class AuthUsersController < ApplicationController before_action :authenticate_user!, except: [:new, :create] def create @auth_user = AuthUser.create(auth_user_params) if @auth_user.persisted? sign_in :auth_user, @auth_user flash[:notice] = "Welcome to Dress to Impress, #{}! 💖" redirect_to root_path else render action: :new, status: :unprocessable_entity end end def edit # For the edit form, the auth user *is* the persisted auth user. @persisted_auth_user = current_auth_user @auth_user = @persisted_auth_user end def new @auth_user = end def update # When updating, we hold onto the original `@persisted_auth_user`, then # make our changes to `@auth_user`. That way, the form can check the *live* # value of `uses_password?` to decide whether to show the "Current # password" field, instead of getting thrown off if the password changed # but the record didn't get saved. # # HACK: Is there a way to get the kind of copy we want for real? `dup` # actually returns a *new* unsaved record with the same attributes. @auth_user = load_auth_user @persisted_auth_user = @auth_user.dup if @auth_user.update_with_password(auth_user_params) # NOTE: Changing the password will sign you out, so make sure we stay # signed in! bypass_sign_in @auth_user, scope: :auth_user flash[:notice] = "Settings successfully saved." redirect_to action: :edit else render action: :edit, status: :unprocessable_entity end end private def auth_user_params params.require(:auth_user).permit(:name, :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :current_password) end def load_auth_user # Well, what we *actually* do is just use `current_auth_user`, and enforce # that the provided user ID matches. The user ID param is only really for # REST semantics and such! raise AccessDenied unless auth_user_signed_in? raise AccessDenied unless == params[:id].to_i current_auth_user end end