%p Our policy is short and sweet at this point. And by using our site, you agree to our Terms of Use. Thanks! %hr %p If you hit our servers with automated requests in ways which were not intended, you will be banned at our sole discretion. Public APIs are intended methods. If a page on our site is not clearly marked as a public API, it is not an intended method. %p You may look at the code for educational purposes; however, if you directly use any part of the front-end or back-end code for your own purposes, you %strong must prominently credit its original source == (#{link_to 'OpenNeo', 'http://www.openneo.net/'}) on every single web page on which the code is used, or which the code is used to produce. If you make improvements to the code, we appreciate, but do not require, that you submit those improvements to the original codebase. See the = link_to 'license', 'https://github.com/matchu/openneo-impress/blob/master/LICENSE' for more information. %p Attempts to misuse this website are acceptable as long as they are for the sole purpose of improving this website. All security issues must be immediately reported to == #{link_to 'OpenNeo', 'http://www.openneo.net/'}, and may not be used for any malicious purpose. If you inform someone else of a security hole and he or she abuses it, both of your are considered responsible. %p In short, use our website as much as you like, but do no harm. Or you %strong will be punished. %hr %p Sorry if that scared you. It's really just to make clear that there are certain unacceptable behaviors when it comes to accessing a website, but only those looking to cause trouble are likely to really cause any. If all you want to do here is dress up your pets, then there's absolutely no need to worry. %p %strong Thanks for using Dress to Impress!