class Outfit < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :item_outfit_relationships, :dependent => :destroy has_many :worn_item_outfit_relationships, :class_name => 'ItemOutfitRelationship', :conditions => {:is_worn => true} has_many :worn_items, :through => :worn_item_outfit_relationships, :source => :item belongs_to :pet_state belongs_to :user validates :name, :presence => {:if => :user_id}, :uniqueness => {:scope => :user_id, :if => :user_id} validates :pet_state, :presence => true delegate :color, to: :pet_state attr_accessible :name, :pet_state_id, :starred, :worn_and_unworn_item_ids scope :wardrobe_order, -> { order('starred DESC', :name) } # NOTE: We no longer save images, but we've left the code here for now. # The `image` method below simulates the previous API for the rest # of the app! # mount_uploader :image, OutfitImageUploader # before_save :update_enqueued_image # after_commit :enqueue_image! class OutfitImage def initialize(image_versions) @image_versions = image_versions end def url @image_versions[:large] end def large[:large]) end def medium[:medium]) end def small[:small]) end Version = end def image? true end def image end def image_versions # Now, instead of using the saved outfit to S3, we're using out the # DTI 2020 API + CDN cache version. We use to get # around a bug on Neopets petpages with URLs. base_url = "" + "/#{CGI.escape id.to_s}" + "/v/#{CGI.escape updated_at.to_i.to_s}" { large: "#{base_url}/600.png", medium: "#{base_url}/300.png", small: "#{base_url}/150.png", } # NOTE: Below is the previous code that uses the saved outfits! # {}.tap do |versions| # versions[:large] = image.url # image.versions.each { |name, version| versions[name] = version.url } # end end def as_json(more_options={}) serializable_hash :only => [:id, :name, :pet_state_id, :starred], :methods => [:color_id, :species_id, :worn_and_unworn_item_ids, :image_versions, :image_enqueued, :image_layers_hash] end def closet_item_ids end def color_id pet_state.pet_type.color_id end def species_id pet_state.pet_type.species_id end def to_query ids = self.worn_and_unworn_item_ids { :closet => ids[:worn] + ids[:unworn], :color => color_id, :objects => ids[:worn], :species => species_id, :state => pet_state_id }.to_query end def worn_and_unworn_item_ids {:worn => [], :unworn => []}.tap do |output| item_outfit_relationships.each do |rel| key = rel.is_worn? ? :worn : :unworn output[key] << rel.item_id end end end def worn_and_unworn_item_ids=(all_item_ids) new_rels = [] all_item_ids.each do |key, item_ids| worn = key == 'worn' unless item_ids.blank? item_ids.each do |item_id| rel = rel.item_id = item_id rel.is_worn = worn new_rels << rel end end end self.item_outfit_relationships = new_rels end # Returns the array of SwfAssets representing each layer of the output image, # ordered from bottom to top. Careful: this method is memoized, so if the # image layers change after its first call we'll get bad results. def image_layers @image_layers ||= visible_assets_with_images.sort { |a, b| a.depth <=> b.depth } end # Creates and writes the thumbnail images for this outfit iff the new image # would be different than the current one. (Writes to file in development, # S3 in production.) If the image is updated, updates the image layers hash # and runs #save! on the record, so any other changes will also be saved. def write_image! if image_layers_dirty? image =['outfit_image', '.png']) begin create_image! image self.image_layers_hash = generate_image_layers_hash self.image = image self.image_enqueued = false save! ensure image.close! end end self.image end # Enqueue an image write iff the new image would be different than the # current one. def enqueue_image! Resque.enqueue(OutfitImageUpdate, id) end def update_enqueued_image self.image_enqueued = (image_layers_dirty?) true end def s3_key(size) URI.encode("#{id}/#{size.join 'x'}.png") end def self.build_for_user(user, params) do |outfit| name = params.delete(:name) starred = params.delete(:starred) anonymous = params.delete(:anonymous) == "true" if user && !anonymous outfit.user = user = name outfit.starred = starred end outfit.attributes = params end end protected # Creates a 600x600 PNG image of this outfit, writing to the given output # file. def create_image!(output) unless image_layers.empty? temp_image_files =, :in_threads => 8) do |swf_asset| image_file =['outfit_layer', '.png']) begin write_temp_swf_asset_image!(swf_asset, image_file) rescue RightAws::AwsError nil # skip broken images else image_file ensure image_file.close end end.compact # remove nils for broken images # Here we do some awkwardness to get the exact ImageMagick command we # want, though it's still less awkward than handling the command # ourselves. Give all of the temporary images as input, flatten them and # write them to the output path. command ='convert') temp_image_files.each { |image_file| command.push image_file.path } command.layers 'flatten' command.push output.path # Though the above command really is sufficient, we still need a dummy # image to handle execution. output_image = temp_image_files.each(&:unlink) else output.close end end def visible_assets biology_assets = pet_state.swf_assets.includes(:zone) object_assets = SwfAsset.object_assets. fitting_body_id(pet_state.pet_type.body_id).for_item_ids(worn_item_ids). includes(:zone) # Now for fun with bitmasks! Rather than building a bunch of integer arrays # here, we instead go low-level and use bit-level operations. Build the # bitmask by parsing the binary string (reversing it to get the lower zone # numbers on the right), then OR them all together to get the mask # representing all the restricted zones. (Note to self: why not just store # in this format in the first place?) restrictors = biology_assets + worn_items restricted_zones_mask = restrictors.inject(0) do |mask, restrictor| mask | restrictor.zones_restrict.reverse.to_i(2) end # Now, check each asset's zone is not restricted in the bitmask using # bitwise operations: shift 1 to the zone_id position, then AND it with # the restricted zones mask. If we get 0, then the bit for that zone ID was # not turned on, so the zone is not restricted and this asset is visible. all_assets = biology_assets + object_assets { |a| (1 << (a.zone_id - 1)) & restricted_zones_mask == 0 } end def visible_assets_with_images end # Generate 8-char hex digest representing visible image layers for this outfit. # Hash function should be decently collision-resistant. def generate_image_layers_hash @generated_image_layers_hash ||= Digest::MD5.hexdigest(',')).first(8) end def image_layers_dirty? generate_image_layers_hash != self.image_layers_hash end IMAGE_BASE_SIZE = [600, 600] def write_temp_swf_asset_image!(swf_asset, file) key = swf_asset.s3_key(IMAGE_BASE_SIZE) bucket = SwfAsset::IMAGE_BUCKET data = bucket.get(key) file.binmode # write in binary mode file.truncate(0) # clear the file file.write data # write the new data end end