class Item module Search class Query FIELD_CLASSES = { :is_nc => Fields::Flag, :is_pb => Fields::Flag, :species_support_id => Fields::SetField, :occupied_zone_id => Fields::SetField, :restricted_zone_id => Fields::SetField, :name => Fields::TextField } def initialize(filters, user) @filters = filters end def fields initial_fields.tap do |fields| @filters.each { |filter| fields[filter.key] << filter } end end def to_flex_params end def paginate(options={}) begin flex_params = self.to_flex_params rescue Item::Search::Contradiction # If we have a contradictory query, no need to raise a stink about # it, but no need to actually run a search, either. return [] end final_flex_params = { :page => (options[:page] || 1), :size => (options[:per_page] || 30) }.merge(flex_params) locales = I18n.fallbacks[I18n.locale] & I18n.locales_with_neopets_language_code final_flex_params[:locale] = locales.first if final_flex_params[:name] || final_flex_params[:negative_name] locale_entries = do |locale| boost = (locale == I18n.locale) ? 4 : 1 {:locale => locale, :boost => boost} end if final_flex_params[:name] final_flex_params[:_name_locales] = locale_entries end if final_flex_params[:negative_name] final_flex_params[:_negative_name_locales] = locale_entries end end result = FlexSearch.item_search(final_flex_params) result.scoped_loaded_collection(:scopes => {'Item' => Item.with_translations}) end # Load the text query labels from I18n, so that when we see, say, # the filter "species:acara", we know it means species_support_id. TEXT_KEYS_BY_LABEL = {} I18n.available_locales.each do |locale| TEXT_KEYS_BY_LABEL[locale] = {} FIELD_CLASSES.keys.each do |key| # A locale can specify multiple labels for a key by separating by # commas: "occupies,zone,type" labels = I18n.translate("{key}", :locale => locale).split(',') labels.each { |label| TEXT_KEYS_BY_LABEL[locale][label] = key } end end TEXT_QUERY_RESOURCE_FINDERS = { :species => lambda { |name| species = Species.find_by_name(name) unless species Item::Search.error 'not_found.species', :species_name => name end }, :zone => lambda { |name| zone_set = Zone.find_set(name) unless zone_set Item::Search.error '', :zone_name => name end } } TEXT_QUERY_RESOURCE_TYPES_BY_KEY = { :species_support_id => :species, :occupied_zone_id => :zone, :restricted_zone_id => :zone } TEXT_FILTER_EXPR = /([+-]?)(?:([a-z]+):)?(?:"([^"]+)"|(\S+))/ def self.from_text(text, user=nil) filters = [] text.scan(TEXT_FILTER_EXPR) do |sign, label, quoted_value, unquoted_value| label ||= 'name' raw_value = quoted_value || unquoted_value is_positive = (sign != '-') if label == 'is' # is-filters are weird. "-is:nc" is transposed to something more # like "-nc:", then it's translated into a negative "is_nc" # flag. label = raw_value raw_value = nil end key = TEXT_KEYS_BY_LABEL[I18n.locale][label] if key.nil? message = I18n.translate('', :label => label) raise Item::Search::Error, message end if TEXT_QUERY_RESOURCE_TYPES_BY_KEY.has_key?(key) resource_type = TEXT_QUERY_RESOURCE_TYPES_BY_KEY[key] finder = TEXT_QUERY_RESOURCE_FINDERS[resource_type] value = else value = raw_value end filters <<, value, is_positive) end, user) end private # The fields start out empty, then have the filters inserted into 'em, # so that the fields can validate and aggregate their requirements. def initial_fields {}.tap do |fields| do |key, klass| fields[key] = end end end end end end