class AltStyle < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :species belongs_to :color has_many :parent_swf_asset_relationships, as: :parent has_many :swf_assets, through: :parent_swf_asset_relationships has_many :contributions, as: :contributed, inverse_of: :contributed SERIES_ID_RANGES = { nostalgic: (87249..87503) } def name I18n.translate('pet_types.human_name', color_human_name: color.human_name, species_human_name: species.human_name) end def series_name if SERIES_ID_RANGES[:nostalgic].include?(id) "Nostalgic" else "???" end end def adjective_name "#{series_name} #{color.human_name}" end def thumbnail_url # HACK: Just assume this is a Nostalgic Alt Style, and that the thumbnail # is named reliably! "" + "#{\s+/, '').downcase}_#{}.gif" end def preview_image_url swf_asset = swf_assets.first return nil if swf_asset.nil? swf_asset.image_url end def biology=(biology) # TODO: This is very similar to what `PetState` does, but like… much much # more compact? Idk if I'm missing something, or if I was just that much # more clueless back when I wrote it, lol 😅 self.swf_assets = do |asset_data| SwfAsset.from_biology_data(self.body_id, asset_data) end end # For convenience in the console! def self.find_by_name(color_name, species_name) color = Color.find_by_name(color_name) species = Species.find_by_name(species_name) where(color_id: color, species_id: species).first end end