- title "Item Getting Guide" %h1#title Item Getting Guide - if @items[:nc_mall].present? %h2 NC Mall items :markdown These items are available in the NC Mall right now! You can buy them with Neocash, a special currency you can [purchase directly][nc] from Neopets or redeem via [gift cards][gc]. [nc]: https://secure.nc.neopets.com/get-neocash [gc]: https://secure.nc.neopets.com/nickcash-cards %table.item-list %thead %tr %td %th Total: #{nc_total_for @items_needed[:nc_mall]} NC (#{pluralize @items_needed[:nc_mall].size, "item"}) %td.actions-cell - if @items_needed[:nc_mall].present? %button{onclick: "alert('Todo!')"} = cart_icon alt: "" Buy all in NC Mall %tbody - @items[:nc_mall].each do |item| = render "item_list_row", item: do %button{onclick: "alert('Todo!')"} = cart_icon alt: "" Buy (#{item.current_nc_price} NC) - if @items[:dyeworks].present? %h2 Dyeworks items :markdown These are recolored "Dyeworks" variants of items. First get the "base" item, then get a Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion, and combine them in the [Dyeworks][dyeworks] section of the NC Mall! Potions can also be bought in bundles of 5 or 10. [dyeworks]: https://www.neopets.com/mall/dyeworks/ %table.item-list %thead %tr %td.thumbnail-cell = image_tag "https://images.neopets.com/items/mall_80x80_cleaning.gif", alt: "Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion" %th Total: #{dyeworks_nc_total_for @items_needed[:dyeworks]} NC = surround "(", ")" do %span.price-breakdown{ title: "#{dyeworks_items_nc_total_for(@items_needed[:dyeworks])} NC" }< #{pluralize @items_needed[:dyeworks].size, "item"} + %span.price-breakdown{ title: dyeworks_potions_nc_summary(@items_needed[:dyeworks].size) }< #{pluralize @items_needed[:dyeworks].size, "potion"} %td.actions-cell - if @items_needed[:dyeworks].present? %button{onclick: "alert('Todo!')"} = cart_icon alt: "" Buy all in NC Mall %tbody - @items[:dyeworks].each do |item| = render "item_list_row", item: do - base_item = item.dyeworks_base_item - content_for :subtitle, flush: true do = link_to base_item.name, base_item, target: "_blank" + 1 potion - if item.dyeworks_permanent? %span.dyeworks-timeframe{ title: "This recipe is NOT currently scheduled to be removed " + "from Dyeworks. It might not stay forever, but it's also " + "not part of a known limited-time event, like most " + "Dyeworks items are." } (Permanent) - elsif item.dyeworks_limited? %span.dyeworks-timeframe{ title: "This recipe is part of a limited-time Dyeworks " + "event, and is scheduled to be removed from the NC Mall soon." } (Limited-time) %button{onclick: "alert('Todo!')"} = cart_icon alt: "" Buy base (#{item.dyeworks_base_item.current_nc_price} NC) - if @items[:np].present? %h2 Neopoint items :markdown These items can be purchased with Neopoints. For less-expensive items, check the [Shop Wizard][wiz] first. Otherwise, try the [Trading Post][tp] or [Auction Genie][ag]. Dress to Impress doesn't track Neopoint item prices, but other fansites do! [wiz]: https://www.neopets.com/shops/wizard.phtml [tp]: https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse [ag]: https://www.neopets.com/genie.phtml %table.item-list %thead %tr %td %th{colspan: 2} Total: #{pluralize @items_needed[:np].size, "item"} %tbody - @items[:np].each do |item| = render "item_list_row", item: do = button_link_to "Shops", shop_wizard_url_for(item), target: "_blank", icon: search_icon = button_link_to "Trades", trading_post_url_for(item), target: "_blank", icon: search_icon - if @pb_items_by_color.present? %h2 Paint Brush items :markdown These items are part of a paint brush set. Once you paint your pet, these items will be semi-permanently added to your Closet, even if your pet changes color again! You can use this to mix-and-match styles for "cross-paint" outfits. - @pb_items_by_color.each do |color, items| - items_needed = @pb_items_needed_by_color[color] %table.item-list{ "data-group-type": "bundle", "data-group-owned": items.all?(&:owned?), } %thead %tr %td.thumbnail-cell - if color&.pb_item_thumbnail_url? = image_tag color.pb_item_thumbnail_url, alt: "Item thumbnail for #{color.pb_item_name}" - elsif color = image_tag pet_type_image_url(@pb_color_pet_types[color], size: :face), srcset: ["#{pet_type_image_url(@pb_color_pet_types[color], size: :face_2x)} 2x"], alt: @pb_color_pet_types[color].human_name - else = image_tag "https://images.neopets.com/items/starter_red_pb.gif", alt: "Item thumbnail for Starter Red Paint Brush" %th - if color #{color.pb_item_name || color.name.humanize} - else Basic colors (#{pluralize items_needed.size, "item"}) %td.actions-cell - if color&.pb_item_name? = button_link_to "Shops", shop_wizard_url_for(color.pb_item_name), target: "_blank", icon: search_icon = button_link_to "Trades", trading_post_url_for(color.pb_item_name), target: "_blank", icon: search_icon - elsif color .special-color-explanation Get via Lab Ray, morphing potions, etc. - else .special-color-explanation Many colors, like Red, will grant these items. %tbody - items.each do |item| = render "item_list_row", item: - if @items[:other_nc].present? %h2 Neocash items (Capsules, events, retired, etc.) :markdown These items are part of the Neocash economy, but not directly for sale. Sometimes they're available in the [NC Mall][mall], via special bundles or events. Sometimes they're retired, and can only be obtained via gifts or trades. [mall]: https://ncmall.neopets.com/ - if @items[:other_nc].any?(&:nc_trade_value) :markdown The [Owls Value Guide][owls] often has more details about how to get these items, and how much they're usually worth in the NC Trading community. We've loaded their info here for you, too! Thanks, Owls team! [owls]: https://www.neopets.com/~owls %table.item-list %thead %td %th{colspan: 2} Total: #{pluralize @items_needed[:other_nc].size, "item"} %tbody - @items[:other_nc].each do |item| = render "item_list_row", item: do - content_for :subtitle, flush: true do - if item.nc_trade_value.present? - if nc_trade_value_is_estimate(item.nc_trade_value) = link_to "https://www.neopets.com/~owls", class: "owls-info-link", target: "_blank", title: 'Owls keeps track of approximate "capsule" values of NC items for trading. Items with similar values can often be traded for one another. This is an estimate, not a rule!' do %span.owls-info-label [Owls] Estimated value: = nc_trade_value_estimate_text(item.nc_trade_value) - else = link_to "https://www.neopets.com/~owls", class: "owls-info-link", target: "_blank", title: "Owls keeps track of how to get certain special items, even when there isn't a clear NC trade estimate." do %span.owls-info-label [Owls] Trade info: #{item.nc_trade_value.value_text} = button_link_to "NC Trades", item_trades_path(item, type: "offering"), target: "_blank", icon: search_icon - content_for :stylesheets do = page_stylesheet_link_tag "items/sources"