window.log = window.SWFLog = $.noop; function arraysMatch(array1, array2) { // var temp; if(!$.isArray(array1)|| !$.isArray(array2)) { return array1 == array2; } temp = []; if ( (!array1[0]) || (!array2[0]) ) { return false; } if (array1.length != array2.length) { return false; } for (var i=0; i 0; } this.couldNotLoadAssetsFitting = function (pet_type) { return typeof item.assets_by_body_id[pet_type.body_id] != 'undefined' && item.assets_by_body_id[pet_type.body_id].length == 0; } this.update = function (data) { for(var key in data) { if(data.hasOwnProperty(key) && key != 'id') { // do not replace ID with string item[key] = data[key]; } } determineRestrictedZones.apply(this); this.loaded = true; } function getNameForSlug() { return /g, '-').replace(/[^a-z0-9\-]/i, ''); } function getSlug() { var slug =; if(this.hasOwnProperty('name')) { slug += '-' + getNameForSlug(); } return slug; } this.getURL = function() { return "/items/" + getSlug(); } Item.cache[id] = this; } Item.find = function (id) { var item = Item.cache[id]; if(!item) { item = new Item(id); } return item; } var item_load_callbacks = []; Item.loadByIds = function (ids, success) { var ids_to_load = [], ids_not_loaded = [], items = $.map(ids, function (id) { var item = Item.find(id); if(!item.load_started) { ids_to_load.push(id); item.load_started = true; } if(!item.loaded) { ids_not_loaded.push(id); } return item; }); if(ids_to_load.length) { $.getJSON('/items.json', {ids: ids_to_load}, function (data) { var set, set_items, set_ids, set_callback, run_callback, ids_from_data = []; $.each(data, function () { ids_from_data.push(; Item.find(; }); for(var i = 0; i < item_load_callbacks.length; i++) { set = item_load_callbacks[i]; set_items = set[0]; set_ids = set[1]; set_callback = set[2]; run_callback = true; for(var j = 0; j < set_ids.length; j++) { if($.inArray(set_ids[j], ids_from_data) == -1) { run_callback = false; break; } } if(run_callback) set_callback(set_items); } success(items); }); } else if(ids_not_loaded.length) { item_load_callbacks.push([items, ids_not_loaded, success]); } else { success(items); } return items; } Item.PER_PAGE = 21; Item.loadByQuery = function (query, offset, success, error) { var page = Math.round(offset / Item.PER_PAGE) + 1; $.getJSON('/items.json', {q: query, per_page: Item.PER_PAGE, page: page}, function (data) { var items = [], item, item_data; if(data.items) { for(var i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) { item_data = data.items[i]; item = Item.find(; item.update(item_data); items.push(item); } success(items, data.total_pages, page); } else if(data.error) { error(data.error); } }); } Item.cache = {}; function ItemZoneSet(name) { = name; } ItemZoneSet.loadAll = function (success) { $.getJSON('/item_zone_sets.json', function (data) { for(var i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) { ItemZoneSet.all.push(new ItemZoneSet(data[i])); } success(ItemZoneSet.all); }); } ItemZoneSet.all = []; function Outfit(data) { var outfit = this, previous_pet_type, worn_item_ids = [], closet_item_ids = [], new_record = true; this.setWornAndUnwornItemIds = function (new_ids) { this.worn_and_unworn_item_ids = new_ids; worn_item_ids = new_ids.worn; closet_item_ids = new_ids.unworn.concat(new_ids.worn); } if(typeof data != 'undefined') { this.color_id = data.color_id; =; =; this.pet_state_id = data.pet_state_id; this.starred = data.starred; this.species_id = data.species_id; this.setWornAndUnwornItemIds(data.worn_and_unworn_item_ids); new_record = false; } this.closet_items = []; this.worn_items = []; this.anonymous = false; this.getWornItemIds = function () { // TODO just expose the worn_item_ids return worn_item_ids; } this.getClosetItemIds = function () { // TODO just expose the closet_item_ids return closet_item_ids; } function getAttributes() { var outfit_data = {}; =; outfit_data.starred = outfit.starred; outfit_data.worn_and_unworn_item_ids = outfit.getWornAndUnwornItemIds(); if(outfit.pet_state) outfit_data.pet_state_id =; outfit_data.anonymous = outfit.anonymous; return outfit_data; } function getRestrictedZones() { // note: may contain duplicates - loop through assets, not these, for // best performance var restricted_zones = [], restrictors = outfit.worn_items; if(outfit.pet_state) restrictors = restrictors.concat(outfit.pet_state.assets); $.each(restrictors, function () { restricted_zones = restricted_zones.concat(this.restricted_zones); }); return restricted_zones; } function hasItemInCloset(item) { return $.inArray(item, outfit.closet_items) != -1; } function isWearingItem(item) { return $.inArray(item, outfit.worn_items) != -1; } function itemAssetsOnLoad(added_item, updateItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback) { var item_zones, item_zones_length, existing_item, existing_item_zones, passed, new_items = [], new_worn_item_ids = []; if(added_item) { // now that we've loaded, check for conflicts on the added item item_zones = added_item.getAssetsFitting(outfit.pet_type).map('zone_id'); item_zones_length = item_zones.length; for(var i = 0; i < outfit.worn_items.length; i++) { existing_item = outfit.worn_items[i]; existing_item_zones = existing_item.getAssetsFitting(outfit.pet_type).map('zone_id'); passed = true; if(existing_item != added_item) { for(var j = 0; j < item_zones_length; j++) { if($.inArray(item_zones[j], existing_item_zones) != -1) { passed = false; break; } } } if(passed) { new_items.push(existing_item); new_worn_item_ids.push(; } } outfit.worn_items = new_items; worn_item_ids = new_worn_item_ids; updateItemsCallback(outfit.worn_items); } updateItemAssetsCallback(); } function petTypeOnLoad(pet_type, petTypeLoadedCallback, updatePetStateCallback, updateItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback) { if(!outfit.pet_state || !pet_type.ownsPetState(outfit.pet_state)) { outfit.setPetStateById(null, updatePetStateCallback); } petTypeLoadedCallback(pet_type); updateItemAssets(null, updateItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback); } function updateItemAssets(added_item, updateItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback) { if(outfit.pet_type && outfit.pet_type.loaded && worn_item_ids.length) { outfit.pet_type.loadItemAssets(worn_item_ids, function () { itemAssetsOnLoad(added_item, updateItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback) }); } } function sendUpdate(outfit_data, success, failure) { $.ajax({ url: '/outfits/' +, type: 'post', data: {'_method': 'put', outfit: outfit_data}, success: function () { Outfit.cache[] = outfit; success(outfit); }, error: function (xhr) { if(typeof failure !== 'undefined') { failure(outfit, $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText)); } } }); } this.closetItem = function (item, updateClosetItemsCallback) { if(!hasItemInCloset(item)) { this.closet_items.push(item); closet_item_ids.push(; updateClosetItemsCallback(this.closet_items); } } this.getPetStateId = function () { if(typeof outfit.pet_state_id === 'undefined') { outfit.pet_state_id =; } return outfit.pet_state_id; } this.getVisibleAssets = function () { var assets, restricted_zones = getRestrictedZones(), visible_assets = []; assets = this.pet_state ? this.pet_state.assets : []; for(var i = 0; i < outfit.worn_items.length; i++) { assets = assets.concat(outfit.worn_items[i].getAssetsFitting(outfit.pet_type)); } $.each(assets, function () { if($.inArray(this.zone_id, restricted_zones) == -1) { visible_assets.push(this); } }); return visible_assets; } this.rename = function (new_name, success, failure) { this.updateAttributes({name: new_name}, success, failure); } this.setClosetItemsByIds = function (ids, updateItemsCallback) { if(ids) closet_item_ids = ids; if(ids && ids.length) { Item.loadByIds(ids, function (items) { outfit.closet_items = items; updateItemsCallback(items); }); } else { this.closet_items = []; updateItemsCallback(this.closet_items); } } this.setPetStateById = function (id, petStateOnLoad) { if(!id && this.pet_type) { id = this.pet_type.pet_state_ids[0]; } if(id) { this.pet_state = PetState.find(id); this.pet_state_id = id; this.pet_state.loadAssets(petStateOnLoad); } } this.setPetTypeByColorAndSpecies = function (color_id, species_id, updatePetTypeCallback, petTypeLoadedCallback, petTypeNotFoundCallback, updatePetStateCallback, updateItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback) { this.pet_type = PetType.findOrCreateByColorAndSpecies(color_id, species_id); this.color_id = color_id; this.species_id = species_id; updatePetTypeCallback(this.pet_type); this.pet_type.load(function (pet_type) { petTypeOnLoad(pet_type, petTypeLoadedCallback, updatePetStateCallback, updateItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback) }, petTypeNotFoundCallback); } this.setWornItemsByIds = function (ids, updateItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback) { if(ids) worn_item_ids = ids; if(ids && ids.length) { this.worn_items = Item.loadByIds(ids, updateItemsCallback); } else { this.worn_items = []; updateItemsCallback(this.worn_items); } updateItemAssets(null, updateItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback); } this.toggleStar = function (success) { this.updateAttributes({starred: !outfit.starred}, success); } this.unclosetItem = function (item, updateClosetItemsCallback, updateWornItemsCallback) { var i = $.inArray(item, this.closet_items), id_i; if(i != -1) { this.closet_items.splice(i, 1); id_i = $.inArray(, closet_item_ids); closet_item_ids.splice(id_i, 1); updateClosetItemsCallback(this.closet_items); this.unwearItem(item, updateWornItemsCallback); } } this.unwearItem = function (item, updateWornItemsCallback) { var i = $.inArray(item, this.worn_items), id_i; if(i != -1) { this.worn_items.splice(i, 1); id_i = $.inArray(, worn_item_ids); worn_item_ids.splice(id_i, 1); updateWornItemsCallback(this.worn_items); } } this.update = function (success, failure) { sendUpdate(getAttributes(), success, failure); } this.wearItem = function (item, updateWornItemsCallback, updateClosetItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback) { if(!isWearingItem(item)) { this.worn_items.push(item); worn_item_ids.push(; this.closetItem(item, updateClosetItemsCallback); if(updateItemAssetsCallback) { updateItemAssets(item, updateWornItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback); } updateWornItemsCallback(this.worn_items); } } this.getWornAndUnwornItemIds = function () { var unworn_item_ids = [], id; for(var i = 0; i < closet_item_ids.length; i++) { id = closet_item_ids[i]; if($.inArray(id, worn_item_ids) === -1) { unworn_item_ids.push(id); } } outfit.worn_and_unworn_item_ids = {worn: worn_item_ids, unworn: unworn_item_ids}; return outfit.worn_and_unworn_item_ids; } this.clone = function () { var new_outfit = new Outfit; new_outfit.cloneAttributesFrom(outfit); =; =; new_outfit.starred = outfit.starred; return new_outfit; } this.cloneAttributesFrom = function (base_outfit) { var base_ids = base_outfit.getWornAndUnwornItemIds(), new_ids = {}; outfit.color_id = base_outfit.color_id outfit.species_id = base_outfit.species_id; outfit.pet_state_id = base_outfit.getPetStateId(); outfit.pet_state = base_outfit.pet_state; outfit.pet_type = base_outfit.pet_type; outfit.closet_items = base_outfit.closet_items.slice(0); outfit.worn_items = base_outfit.worn_items.slice(0); new_ids.worn = base_ids.worn.slice(0); new_ids.unworn = base_ids.unworn.slice(0); outfit.setWornAndUnwornItemIds(new_ids); } this.destroy = function (success) { $.ajax({ url: '/outfits/' + + '.json', type: 'post', data: {'_method': 'delete'}, success: function () { success(outfit) } }); } this.create = function (success, error) { $.ajax({ url: '/outfits', type: 'post', data: {outfit: getAttributes()}, success: function (data) { new_record = false; = data; Outfit.cache[data] = outfit; success(outfit); }, error: function (xhr) { error(outfit, $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText)); } }); } this.updateAttributes = function (attributes, success, failure) { var outfit_data = {}; for(var key in attributes) { if(attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) { outfit_data[key] = outfit[key] = attributes[key]; } } sendUpdate(outfit_data, success, failure); } } Outfit.cache = {}; Outfit.find = function (id, callback) { if(typeof Outfit.cache[id] !== 'undefined') { callback(Outfit.cache[id]); } else { $.ajax({ url: '/outfits/' + id + '.json', success: function (data) { var outfit = new Outfit(data); Outfit.cache[id] = outfit; callback(outfit); }, error: function () { callback(null); } }); } } Outfit.loadForCurrentUser = function (success) { var outfits = []; $.getJSON('/users/current-user/outfits.json', function (data) { var outfit_data, outfit, i; for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { outfit_data = data[i]; outfit = new Outfit(outfit_data); outfits.push(outfit); Outfit.cache[] = outfit; } success(outfits); }); } function PetAttribute() {} PetAttribute.loadAll = function (success) { $.getJSON('/pet_attributes.json', function (data) { success(data); }); } function PetState(id) { var pet_state = this, loaded = false; = id; this.assets = []; this.loadAssets = function (success) { var params; if(loaded) { success(pet_state); } else { $.getJSON('/pet_states/' + + '/swf_assets.json', function (data) { pet_state.assets = $.map(data, function (obj) { return new BiologyAsset(obj) }); loaded = true; success(pet_state); }); } } PetState.cache[id] = this; } PetState.find = function (id) { var pet_state = PetState.cache[id]; if(!pet_state) { pet_state = new PetState(id); } return pet_state; } PetState.cache = {}; function PetType() { var pet_type = this; this.loaded = false; this.pet_states = []; this.load = function (success, error) { if(pet_type.loaded) { success(pet_type); } else { $.getJSON('/species/' + pet_type.species_id + '/color/' + pet_type.color_id + '/pet_type.json', { 'for': 'wardrobe' }, function (data) { if(data) { for(var key in data) { if(data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { pet_type[key] = data[key]; } } for(var i = 0; i < pet_type.pet_state_ids.length; i++) { pet_type.pet_states.push(PetState.find(pet_type.pet_state_ids[i])); } PetType.cache_by_color_and_species.deepSet( pet_type.color_id, pet_type.species_id, pet_type ); pet_type.loaded = true; success(pet_type); } else { error(pet_type); } }); } } this.loadItemAssets = function (item_ids, success) { var item_ids_needed = []; for(var i = 0; i < item_ids.length; i++) { var id = item_ids[i], item = Item.find(id); if(!item.hasAssetsFitting(pet_type)) item_ids_needed.push(id); } if(item_ids_needed.length) { $.getJSON('/bodies/' + pet_type.body_id + '/swf_assets.json', { item_ids: item_ids_needed }, function (data) { var item; $.each(data, function () { var item = Item.find(this.parent_id), asset = new ItemAsset(this); if(typeof item.assets_by_body_id[pet_type.body_id] == 'undefined') { item.assets_by_body_id[pet_type.body_id] = []; } item.assets_by_body_id[pet_type.body_id].push(asset); }); for(var i = 0, l = item_ids.length; i < l; i++) { item = Item.find(item_ids[i]); if(!item.hasAssetsFitting(pet_type)) { item.assets_by_body_id[pet_type.body_id] = []; } } success(); }); } else { success(); } } this.toString = function () { return 'PetType{color_id: ' + this.color_id + ', species_id: ' + this.species_id + '}'; } this.ownsPetState = function (pet_state) { for(var i = 0; i < this.pet_states.length; i++) { if(this.pet_states[i] == pet_state) return true; } return false; } } PetType.cache_by_color_and_species = new DeepObject(); PetType.findOrCreateByColorAndSpecies = function (color_id, species_id) { var pet_type = PetType.cache_by_color_and_species.deepGet(color_id, species_id); if(!pet_type) { pet_type = new PetType(); pet_type.color_id = color_id; pet_type.species_id = species_id; } return pet_type; } /* * * Controllers * */ function Controller() { var controller = this; = {}; function fireEvent(event_name, subarguments) { var events =[event_name]; if(typeof events !== 'undefined') { for(var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { events[i].apply(controller, subarguments); } } } this.bind = function (event, callback) { if(typeof[event] == 'undefined') {[event] = []; }[event].push(callback); } this.event = function (event_name) { return function () { fireEvent(event_name, arguments); } } = function (event_name) { var subarguments, event; if([event_name]) { subarguments = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments, [1]); fireEvent(event_name, subarguments); } } } Controller.all = {}; Controller.all.Outfit = function OutfitController() { var controller = this, outfit = new Outfit; this.in_transaction = false; function setFullOutfit(new_outfit) { outfit = new_outfit; controller.in_transaction = true; controller.setPetStateById(outfit.pet_state_id); controller.setPetTypeByColorAndSpecies(outfit.color_id, outfit.species_id); controller.setClosetItemsByIds(outfit.getClosetItemIds()); controller.setWornItemsByIds(outfit.getWornItemIds());'setOutfit', outfit); controller.in_transaction = false;'loadOutfit', outfit); } function setOutfitIdentity(new_outfit) { new_outfit.cloneAttributesFrom(outfit); outfit = new_outfit; } this.closetItem = function (item) { outfit.closetItem( item, controller.event('updateClosetItems') ); } this.getClosetItems = function () { return outfit.closet_items; } this.getId = function () { return; } this.getOutfit = function () { return outfit; } this.getPetState = function () { return outfit.pet_state; } this.getPetType = function () { return outfit.pet_type; } this.getVisibleAssets = function () { return outfit.getVisibleAssets(); } this.getWornItems = function () { return outfit.worn_items; } this.load = function (new_outfit_id) { Outfit.find(new_outfit_id, function (new_outfit) { setFullOutfit(new_outfit.clone()); }); } this.loadData = function (new_outfit_data) { setFullOutfit(new Outfit(new_outfit_data)); } this.create = function (attributes) { if(attributes) { outfit.starred = attributes.starred; =; } outfit.create( function (outfit) {'saveSuccess', outfit);'createSuccess', outfit);'setOutfit', outfit); }, controller.event('saveFailure') ); } this.setClosetItemsByIds = function (item_ids) { outfit.setClosetItemsByIds( item_ids, controller.event('updateClosetItems') ); } this.setId = function (outfit_id) { // Note that this does not load the outfit, but only sets the ID of the // outfit we're supposedly working with. This allows the hash to contain // the outfit ID while still allowing us to change as we go if(outfit_id) { Outfit.find(outfit_id, function (new_outfit) { if(new_outfit) { setOutfitIdentity(new_outfit);'setOutfit', outfit); } else {'outfitNotFound', outfit); } }); } else { setOutfitIdentity(new Outfit);'setOutfit', outfit); } } this.setPetStateById = function (pet_state_id) { outfit.setPetStateById(pet_state_id, controller.event('updatePetState')); } this.setPetTypeByColorAndSpecies = function(color_id, species_id) { outfit.setPetTypeByColorAndSpecies(color_id, species_id, controller.event('updatePetType'), controller.event('petTypeLoaded'), controller.event('petTypeNotFound'), controller.event('updatePetState'), controller.event('updateWornItems'), controller.event('updateItemAssets') ); } this.setWornItemsByIds = function (item_ids) { outfit.setWornItemsByIds( item_ids, controller.event('updateWornItems'), controller.event('updateItemAssets') ); } this.share = function () { var sharedOutfit = outfit.clone(); sharedOutfit.anonymous = true; sharedOutfit.create( controller.event('shareSuccess'), controller.event('shareFailure') ); } this.unclosetItem = function (item) { outfit.unclosetItem( item, controller.event('updateClosetItems'), controller.event('updateWornItems') ); } this.unwearItem = function (item) { outfit.unwearItem(item, controller.event('updateWornItems')); } this.update = function () { outfit.update( function (outfit) {'saveSuccess', outfit),'updateSuccess', outfit) }, controller.event('saveFailure') ); } this.wearItem = function (item) { outfit.wearItem( item, controller.event('updateWornItems'), controller.event('updateClosetItems'), controller.event('updateItemAssets') ); } } Controller.all.BasePet = function BasePetController() { var base_pet = this; this.setName = function (name) { = name;'updateName', name); } } Controller.all.PetAttributes = function PetAttributesController() { var pet_attributes = this; function onLoad(attributes) {'update', attributes); } this.load = function () { PetAttribute.loadAll(onLoad); } } Controller.all.ItemZoneSets = function ItemZoneSetsController() { var item_zone_sets = this; function onLoad(sets) {'update', sets); } this.load = function () { ItemZoneSet.loadAll(onLoad); } } Controller.all.Search = function SearchController() { var search = this; this.request = {}; function itemsOnLoad(items, total_pages, page) {'updateItems', items);'updatePagination', page, total_pages); } function itemsOnError(error) {'error', error); } this.setItemsByQuery = function (query, where) { var offset = (typeof where.offset != 'undefined') ? where.offset : (Item.PER_PAGE * ( - 1)); search.request = { query: query, offset: offset };'updateRequest', search.request); if(query) { Item.loadByQuery(query, offset, itemsOnLoad, itemsOnError);'startRequest'); } else {'updateItems', []);'updatePagination', 0, 0); } } this.setPerPage = function (per_page) { Item.PER_PAGE = per_page; } } Controller.all.User = function UserController() { var controller = this, outfits = [], outfits_loaded = false; function compareOutfits(a, b) { if(a.starred) { if(!b.starred) return -1; } else if(b.starred) { return 1; } if( < return -1; else if( == return 0; else return 1; } function insertOutfit(outfit) { for(var i = 0; i < outfits.length; i++) { if(compareOutfits(outfit, outfits[i]) < 0) { outfits.splice(i, 0, outfit);'addOutfit', outfit, i); return; } }'addOutfit', outfit, outfits.length); outfits.push(outfit); } function sortOutfits(outfits) { outfits.sort(compareOutfits); } function yankOutfit(outfit) { var i; for(i = 0; i < outfits.length; i++) { if( == outfits[i].id) { outfits.splice(i, 1); break; } }'removeOutfit', outfit, i); } this.addOutfit = insertOutfit; this.destroyOutfit = function (outfit) { outfit.destroy(function () { yankOutfit(outfit); }); } this.loadOutfits = function () { if(!outfits_loaded) { Outfit.loadForCurrentUser(function (new_outfits) { outfits = new_outfits; outfits_loaded = true; sortOutfits(outfits);'outfitsLoaded', outfits); }); } } this.renameOutfit = function (outfit, new_name) { var old_name =; outfit.rename(new_name, function () { yankOutfit(outfit); insertOutfit(outfit);'outfitRenamed', outfit); }, function (outfit_copy, response) { = old_name;'saveFailure', outfit_copy, response); }); } this.toggleOutfitStar = function (outfit) { outfit.toggleStar(function () { yankOutfit(outfit); insertOutfit(outfit);'outfitStarToggled', outfit); }); } this.updateOutfit = function (outfit) { for(var i = 0; i < outfits.length; i++) { if(outfits[i].id == { outfits[i] = outfit.clone(); break; } } } } var underscored_name; for(var name in Controller.all) { if(Controller.all.hasOwnProperty(name)) { // underscoring translated from // underscored_name = name.replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g, '$1_$2'). replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g,'$1_$2').toLowerCase(); wardrobe[underscored_name] = new Controller.all[name]; Controller.apply(wardrobe[underscored_name]); } } this.initialize = function () { var view; for(var name in wardrobe.views) { if(wardrobe.views.hasOwnProperty(name)) { view = wardrobe.views[name]; if(typeof view.initialize == 'function') { view.initialize(); } } } } this.registerViews = function (views) { wardrobe.views = {}; $.each(views, function (name) { wardrobe.views[name] = new this(wardrobe); }); } } Wardrobe.IMAGE_CONFIG = { base_url: "", sizes: [ [600, 600], [300, 300], [150, 150] ] } Wardrobe.StandardPreview = { views_by_swf_id: {} }; Wardrobe.getStandardView = function (options) { var StandardView = {}; function requireKeys() { var key, key_stack = [], scope = options; for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { key = arguments[i]; key_stack.push(key); scope = scope[key]; if(typeof scope == "undefined") { throw "Options for Wardrobe.getStandardView must include " + key_stack.join("."); } } } requireKeys('Preview', 'swf_url'); requireKeys('Preview', 'wrapper'); requireKeys('Preview', 'placeholder'); if(, 6) == '?debug') { StandardView.Console = function (wardrobe) { if(typeof console != 'undefined' && typeof console.log == 'function') { window.log = $.proxy(console, 'log'); } this.initialize = function () { log('Welcome to the Wardrobe!'); } var outfit_events = ['updateWornItems', 'updateClosetItems', 'updateItemAssets', 'updatePetType', 'updatePetState']; for(var i = 0; i < outfit_events.length; i++) { (function (event) { wardrobe.outfit.bind(event, function (obj) { log(event, obj); }); })(outfit_events[i]); } wardrobe.outfit.bind('petTypeNotFound', function (pet_type) { log(pet_type.toString() + ' not found'); }); } } StandardView.Preview = function (wardrobe) { var preview = this; var preview_el = $(options.Preview.wrapper), preview_swf_placeholder = $(options.Preview.placeholder); function SWFAdapter() { var preview_swf_id = preview_swf_placeholder.attr('id'), preview_swf, update_pending_flash = false; preview_el.removeClass('image-adapter').addClass('swf-adapter'); swfobject.embedSWF( options.Preview.swf_url, preview_swf_id, '100%', '100%', '9', '/assets/js/swfobject/expressInstall.swf', {'id': preview_swf_id}, {'wmode': 'transparent'} ); Wardrobe.StandardPreview.views_by_swf_id[preview_swf_id] = this; this.previewSWFIsReady = function () { preview_swf = document.getElementById(preview_swf_id); if(update_pending_flash) { update_pending_flash = false; this.updateAssets(); } } this.updateAssets = function () { var assets, assets_for_swf; if(update_pending_flash) return false; if(preview_swf && preview_swf.setAssets) { assets = wardrobe.outfit.getVisibleAssets(); preview_swf.setAssets(assets); } else { update_pending_flash = true; } } } function ImageAdapter() { var pendingAssets = {}, pendingAssetIds = [], pendingInterval, pendingAssetsCount = 0, pendingMessageEl = $('', {id: 'preview-images-pending'}), previewImageContainer = $(options.Preview.image_container); var ASSET_PING_RATE = 5000; preview_el.removeClass('swf-adapter').addClass('image-adapter'); pendingMessageEl.appendTo(previewImageContainer); this.updateAssets = function () { var assets = wardrobe.outfit.getVisibleAssets(), asset, availableAssets = []; pendingAssets = {}; pendingAssetsCount = 0; clearView(); for(var i in assets) { if(!assets.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; asset = assets[i]; if(asset.has_image) { addToView(asset); } else { pendingAssets[] = asset; pendingAssetsCount++; } } updatePendingStatus(); } function addToView(asset) { $( '', { css: { zIndex: asset.depth }, src: asset.imageURL(bestSize()) } ).appendTo(previewImageContainer); } // TODO: choose new best size on window resize function bestSize() { var sizes = Wardrobe.IMAGE_CONFIG.sizes, width = preview_el.width(), height = preview_el.height(); for(var i in sizes) { if(sizes[i][0] < width && sizes[i][1] < height) return sizes[i]; } return sizes[sizes.length - 1]; } function clearView() { previewImageContainer.children('img').remove(); } function loadPendingAssets() { var pendingAssetIds = { biology: [], object: [] }, asset; for(var i in pendingAssets) { if(pendingAssets.hasOwnProperty(i)) { pendingAssetIds[pendingAssets[i].type].push(pendingAssets[i].id); } } $.getJSON( '/swf_assets.json', { ids: pendingAssetIds }, function (assetsData) { var assetData, asset; for(var i in assetsData) { assetData = assetsData[i]; if(assetData.has_image && pendingAssets.hasOwnProperty( { asset = pendingAssets[]; asset.update(assetData); delete pendingAssets[]; pendingAssetsCount--; addToView(asset); } } updatePendingStatus(); } ); } function updateContainerSize() { var size = bestSize(); previewImageContainer.css({ height: size[1], width: size[0] }); } function updatePendingInterval() { if(pendingAssetsCount) { if(pendingInterval == null) { pendingInterval = setInterval(loadPendingAssets, ASSET_PING_RATE); } } else { if(pendingInterval != null) { clearInterval(pendingInterval); pendingInterval = null; } } } function updatePendingMessage() { pendingMessageEl.text("Waiting on " + pendingAssetsCount + " images"). attr("className", "waiting-on-" + pendingAssetsCount); } function updatePendingStatus() { updatePendingInterval(); updatePendingMessage(); } updateContainerSize(); $(window).resize(updateContainerSize); } this.adapter = new SWFAdapter(); function updateAssets() { preview.adapter.updateAssets(); } wardrobe.outfit.bind('updateWornItems', updateAssets); wardrobe.outfit.bind('updateItemAssets', updateAssets); wardrobe.outfit.bind('updatePetState', updateAssets); this.useSWFAdapter = function () { preview.adapter = new SWFAdapter(); updateAssets(); } this.useImageAdapter = function () { preview.adapter = new ImageAdapter(); updateAssets(); } this.toggleAdapter = function () { var nextAdapter = preview.adapter.constructor == SWFAdapter ? ImageAdapter : SWFAdapter; preview.adapter = new nextAdapter(); updateAssets(); } } window.previewSWFIsReady = function (id) { Wardrobe.StandardPreview.views_by_swf_id[id].previewSWFIsReady(); } return StandardView; }