require "addressable/template" require "async/http/internet/instance" module NCMall # Share a pool of persistent connections, rather than reconnecting on # each request. (This library does that automatically!) INTERNET = Async::HTTP::Internet.instance # Load the NC home page, and return its useful data. HOME_PAGE_URL = "" def self.load_home_page load_page_by_url HOME_PAGE_URL end # Load the NC Mall page for a specific type and category ID. CATEGORY_PAGE_URL_TEMPLATE = "{&type,cat}" ) def self.load_page(type, cat) load_page_by_url CATEGORY_PAGE_URL_TEMPLATE.expand(type:, cat:) end private def self.load_page_by_url(url) Sync do response = INTERNET.get(url, [ ["User-Agent", Rails.configuration.user_agent_for_neopets], ]) if response.status != 200 raise, "expected status 200 but got #{response.status} (#{url})" end parse_nc_page end end # Given a string of NC page data, parse the useful data out of it! def self.parse_nc_page(nc_page_str) begin nc_page = JSON.parse(nc_page_str) rescue JSON::ParserError Rails.logger.debug "Unexpected NC page response:\n#{nc_page_str}" raise UnexpectedResponseFormat, "failed to parse NC page response as JSON" end unless nc_page.has_key? "object_data" raise UnexpectedResponseFormat, "missing field object_data in NC page" end items = nc_page["object_data"] do |item_info| { id: item_info["id"], name: item_info["name"], description: item_info["description"], price: item_info["price"], discount: parse_item_discount(item_info), is_available: item_info["isAvailable"] == 1, } end {items:} end # Given item info, return a hash of discount-specific info, if any. def self.parse_item_discount(item_info) discount_price = item_info["discountPrice"] return nil unless discount_price.present? && discount_price > 0 { price: discount_price, begins_at: item_info["discountBegin"], ends_at: item_info["discountEnd"], } end class ResponseNotOK < StandardError attr_reader :status def initialize(status) super @status = status end end class UnexpectedResponseFormat < StandardError;end end