class ItemsController < ApplicationController before_action :set_query rescue_from Item::Search::Error, :with => :search_error def index if @query begin if params[:per_page] per_page = params[:per_page].to_i per_page = 50 if per_page && per_page > 50 else per_page = 30 end @items = @query.results.paginate( page: params[:page], per_page: per_page) assign_closeted! respond_to do |format| format.html { @campaign = Fundraising::Campaign.current rescue nil if @items.count == 1 redirect_to @items.first else render end } format.json { render json: { items: @items.as_json( methods: [:nc?, :pb?, :owned?, :wanted?], ), appearances: load_appearances.as_json( include: { swf_assets: { only: [:id, :remote_id, :body_id], include: { zone: { only: [:id, :depth, :label], methods: [:is_commonly_used_by_items], }, restricted_zones: { only: [:id, :depth, :label], methods: [:is_commonly_used_by_items], }, }, methods: [:urls, :known_glitches], }, } ), total_pages: @items.total_pages, query: @query.to_s, } } end end elsif params.has_key?(:ids) && params[:ids].is_a?(Array) @items = Item.find(params[:ids]) assign_closeted! respond_to do |format| format.json { render json: @items } end else respond_to do |format| format.html { @campaign = Fundraising::Campaign.current rescue nil @newest_items = Item.newest.limit(18) } end end end def show @item = Item.find params[:id] respond_to do |format| format.html do @trades = @contributors_with_counts = @item.contributors_with_counts if user_signed_in? @current_user_lists = current_user.closet_lists.alphabetical. group_by_owned @current_user_quantities = current_user.item_quantities_for(@item) end end format.gif do expires_in 1.month redirect_to @item.thumbnail_url end end end def needed if params[:color] && params[:species] @pet_type = PetType.find_by_color_id_and_species_id( params[:color], params[:species] ) end unless @pet_type raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, 'Pet type not found' end @items = @pet_type.needed_items.order(:name) assign_closeted! respond_to do |format| format.html { @pet_name = params[:name] ; render :layout => 'application' } format.json { render :json => @items } end end protected def assign_closeted! current_user.assign_closeted_to_items!(@items) if user_signed_in? end def load_appearances appearance_params = params[:with_appearances_for] return {} if appearance_params.blank? pet_type = Item::Search::Query.load_pet_type_by_color_and_species( appearance_params[:color_id], appearance_params[:species_id]) pet_type.appearances_for(, swf_asset_includes: [:zone]) end def search_error(e) @items = [] respond_to do |format| format.html {[:alert] = e.message; render } format.json { render :json => {error: e.message} } end end def set_query q = params[:q] if q.is_a?(String) begin @query = Item::Search::Query.from_text(q, current_user) rescue # Set the query string for error handling messages, but let the error # bubble up. @query = params[:q] raise end elsif q.is_a?(ActionController::Parameters) @query = Item::Search::Query.from_params(q, current_user) end end end