- title "Item Getting Guide" %h1#title Item Getting Guide - if @nc_mall_items.present? %h2 NC Mall items %p These items are available in the NC Mall right now! You can buy them with #{link_to "Neocash", "https://secure.nc.neopets.com/get-neocash"}, a special currency you can purchase directly from Neopets or redeem via gift cards. %ul.nc-mall-items - @nc_mall_items.each do |item| %li = render item %button.add-to-cart{onclick: "alert('Todo!')"} Buy (#{item.current_nc_price} NC) - if @np_items.present? %h2 Neopoint items = render @np_items - if @pb_items.present? %h2 Paintbrush items = render @pb_items - if @other_nc_items.present? %h2 Other NC items = render @other_nc_items - content_for :stylesheets do = page_stylesheet_link_tag "items/sources"