- unless public_perspective? - title 'Your Items' - add_body_class 'current-user' - secondary_nav do %span#toggle-help Need help? = form_tag items_path, :method => :get, :id => 'closet-hangers-items-search', 'data-current-user-id' => current_user.id do = text_field_tag :q, nil, :placeholder => "Find items to add" = submit_tag 'Search', :name => nil - else - title "#{@user.name}'s Items" - secondary_nav do %span#toggle-compare Compare with Your Items - canonical_path user_closet_hangers_path(@user) - content_for :before_flashes do #closet-hangers-contact - if public_perspective? - if @user.neopets_username? = link_to "Neomail #{@user.neopets_username}", send_neomail_url(@user) - else %span#edit-contact-link-to-replace-form.edit-contact-link{:class => @user.neopets_username? ? 'has-value' : nil} %span#contact-link-no-value Add your Neopets username %span#contact-link-has-value Edit = surround '"' do Neomail %span= @user.neopets_username = form_for @user do |f| = f.label :neopets_username = f.text_field :neopets_username = f.submit "Save" %span#cancel-contact-link cancel - unless public_perspective? #closet-hangers-help{:class => closet_hangers_help_class} :markdown **These are your items! You can track what items you want and own, and share [this page](#{request.fullpath}) with the world**. Just look up an item in the search form above to get started. **You can also sort your items into lists.** [Building an Up For Trade list is a good place to start][uft]. You can make lists for trade items with different market values, a private list of what you need for that next outfit, or whatever you like. You can also drag-and-drop items in and out of lists. It's pretty fun. **Your items also have privacy settings.** Items can be **private**, so only you can see them. They can be **public**, so you can share this page with friends. They can even be **trading**, meaning that we'll mention on the item's [Infinite Closet][ic] page that you own or want that item. **We try to make trading easy.** If there's some item you want, you can pull up that item's [Infinite Closet][ic] page to see if anyone is offering it, and see what *that* user wants in exchange. It's all pretty spiffy. Also, if you plan to trade, your should add your Neopets username so that when other users come here they know how to contact you. **Have fun!** If you have any [neat ideas][suggestions] or [general praise and bug reports][mail], we love to hear them. And, if you enjoy this feature, [please consider donating to keep Dress to Impress running and improving][donate]. Thanks! [donate]: #{donate_path} [ic]: #{items_path} [mail]: mailto:#{contact_email} [suggestions]: #{feedback_url} [uft]: #{new_user_closet_list_path(@user, :closet_list => {:hangers_owned => true, :name => 'Up For Trade', :visibility => ClosetVisibility[:trading].id})} - unless public_perspective? #closet-hangers-extras #closet-hangers-share %label{:for => 'closet-hangers-share-box'} Public URL: %input#closet-hangers-share-box{:type => 'text', :value => user_closet_hangers_url(@user), :readonly => true} = link_to "Import from closet", new_closet_page_path = link_to "Import from SDB", new_safety_deposit_page_path = link_to "Import from pets", new_neopets_user_path = link_to "Export to petpage", petpage_user_closet_hangers_path(@user) #closet-hangers{:class => public_perspective? ? nil : 'current-user'} - [true, false].each do |owned| .closet-hangers-group{'data-owned' => owned.to_s, :id => "closet-hangers-group-#{owned}"} %header %h3 Items #{closet_hanger_subject} #{closet_hanger_verb(owned)} %span.toggle.show show %span.toggle.hide hide - unless public_perspective? = link_to_add_closet_list 'Add new list', :owned => owned, :class => 'add-closet-list' .closet-hangers-group-content = render_closet_lists(@closet_lists_by_owned[owned]) - if !public_perspective? || unlisted_hangers_count(owned) > 0 .closet-list.unlisted{'data-hangers-count' => unlisted_hangers_count(owned)} %header - unless public_perspective? = form_for @user, :html => {:class => 'visibility-form'} do |f| = f.select hangers_group_visibility_field_name(owned), closet_visibility_choices(:human_name) = f.submit "Save" = closet_visibility_descriptions - if has_lists?(owned) %h4 (Not in a list) .closet-list-content .closet-list-hangers = render_unlisted_closet_hangers(owned) %span.empty-list There aren't any items here. - content_for :stylesheets do = stylesheet_link_tag 'south-street/jquery-ui' - content_for :javascripts do = include_javascript_libraries :jquery = javascript_include_tag 'jquery.ui', 'jquery.jgrowl', 'placeholder', 'closet_hangers/index'