!!! 5 %html %head %title - if content_for? :title = yield :title | - if content_for? :title_category = yield :title_category - else Dress to Impress: Preview customized Neopets' clothing and wearables /[if IE] = include_javascript_libraries :html5 = stylesheet_link_tag "compiled/screen" = yield :meta = csrf_meta_tag = signed_in_meta_tag %body{:class => body_class} = javascript_include_tag "analytics" #container = yield :before_title - if content_for?(:title) && show_title_header? %h1#title= yield :title = render 'static/announcement.html' = yield :before_flashes = flashes - if content_for? :content = yield(:content) - else = yield - if home_link? %a#home-link{:href => root_path} %span Dress to Impress #userbar - if user_signed_in? - if can_use_image_mode? = link_to image_mode_path, :id => 'userbar-image-mode' do = image_tag 'image_mode_icon.png', :alt => 'Image Mode' Welcome to Image Mode! %span Hey, = succeed '!' do = link_to current_user.name, user_contributions_path(current_user) == You have #{current_user.points} points. = link_to 'Items', user_closet_hangers_path(current_user) = link_to 'Outfits', current_user_outfits_path = link_to 'Settings', Openneo::Auth.remote_settings_url = link_to 'Log out', logout_path_with_return_to - else = link_to login_path_with_return_to, :id => 'userbar-log-in' do = image_tag auth_server_icon_url %span Log in #footer %ul %li %a{:href => "http://openneo.net/", :target => "_blank"} OpenNeo %li %a{:href => "http://blog.openneo.net/", :target => "_blank"} Blog %li %a{:href => "http://forum.openneo.net/", :target => "_blank"} Forum %li %a{:href => "http://github.com/matchu/openneo-impress-rails"} Source Code %li %a{:href => terms_path} Terms of Use %div Contact: %ul %li %a{:href => "http://openneo.uservoice.com/forums/40720-dress-to-impress"} Suggestions %li %a{:href => "mailto:webmaster@openneo.net"} Questions, comments, bugs %p Images © 2000-2010 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission = yield(:javascripts)