class Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController < ApplicationController rescue_from AuthUser::AuthAlreadyConnected, with: :auth_already_connected rescue_from AuthUser::MissingAuthInfoError, with: :missing_auth_info rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, with: :validation_failed def neopass case intent_param when "login" sign_in_with_neopass when "connect" connect_with_neopass else flash[:alert] = "Hrm, the NeoPass form you used was missing some " + "\"intent\" information. That's surprising! Maybe try again?" redirect_to root_path end end def failure flash[:warning] = "Hrm, something went wrong in our connection to NeoPass, sorry! " + "Maybe wait a moment and try again?" redirect_to new_auth_user_session_path end private def sign_in_with_neopass @auth_user = AuthUser.from_omniauth(request.env["omniauth.auth"]) if @auth_user.previously_new_record? flash[:notice] = "Welcome to Dress to Impress! We've set up a DTI account for you, " + "attached to your NeoPass. Click Settings in the top right to learn " + "more, or just go ahead and get started!" else flash[:notice] = "Welcome back, #{}! You are now logged in. 💖" end sign_in_and_redirect @auth_user, event: :authentication end def connect_with_neopass raise AccessDenied unless auth_user_signed_in? current_auth_user.connect_omniauth!(request.env["omniauth.auth"]) flash[:notice] = "We've successfully connected your NeoPass!" redirect_to edit_auth_user_path end def auth_already_connected(error) flash[:alert] = "This NeoPass is already connected to another account. " + "You'll need to log out of this account, log in with that NeoPass, " + "then disconnect it from the other account." redirect_to return_path end def missing_auth_info(error) Sentry.capture_exception error Rails.logger.error error.full_message flash[:warning] = "Hrm, our connection with NeoPass didn't return the information we " + "usually expect, sorry! If this keeps happening, please email me at " + " so I can help investigate!" redirect_to return_path end def validation_failed(error) Sentry.capture_exception error Rails.logger.error error.full_message flash[:warning] = "Hrm, the connection with NeoPass worked, but we had trouble saving " + "your account, sorry! If this keeps happening, please email me at " + " so I can help investigate!" redirect_to return_path end def intent_param request.env['omniauth.params']["intent"] end def return_path case intent_param when "login" new_auth_user_session_path when "connect" edit_auth_user_path else root_path end end end