<p> Hi, friend! I'm Matchu, that guy who made Dress to Impress :) </p> <p> So, let's do the business first: You donated <strong><%= number_to_currency @donation.amount / 100.0 %></strong> (thanks again, by the way!), and you can update the name and outfits on that donation whenever you like at <%= link_to donation_url(@donation), donation_url(@donation) %>. </p> <p> Really, though, my favorite part of these emails is that it gives me a chance to hear from some of our most excited users :D What do you love about Dress to Impress? What parts aren't so great? Any issues I can help you with while we're here? What does Dress to Impress need to do long-term to continue to be a valuable resource for years to come? </p> <p> Hit Reply and let me know—or we can just talk about how pumped we are for the next season of Doctor Who :o Up to you :) </p> <p> Thanks again for your help! Serving this community is an honor and a pleasure.<br /> —<i>Matchu</i> </p> <p> P.S. Seriously. Reply to this email and tell me something. It always makes my day :D </p>