- title "NC Pet Styles" - use_responsive_design %ul.breadcrumbs %li= link_to "Rainbow Pool", pet_types_path %li Pet Styles :markdown Pet Styles drastically change the appearance of your pet! They're [available in the NC Mall][1], or via "NC Trading". Some of them are "Nostalgic", meaning they're reminiscent of classic Neopets designs from long ago—and some are brand new! Pet Styles only fit pets of the same species—but the *color* of the pet doesn't matter! A Blue Acara can wear the "Nostalgic Faerie Acara" Pet Style. Only some items fit pets wearing Pet Styles: mostly Backgrounds, Foregrounds, and other items that aren't designed to fit a specific body shape. If you have an Pet Style we don't, please model it by entering your pet's name on the homepage! Thank you! 💖 [1]: https://www.neopets.com/mall/stylingstudio/ = form_with url: alt_styles_path, method: :get, class: "rainbow-pool-filters" do |f| %fieldset %legend Filter by: = f.select :series, @all_series_names, selected: @series_name, include_blank: "Style…" = f.select :color, @all_color_names, selected: @color&.human_name, include_blank: "Color…" = f.select :species, @all_species_names, selected: @species&.human_name, include_blank: "Species…" = f.submit "Go", name: nil = will_paginate @alt_styles, class: "rainbow-pool-pagination" %ul.rainbow-pool-list= render @alt_styles = will_paginate @alt_styles, class: "rainbow-pool-pagination" - content_for :stylesheets do = stylesheet_link_tag "application/breadcrumbs" = stylesheet_link_tag "application/rainbow-pool" = page_stylesheet_link_tag "alt_styles/index"