import React from "react"; import { Box, DarkMode, Flex, Text, useColorModeValue, useToast, } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import LRU from "lru-cache"; import { WarningIcon } from "@chakra-ui/icons"; import { ClassNames } from "@emotion/react"; import { CSSTransition, TransitionGroup } from "react-transition-group"; import OutfitMovieLayer, { buildMovieClip, hasAnimations, loadMovieLibrary, } from "./OutfitMovieLayer"; import HangerSpinner from "./HangerSpinner"; import { loadImage, safeImageUrl, useLocalStorage } from "../util"; import useOutfitAppearance from "./useOutfitAppearance"; import usePreferArchive from "./usePreferArchive"; /** * OutfitPreview is for rendering a full outfit! It accepts outfit data, * fetches the appearance data for it, and preloads and renders the layers * together. * * If the species/color/pose fields are null and a `placeholder` node is * provided instead, we'll render the placeholder. And then, once those props * become non-null, we'll keep showing the placeholder below the loading * overlay until loading completes. (We use this on the homepage to show the * beach splash until outfit data arrives!) * * TODO: There's some duplicate work happening in useOutfitAppearance and * useOutfitState both getting appearance data on first load... */ function OutfitPreview(props) { const { preview } = useOutfitPreview(props); return preview; } /** * useOutfitPreview is like `<OutfitPreview />`, but a bit more power! * * It takes the same props and returns a `preview` field, which is just like * `<OutfitPreview />` - but it also returns `appearance` data too, in case you * want to show some additional UI that uses the appearance data we loaded! */ export function useOutfitPreview({ speciesId, colorId, pose, altStyleId, wornItemIds, appearanceId = null, isLoading = false, placeholder = null, loadingDelayMs, spinnerVariant, onChangeHasAnimations = null, ...props }) { const [isPaused, setIsPaused] = useLocalStorage("DTIOutfitIsPaused", true); const toast = useToast(); const appearance = useOutfitAppearance({ speciesId, colorId, pose, altStyleId, appearanceId, wornItemIds, }); const { loading, error, visibleLayers } = appearance; const { loading: loading2, error: error2, loadedLayers, layersHaveAnimations, } = usePreloadLayers(visibleLayers); const onMovieError = React.useCallback(() => { if (!toast.isActive("outfit-preview-on-movie-error")) { toast({ id: "outfit-preview-on-movie-error", status: "warning", title: "Oops, we couldn't load one of these animations.", description: "We'll show a static image version instead.", duration: null, isClosable: true, }); } }, [toast]); const onLowFps = React.useCallback( (fps) => { setIsPaused(true); console.warn(`[OutfitPreview] Pausing due to low FPS: ${fps}`); if (!toast.isActive("outfit-preview-on-low-fps")) { toast({ id: "outfit-preview-on-low-fps", status: "warning", title: "Sorry, the animation was lagging, so we paused it! 😖", description: "We do this to help make sure your machine doesn't lag too much! " + "You can unpause the preview to try again.", duration: null, isClosable: true, }); } }, [setIsPaused, toast], ); React.useEffect(() => { if (onChangeHasAnimations) { onChangeHasAnimations(layersHaveAnimations); } }, [layersHaveAnimations, onChangeHasAnimations]); const textColor = useColorModeValue("green.700", "white"); let preview; if (error || error2) { preview = ( <FullScreenCenter> <Text color={textColor} d="flex" alignItems="center"> <WarningIcon /> <Box width={2} /> Could not load preview. Try again? </Text> </FullScreenCenter> ); } else { preview = ( <OutfitLayers loading={isLoading || loading || loading2} visibleLayers={loadedLayers} placeholder={placeholder} loadingDelayMs={loadingDelayMs} spinnerVariant={spinnerVariant} onMovieError={onMovieError} onLowFps={onLowFps} doTransitions isPaused={isPaused} {...props} /> ); } return { appearance, preview }; } /** * OutfitLayers is the raw UI component for rendering outfit layers. It's * used both in the main outfit preview, and in other minor UIs! */ export function OutfitLayers({ loading, visibleLayers, placeholder = null, loadingDelayMs = 500, spinnerVariant = "overlay", doTransitions = false, isPaused = true, onMovieError = null, onLowFps = null, ...props }) { const [hiResMode] = useLocalStorage("DTIHiResMode", false); const [preferArchive] = usePreferArchive(); const containerRef = React.useRef(null); const [canvasSize, setCanvasSize] = React.useState(0); const [loadingDelayHasPassed, setLoadingDelayHasPassed] = React.useState(false); // When we start in a loading state, or re-enter a loading state, start the // loading delay timer. React.useEffect(() => { if (loading) { setLoadingDelayHasPassed(false); const t = setTimeout( () => setLoadingDelayHasPassed(true), loadingDelayMs, ); return () => clearTimeout(t); } }, [loadingDelayMs, loading]); React.useLayoutEffect(() => { function computeAndSaveCanvasSize() { setCanvasSize( // Follow an algorithm similar to the <img> sizing: a square that // covers the available space, without exceeding the natural image size // (which is 600px). // // TODO: Once we're entirely off PNGs, we could drop the 600 // requirement, and let SVGs and movies scale up as far as they // want... Math.min( containerRef.current.offsetWidth, containerRef.current.offsetHeight, 600, ), ); } computeAndSaveCanvasSize(); window.addEventListener("resize", computeAndSaveCanvasSize); return () => window.removeEventListener("resize", computeAndSaveCanvasSize); }, [setCanvasSize]); return ( <ClassNames> {({ css }) => ( <Box pos="relative" height="100%" width="100%" maxWidth="600px" maxHeight="600px" // Create a stacking context, so the z-indexed layers don't escape! zIndex="0" ref={containerRef} data-loading={loading ? true : undefined} {...props} > {placeholder && ( <FullScreenCenter> <Box // We show the placeholder until there are visible layers, at which // point we fade it out. opacity={visibleLayers.length === 0 ? 1 : 0} transition="opacity 0.2s" width="100%" height="100%" maxWidth="600px" maxHeight="600px" > {placeholder} </Box> </FullScreenCenter> )} <TransitionGroup enter={false} exit={doTransitions}> { => ( <CSSTransition // We manage the fade-in and fade-out separately! The fade-out // happens here, when the layer exits the DOM. key={} timeout={200} > <FadeInOnLoad as={FullScreenCenter} zIndex={} className={css` &.exit { opacity: 1; } &.exit-active { opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.2s; } `} > {layer.canvasMovieLibraryUrl ? ( <OutfitMovieLayer libraryUrl={layer.canvasMovieLibraryUrl} placeholderImageUrl={getBestImageUrlForLayer(layer, { hiResMode, })} width={canvasSize} height={canvasSize} isPaused={isPaused} onError={onMovieError} onLowFps={onLowFps} /> ) : ( <Box as="img" src={safeImageUrl( getBestImageUrlForLayer(layer, { hiResMode }), { preferArchive }, )} alt="" objectFit="contain" maxWidth="100%" maxHeight="100%" /> )} </FadeInOnLoad> </CSSTransition> ))} </TransitionGroup> <FullScreenCenter zIndex="9000" // This is similar to our Delay util component, but Delay disappears // immediately on load, whereas we want this to fade out smoothly. We // also use a timeout to delay the fade-in by 0.5s, but don't delay the // fade-out at all. (The timeout was an awkward choice, it was hard to // find a good CSS way to specify this delay well!) opacity={loading && loadingDelayHasPassed ? 1 : 0} transition="opacity 0.2s" > {spinnerVariant === "overlay" && ( <> <Box position="absolute" top="0" left="0" right="0" bottom="0" backgroundColor="gray.900" opacity="0.7" /> {/* Against the dark overlay, use the Dark Mode spinner. */} <DarkMode> <HangerSpinner /> </DarkMode> </> )} {spinnerVariant === "corner" && ( <HangerSpinner size="sm" position="absolute" bottom="2" right="2" /> )} </FullScreenCenter> </Box> )} </ClassNames> ); } export function FullScreenCenter({ children, ...otherProps }) { return ( <Flex pos="absolute" top="0" right="0" bottom="0" left="0" alignItems="center" justifyContent="center" {...otherProps} > {children} </Flex> ); } export function getBestImageUrlForLayer(layer, { hiResMode = false } = {}) { if (hiResMode && layer.svgUrl) { return layer.svgUrl; } else { return layer.imageUrl; } } /** * usePreloadLayers preloads the images for the given layers, and yields them * when done. This enables us to keep the old outfit preview on screen until * all the new layers are ready, then show them all at once! */ export function usePreloadLayers(layers) { const [hiResMode] = useLocalStorage("DTIHiResMode", false); const [preferArchive] = usePreferArchive(); const [error, setError] = React.useState(null); const [loadedLayers, setLoadedLayers] = React.useState([]); const [layersHaveAnimations, setLayersHaveAnimations] = React.useState(false); // NOTE: This condition would need to change if we started loading one at a // time, or if the error case would need to show a partial state! const loading = layers.length > 0 && loadedLayers !== layers; React.useEffect(() => { // HACK: Don't clear the preview when we have zero layers, because it // usually means the parent is still loading data. I feel like this isn't // the right abstraction, though... if (layers.length === 0) { return; } let canceled = false; setError(null); setLayersHaveAnimations(false); const minimalAssetPromises = []; const imageAssetPromises = []; const movieAssetPromises = []; for (const layer of layers) { const imageAssetPromise = loadImage( getBestImageUrlForLayer(layer, { hiResMode }), { preferArchive }, ); imageAssetPromises.push(imageAssetPromise); if (layer.canvasMovieLibraryUrl) { // Start preloading the movie. But we won't block on it! The blocking // request will still be the image, which we'll show as a // placeholder, which should usually be noticeably faster! const movieLibraryPromise = loadMovieLibrary( layer.canvasMovieLibraryUrl, { preferArchive }, ); const movieAssetPromise = movieLibraryPromise.then((library) => ({ library, libraryUrl: layer.canvasMovieLibraryUrl, })); movieAssetPromise.libraryUrl = layer.canvasMovieLibraryUrl; movieAssetPromise.cancel = () => movieLibraryPromise.cancel(); movieAssetPromises.push(movieAssetPromise); // The minimal asset for the movie case is *either* the image *or* // the movie, because we can start rendering when either is ready. minimalAssetPromises.push( Promise.any([imageAssetPromise, movieAssetPromise]), ); } else { minimalAssetPromises.push(imageAssetPromise); } } // When the minimal assets have loaded, we can say the layers have // loaded, and allow the UI to start showing them! Promise.all(minimalAssetPromises) .then(() => { if (canceled) return; setLoadedLayers(layers); }) .catch((e) => { if (canceled) return; console.error("Error preloading outfit layers", e); setError(e); // Cancel any remaining promises, if cancelable. imageAssetPromises.forEach((p) => p.cancel && p.cancel()); movieAssetPromises.forEach((p) => p.cancel && p.cancel()); }); // As the movie assets come in, check them for animations, to decide // whether to show the Play/Pause button. const checkHasAnimations = (asset) => { if (canceled) return; let assetHasAnimations; try { assetHasAnimations = getHasAnimationsForMovieAsset(asset); } catch (e) { console.error("Error testing layers for animations", e); setError(e); return; } setLayersHaveAnimations( (alreadyHasAnimations) => alreadyHasAnimations || assetHasAnimations, ); }; movieAssetPromises.forEach((p) => p.then(checkHasAnimations).catch((e) => { console.error(`Error preloading movie library ${p.libraryUrl}:`, e); }), ); return () => { canceled = true; }; }, [layers, hiResMode, preferArchive]); return { loading, error, loadedLayers, layersHaveAnimations }; } // This cache is large because it's only storing booleans; mostly just capping // it to put *some* upper bound on memory growth. const HAS_ANIMATIONS_FOR_MOVIE_ASSET_CACHE = new LRU(50); function getHasAnimationsForMovieAsset({ library, libraryUrl }) { // This operation can be pretty expensive! We store a cache to only do it // once per layer per session ish, instead of on each outfit change. const cachedHasAnimations = HAS_ANIMATIONS_FOR_MOVIE_ASSET_CACHE.get(libraryUrl); if (cachedHasAnimations) { return cachedHasAnimations; } const movieClip = buildMovieClip(library, libraryUrl); // Some movie clips require you to tick to the first frame of the movie // before the children mount onto the stage. If we detect animations // without doing this, we'll incorrectly say no, because we see no children! // Example: movieClip.advance(); const movieClipHasAnimations = hasAnimations(movieClip); HAS_ANIMATIONS_FOR_MOVIE_ASSET_CACHE.set(libraryUrl, movieClipHasAnimations); return movieClipHasAnimations; } /** * FadeInOnLoad attaches an `onLoad` handler to its single child, and fades in * the container element once it triggers. */ function FadeInOnLoad({ children, ...props }) { const [isLoaded, setIsLoaded] = React.useState(false); const onLoad = React.useCallback(() => setIsLoaded(true), []); const child = React.Children.only(children); const wrappedChild = React.cloneElement(child, { onLoad }); return ( <Box opacity={isLoaded ? 1 : 0} transition="opacity 0.2s" {...props}> {wrappedChild} </Box> ); } // Polyfill Promise.any for older browsers: // NOTE: Normally I would've considered Promise.any within our support browser // range… but it's affected 25 users in the past two months, which is // surprisingly high. And the polyfill is small, so let's do it! (11/2021) Promise.any = Promise.any || function ($) { return new Promise(function (D, E, A, L) { A = []; L = $.map(function ($, i) { return Promise.resolve($).then(D, function (O) { return ((A[i] = O), --L) || E({ errors: A }); }); }).length; }); }; export default OutfitPreview;