class ClosetHangersController < ApplicationController before_filter :authorize_user!, :only => [:destroy, :create, :update, :update_quantities, :petpage] before_filter :find_item, :only => [:create, :update_quantities] before_filter :find_user, :only => [:index, :petpage, :update_quantities] def destroy @closet_hanger = current_user.closet_hangers.find params[:id] @closet_hanger.destroy @item = @closet_hanger.item respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_after_destroy! } format.json { render :json => true } end end def index @public_perspective = params.has_key?(:public) || !user_is?(@user) @perspective_user = current_user unless @public_perspective closet_lists = @user.closet_lists unless @perspective_user == @user # If we run this when the user matches, we'll end up with effectively: # WHERE belongs_to_user AND (is_public OR belongs_to_user) # and it's a bit silly to put the SQL server through a condition that's # always true. closet_lists = closet_lists.visible_to(@perspective_user) end @closet_lists_by_owned = find_closet_lists_by_owned(closet_lists) visible_groups = @user.closet_hangers_groups_visible_to(@perspective_user) @unlisted_closet_hangers_by_owned = find_unlisted_closet_hangers_by_owned(visible_groups) if @public_perspective && user_signed_in? items = [] @closet_lists_by_owned.each do |owned, lists| lists.each do |list| list.hangers.each { |hanger| items << hanger.item } end end @unlisted_closet_hangers_by_owned.each do |owned, hangers| hangers.each { |hanger| items << hanger.item } end current_user.assign_closeted_to_items!(items) end end def petpage # Find all closet lists, and also the hangers of the visible closet lists closet_lists =[:id, :name, :hangers_owned]).alphabetical if params[:filter] # If user specified which lists should be visible, restrict to those if params[:lists] && params[:lists].respond_to?(:keys) visible_closet_lists = closet_lists.where(:id => params[:lists].keys) else visible_closet_lists = [] end else # Otherwise, default to public lists visible_closet_lists = closet_lists.public end @closet_lists_by_owned = closet_lists.group_by(&:hangers_owned) @visible_closet_lists_by_owned = find_closet_lists_by_owned(visible_closet_lists) # Find which groups (own/want) should be visible if params[:filter] # If user specified which groups should be visible, restrict to those # (must be either true or false) @visible_groups = [] if params[:groups] && params[:groups].respond_to?(:keys) @visible_groups << true if params[:groups].keys.include?('true') @visible_groups << false if params[:groups].keys.include?('false') end else # Otherwise, default to public groups @visible_groups = @user.public_closet_hangers_groups end @visible_unlisted_closet_hangers_by_owned = find_unlisted_closet_hangers_by_owned(@visible_groups) end def create @closet_hanger =[:closet_hanger]) @closet_hanger.item = @item if respond_to do |format| format.html { message = "Success! You #{@closet_hanger.verb(:you)} #{@closet_hanger.quantity} " message << ((@closet_hanger.quantity > 1) ? : message << " in the \"#{}\" list" if @closet_hanger.list flash[:success] = "#{message}." redirect_back!(@item) } format.json { render :json => true } end else respond_to do |format| format.html { flash[:alert] = "We couldn't save how many of this item you #{@closet_hanger.verb(:you)}: #{@closet_hanger.errors.full_messages.to_sentence}" redirect_back!(@item) } format.json { render :json => {:errors => @closet_hanger.errors.full_messages}, :status => :unprocessable_entity } end end end def update @closet_hanger = current_user.closet_hangers.find(params[:id]) @closet_hanger.attributes = params[:closet_hanger] @item = @closet_hanger.item unless @closet_hanger.quantity == 0 # save the hanger, new record or not if respond_to do |format| format.html { message = "Success! You #{@closet_hanger.verb(:you)} #{@closet_hanger.quantity} " message << ((@closet_hanger.quantity > 1) ? : message << " in the \"#{}\" list" if @closet_hanger.list flash[:success] = "#{message}." redirect_back!(@item) } format.json { render :json => true } end else respond_to do |format| format.html { flash[:alert] = "We couldn't save how many of this item you #{@closet_hanger.verb(:you)}: #{@closet_hanger.errors.full_messages.to_sentence}" redirect_back!(@item) } format.json { render :json => {:errors => @closet_hanger.errors.full_messages}, :status => :unprocessable_entity } end end else # delete the hanger since the user doesn't want it @closet_hanger.destroy respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_after_destroy! } format.json { render :json => true } end end end def update_quantities begin ClosetHanger.transaction do params[:quantity].each do |key, quantity| ClosetHanger.set_quantity!(quantity, :user_id =>, :item_id =>, :key => key) end flash[:success] = "Successfully saved how many #{} you own and want." end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e flash[:alert] = "We couldn't save those quantities. #{e.message}" end redirect_to @item end protected def find_item @item = Item.find params[:item_id] end def find_user if params[:user_id] @user = User.find params[:user_id] elsif user_signed_in? redirect_to user_closet_hangers_path(current_user) else redirect_to login_path(:return_to => request.fullpath) end end def find_closet_lists_by_owned(closet_lists) return {} if closet_lists == [] closet_lists.alphabetical.includes(:hangers => :item). group_by(&:hangers_owned) end def find_unlisted_closet_hangers_by_owned(visible_groups) unless visible_groups.empty? @user.closet_hangers.unlisted. owned_before_wanted.alphabetical_by_item_name.includes(:item). where(:owned => [visible_groups]).group_by(&:owned) else {} end end def owned owned = true if params[:closet_hanger] owned = case params[:closet_hanger][:owned] when 'true', '1' then true when 'false', '0' then false end end end def redirect_after_destroy! flash[:success] = "Success! You do not #{@closet_hanger.verb(:you)} #{}." redirect_back!(@item) end end