require "addressable/template" module ItemsHelper module PetTypeImage Template = "{hash}/{emotion}/{size}.png" ) Emotions = { happy: 1, sad: 2, angry: 3, ill: 4, } Sizes = { face: 1, # 50x50 face_3x: 6, # 150x150 thumb: 2, # 150x150 full: 4, # 300x300 large: 5, # 500x500 xlarge: 7, # 640x640 zoom: 3, # 80x80 autocrop: 9, # } SizeUpgrades = { face: :face_3x, thumb: :full, full: :xlarge, } end def pet_type_image_url(pet_type, emotion: :happy, size: :face) PetTypeImage::Template.expand( hash: pet_type.basic_image_hash || pet_type.image_hash, emotion: PetTypeImage::Emotions.fetch(emotion), size: PetTypeImage::Sizes.fetch(size), ).to_s end def standard_species_search_links all_species = PetType.random_basic_per_species(all_species).map do |pet_type| human_name = pet_type.species.human_name image = pet_type_image pet_type, :happy, :zoom, alt: human_name, title: human_name query = "species:#{}" link_to(image, items_path(:q => query)) end.join.html_safe end def closet_list_verb(owned) ClosetHanger.verb(:you, owned) end def owned_icon image_tag 'owned.png', :title => t('items.item.owned.description'), :alt => t('items.item.owned.abbr') end def wanted_icon image_tag 'wanted.png', :title => t('items.item.wanted.description'), :alt => t('items.item.wanted.abbr') end def closeted_icons_for(item) content = ''.html_safe content << owned_icon if item.owned? content << wanted_icon if item.wanted? content_tag :div, content, :class => 'closeted-icons' end # NOTE: Changing this requires bumping the cache at `_closet_list.html.haml`! def nc_icon image_tag 'nc.png', :title => t(''), :alt => t(''), :class => 'nc-icon' end # NOTE: Changing this requires bumping the cache at `_closet_list.html.haml`! def nc_icon_for(item) nc_icon if end # NOTE: Changing this requires bumping the cache at `_closet_list.html.haml`! def item_thumbnail_for(item) image_tag item.thumbnail_url, alt: "Thumbnail for #{}", title: item.description, loading: "lazy" end def time_with_only_month_if_old(first_seen_at) # For this month and the previous month, show the full date, so people can # understand *exactly* how recent it was. beginning_of_prev_month = - 1.month if first_seen_at >= beginning_of_prev_month return first_seen_at.strftime("%b %e, %Y") end # Otherwise, show just the month and the year, to be concise. (We'll offer # the full date as a tooltip, too.) first_seen_at.strftime("%b %Y") end JN_ITEMS_URL_TEMPLATE = "{&name}" ) def jn_items_url_for(item) JN_ITEMS_URL_TEMPLATE.expand(name: end IMPRESS_2020_ITEM_URL_TEMPLATE = "#{Rails.configuration.impress_2020_origin}/items/{id}" ) def impress_2020_url_for(item) IMPRESS_2020_ITEM_URL_TEMPLATE.expand(id: end SHOP_WIZARD_URL_TEMPLATE = "{?string}" ) def shop_wizard_url_for(item_or_name) item_or_name = if item_or_name.is_a? Item SHOP_WIZARD_URL_TEMPLATE.expand(string: item_or_name).to_s end TRADING_POST_URL_TEMPLATE = "{&search_string}" ) def trading_post_url_for(item_or_name) item_or_name = if item_or_name.is_a? Item TRADING_POST_URL_TEMPLATE.expand(search_string: item_or_name).to_s end AUCTION_GENIE_URL_TEMPLATE = "{&auctiongenie}" ) def auction_genie_url_for(item) AUCTION_GENIE_URL_TEMPLATE.expand(auctiongenie: end def format_contribution_count(count) " (×#{count})".html_safe if count > 1 end def render_item_link(item) render(partial: 'items/item_link', locals: {item: item}) end def nc_trade_value_updated_at_text(nc_trade_value) return nil if nc_trade_value.updated_at.nil? # Render both "[X] [days] ago", and also the exact date, only including the # year if it's not this same year. time_ago_str = time_ago_in_words nc_trade_value.updated_at date_str = nc_trade_value.updated_at.year != ? nc_trade_value.updated_at.strftime("%b %-d") : nc_trade_value.updated_at.strftime("%b %-d, %Y") "Last updated: #{date_str} (#{time_ago_str} ago)" end NC_TRADE_VALUE_ESTIMATE_PATTERN = %r{ \A\s* (?: # Case 1: A single number (?[0-9]+) | # Case 2: A range from low to high (?[0-9]+) \p{Dash_Punctuation} (?[0-9]+) ) \s*\z }x def nc_trade_value_is_estimate(nc_trade_value) nc_trade_value.value_text.match?(NC_TRADE_VALUE_ESTIMATE_PATTERN) end # Try to parse the NC trade value's text into something styled a bit more # nicely for our use case. def nc_trade_value_estimate_text(nc_trade_value) match = nc_trade_value.value_text.match(NC_TRADE_VALUE_ESTIMATE_PATTERN) return nc_trade_value if match.nil? match => {single:, low:, high:} if single.present? pluralize single.to_i, "capsule" elsif low.present? && high.present? "#{low}–#{high} capsules" else nc_trade_value end end def nc_total_for(items) end def dyeworks_nc_total_for(items) nc_total_for end def dyeworks_average_num_potions_for(items) # Compute the number of expected potions for each (inverse of the odds), # sum them, then round up. { |i| 1 / i.dyeworks_odds }.sum.ceil end def dyeworks_estimated_potions_cost_for(items) # NOTE: You could do bundles too, but let's just keep it simple. dyeworks_average_num_potions_for(items) * 125 end def complexity_for(items) max_name_length = max_name_length >= 40 ? "high" : "low" end def probability(p) case p when 1 "100%" when 0 "0%" else "#{p.numerator} in #{p.denominator}" end end def outfit_viewer_is_playing cookies["DTIOutfitViewerIsPlaying"] == "true" end def item_fits?(item, pet_type) item.appearances.any? { |a| a.fits? pet_type } end def species_face_tooltip(pet_type, item) if item_fits?(item, pet_type) "#{pet_type.species.human_name}" else "#{pet_type.species.human_name}: No data yet" end end def item_zone_partial_fit?(appearances_in_zone, all_appearances) appearances_in_zone.size < all_appearances.size end def item_zone_species_list(appearances_in_zone)", ") end def pet_type_image(pet_type, emotion, size, **options) src = pet_type_image_url(pet_type, emotion:, size:) size_2x = PetTypeImage::SizeUpgrades[size] srcset = if size_2x [[pet_type_image_url(pet_type, emotion:, size: size_2x), "2x"]] end image_tag(src, srcset:, **options) end def item_header_user_lists_form_state cookies.fetch("DTIItemPageUserListsFormState", "closed") end end