); return memoizedOutfitState; } function readOutfitStateFromSearchParams(pathname, searchParams) { // For the /outfits/:id page, ignore the query string, and just wait for the // outfit data to load in! const pathnameMatch = pathname.match(/^\/outfits\/([0-9]+)/); if (pathnameMatch) { return { ...EMPTY_CUSTOMIZATION_STATE, id: pathnameMatch[1], }; } // Otherwise, parse the query string, and fill in default values for anything // not specified. return { id: searchParams.get("outfit"), name: searchParams.get("name"), speciesId: searchParams.get("species") || "1", colorId: searchParams.get("color") || "8", pose: searchParams.get("pose") || "HAPPY_FEM", altStyleId: searchParams.get("style") || null, appearanceId: searchParams.get("state") || null, wornItemIds: new Set(searchParams.getAll("objects[]")), closetedItemIds: new Set(searchParams.getAll("closet[]")), }; } function getOutfitStateFromOutfitData(outfit) { if (!outfit) { return EMPTY_CUSTOMIZATION_STATE; } return { id:, name:, speciesId: outfit.speciesId, colorId: outfit.colorId, pose: outfit.pose, appearanceId: outfit.appearanceId, altStyleId: outfit.altStyleId, wornItemIds: new Set(outfit.wornItemIds), closetedItemIds: new Set(outfit.closetedItemIds), }; } function findItemConflicts(itemIdToAdd, state, apolloClient) { const { wornItemIds, speciesId, colorId, altStyleId } = state; const { items } = apolloClient.readQuery({ query: gql` query OutfitStateItemConflicts( $itemIds: [ID!]! $speciesId: ID! $colorId: ID! $altStyleId: ID ) { items(ids: $itemIds) { id appearanceOn( speciesId: $speciesId colorId: $colorId altStyleId: $altStyleId ) { layers { zone { id } } restrictedZones { id } } } } `, variables: { itemIds: [itemIdToAdd, ...wornItemIds], speciesId, colorId, altStyleId, }, }); const itemToAdd = items.find((i) => === itemIdToAdd); if (!itemToAdd.appearanceOn) { return []; } const wornItems = Array.from(wornItemIds).map((id) => items.find((i) => === id), ); const itemToAddZoneSets = getItemZones(itemToAdd); const conflictingIds = []; for (const wornItem of wornItems) { if (!wornItem.appearanceOn) { continue; } const wornItemZoneSets = getItemZones(wornItem); const itemsConflict = setsIntersect( itemToAddZoneSets.occupies, wornItemZoneSets.occupiesOrRestricts, ) || setsIntersect( wornItemZoneSets.occupies, itemToAddZoneSets.occupiesOrRestricts, ); if (itemsConflict) { conflictingIds.push(; } } return conflictingIds; } function getItemZones(item) { const occupies = new Set( =>; const restricts = new Set( =>; const occupiesOrRestricts = new Set([...occupies, ...restricts]); return { occupies, occupiesOrRestricts }; } function setsIntersect(a, b) { for (const el of a) { if (b.has(el)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Try to add these items back to the outfit, if there would be no conflicts. * We use this in Search to try to restore these items after the user makes * changes, e.g., after they try on another Background we want to restore the * previous one! * * This mutates state.wornItemIds directly, on the assumption that we're in an * immer block, in which case mutation is the simplest API! */ function reconsiderItems(itemIdsToReconsider, state, apolloClient) { for (const itemIdToReconsider of itemIdsToReconsider) { const conflictingIds = findItemConflicts( itemIdToReconsider, state, apolloClient, ); if (conflictingIds.length === 0) { state.wornItemIds.add(itemIdToReconsider); } } } // TODO: Get this out of here, tbh... function getZonesAndItems(itemsById, wornItemIds, closetedItemIds) { const wornItems = => itemsById[id]).filter((i) => i); const closetedItems = closetedItemIds .map((id) => itemsById[id]) .filter((i) => i); // Loop over all the items, grouping them by zone, and also gathering all the // zone metadata. const allItems = [...wornItems, ...closetedItems]; const itemsByZone = new Map(); const zonesById = new Map(); for (const item of allItems) { if (!item.appearanceOn) { continue; } for (const layer of item.appearanceOn.layers) { const zoneId =; zonesById.set(zoneId,; if (!itemsByZone.has(zoneId)) { itemsByZone.set(zoneId, []); } itemsByZone.get(zoneId).push(item); } } // Convert `itemsByZone` into an array of item groups. let zonesAndItems = Array.from(itemsByZone.entries()).map( ([zoneId, items]) => ({ zoneId, zoneLabel: zonesById.get(zoneId).label, items: [...items].sort((a, b) =>, }), ); // Sort groups by the zone label's alphabetically, and tiebreak by the zone // ID. (That way, "Markings (#6)" sorts before "Markings (#16)".) We do this // before the data simplification step, because it's useful to have // consistent ordering for the algorithm that might choose to skip zones! zonesAndItems.sort((a, b) => { if (a.zoneLabel !== b.zoneLabel) { return a.zoneLabel.localeCompare(b.zoneLabel); } else { return a.zoneId - b.zoneId; } }); // Data simplification step! Try to remove zone groups that aren't helpful. const groupsWithConflicts = zonesAndItems.filter( ({ items }) => items.length > 1, ); const itemIdsWithConflicts = new Set( groupsWithConflicts .map(({ items }) => items) .flat() .map((item) =>, ); const itemIdsWeHaveSeen = new Set(); zonesAndItems = zonesAndItems.filter(({ items }) => { // We need all groups with more than one item. If there's only one, we get // to think harder :) if (items.length > 1) { items.forEach((item) => itemIdsWeHaveSeen.add(; return true; } const item = items[0]; // Has the item been seen a group we kept, or an upcoming group with // multiple conflicting items? If so, skip this group. If not, keep it. if (itemIdsWeHaveSeen.has( || itemIdsWithConflicts.has( { return false; } else { itemIdsWeHaveSeen.add(; return true; } }); // Finally, for groups with the same label, append the ID number. // // First, loop over the groups, to count how many times each zone label is // used. Then, loop over them again, appending the ID number if count > 1. const labelCounts = new Map(); for (const itemZoneGroup of zonesAndItems) { const { zoneId, zoneLabel } = itemZoneGroup; const count = labelCounts.get(zoneLabel) ?? 0; labelCounts.set(zoneLabel, count + 1); } for (const itemZoneGroup of zonesAndItems) { const { zoneId, zoneLabel } = itemZoneGroup; if (labelCounts.get(zoneLabel) > 1) { itemZoneGroup.zoneLabel += ` (#${zoneId})`; } } return zonesAndItems; } function buildOutfitPath(outfitState, { withoutOutfitId = false } = {}) { const { id } = outfitState; if (id && !withoutOutfitId) { return `/outfits/${id}`; } return "/outfits/new?" + buildOutfitQueryString(outfitState); } export function buildOutfitUrl(outfitState, options = {}) { const origin = typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.location.origin : ""; return origin + buildOutfitPath(outfitState, options); } function buildOutfitQueryString(outfitState) { const { name, speciesId, colorId, pose, altStyleId, appearanceId, wornItemIds, closetedItemIds, } = outfitState; const params = new URLSearchParams({ name: name || "", species: speciesId || "", color: colorId || "", pose: pose || "", }); if (altStyleId != null) { params.append("style", altStyleId); } if (appearanceId != null) { // `state` is an old name for compatibility with old-style DTI URLs. It // refers to "PetState", the database table name for pet appearances. params.append("state", appearanceId); } for (const itemId of wornItemIds) { params.append("objects[]", itemId); } for (const itemId of closetedItemIds) { params.append("closet[]", itemId); } return params.toString(); } /** * Whether the two given outfit states represent identical customizations. */ export function outfitStatesAreEqual(a, b) { return buildOutfitQueryString(a) === buildOutfitQueryString(b); } export default useOutfitState;