- title @alt_style.full_name
- use_responsive_design

	%li= link_to "Alt Styles", alt_styles_path
		= link_to @alt_style.color.human_name,
		          alt_styles_path(color: @alt_style.color.human_name)
	%li{"data-relation-to-prev": "sibling"}
		= link_to @alt_style.species.human_name,
		          alt_styles_path(species: @alt_style.species.human_name)
	%li= @alt_style.series_name

= image_tag @alt_style.preview_image_url, class: "alt-style-preview"

= form_with model: @alt_style, class: "alt-style-form" do |f|
	- if @alt_style.errors.any?
			Could not save:
				- @alt_style.errors.each do |error|
					%li= error.full_message
		= f.label :real_series_name, "Series"
		= f.text_field :real_series_name
		= f.label :thumbnail_url, "Thumbnail"
			- if @alt_style.thumbnail_url?
				= image_tag @alt_style.thumbnail_url
			= f.url_field :thumbnail_url
		= f.submit "Save changes"
		%label{title: "If checked, takes you to the next unlabeled pet style, if any. Useful for labeling in bulk!"}
			= check_box_tag "next", "unlabeled-style",
				checked: params[:next] == "unlabeled-style"
			Then: Go to unlabeled style

- content_for :stylesheets do
	= stylesheet_link_tag "application/breadcrumbs"
	= page_stylesheet_link_tag "alt_styles/edit"