class Zone < ActiveRecord::Base translates :label, :plain_label # When selecting zones that an asset occupies, we allow the zone to set # whether or not the zone is "sometimes" occupied. This is false by default. attr_writer :sometimes scope :alphabetical, -> { with_translations(I18n.locale).order(Zone::Translation.arel_table[:label]) } scope :includes_translations, -> { includes(:translations) } scope :matching_label, ->(label, locale = I18n.locale) { t = Zone::Translation.arel_table joins(:translations) .where(t[:locale].eq(locale)) .where(t[:plain_label].eq(Zone.plainify_label(label))) } scope :for_items, -> { where(arel_table[:type_id].gt(1)) } def uncertain_label @sometimes ? "#{label} sometimes" : label end def self.plainify_label(label) label.delete('\- /').parameterize end end