# see the detailed Configuration documentation at https://github.com/ddnexus/flex/wiki/Configuration Flex::Configuration.configure do |config| # you MUST add your indexed model names here config.flex_models = %w[ Item ] # Add the your result extenders here config.result_extenders |= [ FlexSearchExtender ] # Add the default variables here # see also the details Variables documentation at https://github.com/ddnexus/flex/wiki/Variables # config.variables.add :index => 'my_index', # :type => 'project', # :anything => 'anything # The custom url of your ElasticSearch server # config.base_uri = 'http://localhost:9200' # Set it to true to log the debug infos (true by default in development mode) # config.debug = false # Debug info are actually valid curl commands # config.debug_to_curl = false # The custom logger you want Flex to use. Default Rails.logger # config.logger = Logger.new(STDERR) # Custom config file path # config.config_file = '/custom/path/to/flex.yml', # Custom flex dir path # config.flex_dir = '/custom/path/to/flex', # The custom http_client you may want to implement # config.http_client = 'Your::Client' # The options passed to the http_client. They are client specific. # config.http_client_options = {:timeout => 5} # Experimental: checks the response and return a boolean (should raise?) # config.raise_proc = proc{|response| response.status >= 400} end