require 'async/barrier' require 'async/http/internet/instance' namespace :swf_assets do # NOTE: I'm not sure how these duplicate records enter our database, probably # a bug in the modeling code somewhere? For now, let's just remove them, and # be ready to run it again if needed! # NOTE: Run with DRY_RUN=1 to see what it would do first! desc "Remove duplicate SwfAsset records" task remove_duplicates: [:environment] do duplicate_groups =, :remote_id). having("COUNT(*) > 1"). pluck(:type, :remote_id, Arel.sql("GROUP_CONCAT(id ORDER BY id ASC)")) total = duplicate_groups.size puts "Found #{total} groups of duplicate records" SwfAsset.transaction do duplicate_groups.each_with_index do |(type, remote_id, ids_str), index| ids = ids_str.split(",") duplicate_ids = ids[1..] duplicate_records = SwfAsset.find(duplicate_ids) if ENV["DRY_RUN"] puts "[#{index + 1}/#{total}] #{type}/#{remote_id}: " + "Would delete #{duplicate_records.size} records " + "(#{", ")})" else puts "[#{index + 1}/#{total}] #{type}/#{remote_id}: " + "Deleting #{duplicate_records.size} records " + "(#{", ")})" duplicate_records.each(&:destroy) end end end end desc "Backfill manifest_url for SwfAsset models" task manifests: [:environment] do timeout = ENV.fetch("TIMEOUT", "5").to_i assets = SwfAsset.where(manifest_url: nil) count = assets.count puts "Found #{count} assets without manifests" Async do # Share a pool of persistent connections, rather than reconnecting on # each request. (This library does that automatically!) internet = Async::HTTP::Internet.instance # Load the assets in batches, then process each batch in two steps: first # inferring all manifest URLs in the batch, then saving all assets in the # batch. (This makes the update step more efficient, and it also avoids # simultaneous queries across the fibers, which ActiveRecord disallows!) # # We keep track of a shared index `i` here, but we only actually # increment it once each task is *done*, so that the numbers output in # the right order! i = 0 assets.find_in_batches(batch_size: 1000) do |batch| # Create a barrier, to let us wait on all the tasks; then under it # create a semaphore, to limit how many tasks run at once. barrier = semaphore =, parent: barrier) batch.each do |asset| semaphore.async do |task| manifest_url = nil begin task.with_timeout(timeout) do manifest_url = infer_manifest_url(asset.url, internet) end rescue StandardError => error i += 1 puts "[#{i}/#{count}] ⚠️ Skipping #{}: #{error.message}" next end i += 1 puts "[#{i}/#{count}] Manifest for #{}: #{manifest_url}" # Write, but don't yet save, the manifest URL. asset.manifest_url = manifest_url end end # Wait for all the above tasks to finish. (Then, all of the assets that # succeeded should have an unsaved `manifest_url` change.) barrier.wait # Save all of the assets in the batch. (We do this in a transaction not # for the transactional semantics, but because it's notably faster than # doing a commit between each query, which is what sending the queries # individually would effectively do!) begin SwfAsset.transaction do batch.each do |asset| begin! rescue StandardError => error puts "⚠️ Saving asset #{} failed: #{error.full_message}" end end end rescue StandardError => error puts "⚠️ Saving this batch failed: #{error.full_message}" end end end end end SWF_URL_PATTERN = %r{^(?:https?:)?//images\.neopets\.com/cp/(bio|items)/swf/(.+?)_([a-z0-9]+)\.swf$} def infer_manifest_url(swf_url, internet) url_match = swf_url.match(SWF_URL_PATTERN) raise ArgumentError, "not a valid SWF URL: #{swf_url}" if url_match.nil? # Build the potential manifest URLs, from the two structures we know of. type, folders, hash_str = url_match.captures potential_manifest_urls = [ "{type}/data/#{folders}/manifest.json", "{type}/data/#{folders}_#{hash_str}/manifest.json", ] # Send a HEAD request to test each manifest URL, without downloading its # content. If it succeeds, we're done! potential_manifest_urls.each do |potential_manifest_url| res = internet.head potential_manifest_url if res.ok? return potential_manifest_url elsif res.status == 404 next # Ok, this was not the manifest! else raise "unexpected manifest response code: #{res.status}" end end # Otherwise, there's no valid manifest URL. raise "all of the common manifest URL patterns returned HTTP 404" end