import React from "react"; import { Alert, AlertIcon, Box, Text, useColorModeValue, VisuallyHidden, } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import Item, { ItemListContainer, ItemListSkeleton } from "./Item"; import PaginationToolbar from "../components/PaginationToolbar"; import { useSearchResults } from "./useSearchResults"; import { MajorErrorMessage } from "../util"; import { useAltStylesForSpecies } from "../loaders/alt-styles"; export const SEARCH_PER_PAGE = 30; /** * SearchPanel shows item search results to the user, so they can preview them * and add them to their outfit! * * It's tightly coordinated with SearchToolbar, using refs to control special * keyboard and focus interactions. */ function SearchPanel({ query, outfitState, dispatchToOutfit, scrollContainerRef, searchQueryRef, firstSearchResultRef, }) { const scrollToTop = React.useCallback(() => { if (scrollContainerRef.current) { scrollContainerRef.current.scrollTop = 0; } }, [scrollContainerRef]); // Sometimes we want to give focus back to the search field! const onMoveFocusUpToQuery = (e) => { if (searchQueryRef.current) { searchQueryRef.current.focus(); e.preventDefault(); } }; return ( <Box onKeyDown={(e) => { // This will catch any Escape presses when the user's focus is inside // the SearchPanel. if (e.key === "Escape") { onMoveFocusUpToQuery(e); } }} > <SearchResults // When the query changes, replace the SearchResults component with a // new instance. This resets both `currentPageNumber`, to take us back // to page 1; and also `itemIdsToReconsider`. That way, if you find an // item you like in one search, then immediately do a second search and // try a conflicting item, we'll restore the item you liked from your // first search! key={serializeQuery(query)} query={query} outfitState={outfitState} dispatchToOutfit={dispatchToOutfit} firstSearchResultRef={firstSearchResultRef} scrollToTop={scrollToTop} onMoveFocusUpToQuery={onMoveFocusUpToQuery} /> </Box> ); } /** * SearchResults loads the search results from the user's query, renders them, * and tracks the scroll container for infinite scrolling. * * For each item, we render a <label> with a visually-hidden checkbox and the * Item component (which will visually reflect the radio's state). This makes * the list screen-reader- and keyboard-accessible! */ function SearchResults({ query, outfitState, dispatchToOutfit, firstSearchResultRef, scrollToTop, onMoveFocusUpToQuery, }) { const [currentPageNumber, setCurrentPageNumber] = React.useState(1); const { loading, error, items, numTotalPages } = useSearchResults( query, outfitState, currentPageNumber, ); // Preload the previous and next page of search results, with this quick // ~hacky trick: just `useSearchResults` two more times, with some extra // attention to skip the query when we don't know if it will exist! useSearchResults(query, outfitState, currentPageNumber - 1, { skip: currentPageNumber <= 1, }); useSearchResults(query, outfitState, currentPageNumber + 1, { skip: numTotalPages == null || currentPageNumber >= numTotalPages, }); // This will save the `wornItemIds` when the SearchResults first mounts, and // keep it saved even after the outfit changes. We use this to try to restore // these items after the user makes changes, e.g., after they try on another // Background we want to restore the previous one! const [itemIdsToReconsider] = React.useState(outfitState.wornItemIds); // Whenever the page number changes, scroll back to the top! React.useEffect(() => scrollToTop(), [currentPageNumber, scrollToTop]); // You can use UpArrow/DownArrow to navigate between items, and even back up // to the search field! const goToPrevItem = React.useCallback( (e) => { const prevLabel ="label").previousSibling; if (prevLabel) { prevLabel.querySelector("input[type=checkbox]").focus(); prevLabel.scrollIntoView({ block: "center" }); e.preventDefault(); } else { // If we're at the top of the list, move back up to the search box! onMoveFocusUpToQuery(e); } }, [onMoveFocusUpToQuery], ); const goToNextItem = React.useCallback((e) => { const nextLabel ="label").nextSibling; if (nextLabel) { nextLabel.querySelector("input[type=checkbox]").focus(); nextLabel.scrollIntoView({ block: "center" }); e.preventDefault(); } }, []); const searchPanelBackground = useColorModeValue("white", "gray.900"); if (error) { return <MajorErrorMessage error={error} variant="network" />; } // Finally, render the item list, with checkboxes and Item components! // We also render some extra skeleton items at the bottom during infinite // scroll loading. return ( <Box> <Box position="sticky" top="0" background={searchPanelBackground} zIndex="2" paddingX="5" paddingBottom="2" paddingTop="1" > <PaginationToolbar numTotalPages={numTotalPages} currentPageNumber={currentPageNumber} goToPageNumber={setCurrentPageNumber} buildPageUrl={() => null} size="sm" /> </Box> <SearchNCStylesHint query={query} outfitState={outfitState} /> <ItemListContainer paddingX="4" paddingBottom="2"> {, index) => ( <SearchResultItem key={} item={item} itemIdsToReconsider={itemIdsToReconsider} isWorn={outfitState.wornItemIds.includes(} isInOutfit={outfitState.allItemIds.includes(} dispatchToOutfit={dispatchToOutfit} checkboxRef={index === 0 ? firstSearchResultRef : null} goToPrevItem={goToPrevItem} goToNextItem={goToNextItem} /> ))} </ItemListContainer> {loading && ( <ItemListSkeleton count={SEARCH_PER_PAGE} paddingX="4" paddingBottom="2" /> )} {!loading && items.length === 0 && ( <Text paddingX="4"> We couldn't find any matching items{" "} <span role="img" aria-label="(thinking emoji)"> 🤔 </span>{" "} Try again? </Text> )} </Box> ); } function SearchResultItem({ item, itemIdsToReconsider, isWorn, isInOutfit, dispatchToOutfit, checkboxRef, goToPrevItem, goToNextItem, }) { // It's important to use `useCallback` for `onRemove`, to avoid re-rendering // the whole list of <Item>s! const onRemove = React.useCallback( () => dispatchToOutfit({ type: "removeItem", itemId:, itemIdsToReconsider, }), [, itemIdsToReconsider, dispatchToOutfit], ); return ( // We're wrapping the control inside the label, which works just fine! // eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/label-has-associated-control <label> <VisuallyHidden as="input" type="checkbox" aria-label={`Wear "${}"`} value={} checked={isWorn} ref={checkboxRef} onChange={(e) => { const itemId =; const willBeWorn =; if (willBeWorn) { dispatchToOutfit({ type: "wearItem", itemId, itemIdsToReconsider }); } else { dispatchToOutfit({ type: "unwearItem", itemId, itemIdsToReconsider, }); } }} onKeyDown={(e) => { if (e.key === "Enter") {; } else if (e.key === "ArrowUp") { goToPrevItem(e); } else if (e.key === "ArrowDown") { goToNextItem(e); } }} /> <Item item={item} isWorn={isWorn} isInOutfit={isInOutfit} onRemove={onRemove} /> </label> ); } function SearchNCStylesHint({ query, outfitState }) { const { data: altStyles } = useAltStylesForSpecies(outfitState.speciesId); const message = getSearchNCStylesMessage(query, altStyles); if (!message) { return null; } return ( <Box paddingX="4" paddingY="2"> <Alert status="info" variant="left-accent" fontSize="sm" color="blue.900"> <AlertIcon /> {message} </Alert> </Box> ); } function getSearchNCStylesMessage(query, altStyles) { const seriesMainNames = [ Set((altStyles ?? []).map((as) => as.seriesMainName)), ]; const queryWords = query.value.toLowerCase().split(/\s+/); if (queryWords.includes("token")) { return ( <> If you're looking for NC Styles, check the emotion picker below the pet preview! </> ); } // NOTE: This won't work on multi-word series names, of which there are // currently none. const seriesWord = seriesMainNames.find((n) => queryWords.includes(n.toLowerCase()), ); if (seriesWord != null) { return ( <> If you're looking for NC Styles, check the emotion picker below the pet preview! </> ); } } /** * serializeQuery stably converts a search query object to a string, for easier * JS comparison. */ function serializeQuery(query) { return `${JSON.stringify([ query.value, query.filterToItemKind, query.filterToZoneLabel, query.filterToCurrentUserOwnsOrWants, ])}`; } export default SearchPanel;