var PREVIEW_SWF_ID = 'item-preview-swf', PREVIEW_SWF = document.getElementById(PREVIEW_SWF_ID), IMPRESS_HOST = PREVIEW_SWF.getAttribute('data-impress-host'), speciesList = $('#item-preview a'), MainWardrobe; if(console === undefined || console.log === undefined) { function log() {} } else { log = $.proxy(console, 'log'); } function impressUrl(path) { return 'http://' + IMPRESS_HOST + path; } function PetType() {} PetType.prototype.load = function () { var url = '/species/' + this.species_id + '/color/' + this.color_id + '/pet_type.json', pet_type = this; $.getJSON(url, function (data) { =; pet_type.body_id = data.body_id; Item.current.load(); $.getJSON('/pet_types/' + + '/swf_assets.json', function (assets) { log('pet type assets loaded'); pet_type.assets = assets; Preview.update(); }); }); } PetType.prototype.setAsCurrent = function () { PetType.current = this; speciesList.filter('.current').removeClass('current');'current'); this.load(); } PetType.createFromLink = function (link) { var pet_type = new PetType(); pet_type.color_id = link.attr('data-color-id'); pet_type.species_id = link.attr('data-species-id'); = link; return pet_type; } function Item() { this.load = function () { var url = '/' + + '/swf_assets.json?body_id=' + PetType.current.body_id, item = this; $.getJSON(url, function (data) { log('item assets loaded'); item.assets = data; Preview.update(); }) } this.setAsCurrent = function () { Item.current = this; } } Item.createFromLocation = function () { var item = new Item(); = parseInt(document.location.pathname.substr(1)); return item; } Preview = new function Preview() { var assets = [], swf_id, swf, updateWhenFlashReady = false; this.setFlashIsReady = function () { log('flash ready'); swf = document.getElementById(swf_id); if(updateWhenFlashReady) this.update(); } this.update = function (assets) { var assets = []; log('want to update'); if(swf) { log('got to update'); log(assets); $.each([PetType, Item], function () { if(this.current.assets) assets = assets.concat(this.current.assets); }); log(assets); assets = $.each(assets, function () { this.local_path = this.local_url; }); log(assets); swf.setAssets(assets); } else { updateWhenFlashReady = true; } } this.embed = function (id) { swf_id = id; swfobject.embedSWF( impressUrl('/assets/swf/preview.swf'), // URL id, // ID '100%', // width '100%', // height '9', // required version impressUrl('/assets/js/swfobject/expressInstall.swf'), // express install URL {'swf_assets_path': impressUrl('/assets')}, // flashvars {'wmode': 'transparent', 'allowscriptaccess': 'always'} // params ); } } Preview.embed(PREVIEW_SWF_ID); PetType.createFromLink(speciesList.eq(Math.floor(Math.random()*speciesList.length))).setAsCurrent(); Item.createFromLocation().setAsCurrent(); (e) { e.preventDefault(); PetType.createFromLink($(this)).setAsCurrent(); }); MainWardrobe = { View: { Outfit: Preview } };