@import "compass/css3/text-shadow" @import "partials/campaign-progress" @import "partials/outfit" /* TODO: redundant with outfits/index; why is it not in the partial? */ $outfit-inner-height: 150px $outfit-inner-width: 150px $outfit-banner-h-padding: 4px $outfit-banner-v-padding: 2px $outfit-banner-inner-width: $outfit-inner-width - (2 * $outfit-banner-h-padding) body.campaigns-show, body.campaigns-current +campaign-progress color: #004 a color: #004 + #222 #userbar, #footer color: $text-color a color: $link-color #home-link color: $link-color #title display: none #donation-form +module background: $campaign-background-color border-color: $campaign-border-color margin-top: 1em margin-bottom: 1.5em padding-bottom: 32px padding-left: 24px padding-top: 32px &[data-campaign-theme="hug"] background: image: url(image_path("campaigns/hug.gif")) position: ($container-width - 150px - 8px) -4px repeat: no-repeat &[data-campaign-theme="bird"] background: image: url(image_path("campaigns/bird.gif")) position: ($container-width - 150px - 8px) -4px repeat: no-repeat header, div +inline-block p font-family: $main-font margin: 0 div font-size: 115% margin-left: 20px #donation-form-title font-size: 125% font-weight: bold margin-bottom: .25em p font-size: 85% margin-bottom: 0 margin-top: .5em input[type=text] border-color: #cce color: #004 width: 3em button +loud-awesome-button-color #campaign-text[data-campaign-complete] #description display: none &[data-show] display: block #success-thanks border: 1px dashed $module-border-color margin-bottom: 1em padding: 1em position: relative p:last-child margin-bottom: 0 #success-thanks-toggle-description position: absolute bottom: 1em font-style: italic right: 1em #outfits +outfits-list text-align: center > li +outfit height: $outfit-inner-height margin: 2px width: $outfit-inner-width header, footer font-size: 85% padding: $outfit-banner-v-padding $outfit-banner-h-padding width: $outfit-banner-inner-width img height: $outfit-inner-height width: $outfit-inner-width &.banner background-image: url(http://images.neopets.com/themes/004_bir_a2e60/footer_bg.png) background-position: 0 -60px border: 2px solid #006 color: white height: 100px line-height: 100px margin: 4px 0 text-shadow: #335 2px 2px 1px width: $container-width - 4px span +inline-block font-size: 32px font-weight: bold line-height: 1.5 vertical-align: middle #last-years-donors font-weight: bold margin-top: 1em text-align: center #fine-print font-size: 85% margin-top: 2em