# encoding=utf-8 # ^ to put the regex in utf-8 mode class Item module Search class Query def initialize(filters, user, text=nil) @filters = filters @user = user @text = text end def results @filters.map(&:to_query).inject(Item.all, &:merge). alphabetize_by_translations(Query.locale) end def to_s @text || @filters.map(&:to_s).join(' ') end def self.locale (I18n.fallbacks[I18n.locale] & I18n.locales_with_neopets_language_code).first end TEXT_FILTER_EXPR = /([+-]?)(?:(\p{Word}+):)?(?:"([^"]+)"|(\S+))/ def self.from_text(text, user=nil) filters = [] text.scan(TEXT_FILTER_EXPR) do |sign, key, quoted_value, unquoted_value| key = 'name' if key.blank? value = quoted_value || unquoted_value is_positive = (sign != '-') case key when 'name' filters << (is_positive ? Filter.name_includes(value, locale) : Filter.name_excludes(value, locale)) when 'occupies' filters << (is_positive ? Filter.occupies(value, locale) : Filter.not_occupies(value, locale)) when 'restricts' filters << (is_positive ? Filter.restricts(value, locale) : Filter.not_restricts(value, locale)) when 'is' case value when 'nc' filters << (is_positive ? Filter.is_nc : Filter.is_not_nc) when 'np' filters << (is_positive ? Filter.is_np : Filter.is_not_np) when 'pb' filters << (is_positive ? Filter.is_pb : Filter.is_not_pb) else message = I18n.translate('items.search.errors.not_found.label', :label => "is:#{value}") raise Item::Search::Error, message end else message = I18n.translate('items.search.errors.not_found.label', :label => key) raise Item::Search::Error, message end end self.new(filters, user, text) end def self.from_params(params, user=nil) raise NotImplementedError, "TODO: Reimplemented Advanced Search" end end class Error < Exception end private # A Filter is basically a wrapper for an Item scope, with extra info about # how to convert it into a search query string. class Filter def initialize(query, text) @query = query @text = text end def to_query @query end def to_s @text end def inspect "#<#{self.class.name} #{@text.inspect}>" end def self.name_includes(value, locale) text = /\s/.match(value) ? '"' + value + '"' : value self.new Item.name_includes(value, locale), text end def self.name_excludes(value, locale) text = '-' + (/\s/.match(value) ? '"' + value + '"' : value) self.new Item.name_excludes(value, locale), text end def self.occupies(value, locale) self.new Item.occupies(value, locale), "occupies:#{value}" end def self.not_occupies(value, locale) self.new Item.not_occupies(value, locale), "-occupies:#{value}" end def self.restricts(value, locale) self.new Item.restricts(value, locale), "restricts:#{value}" end def self.not_restricts(value, locale) self.new Item.not_restricts(value, locale), "-restricts:#{value}" end def self.is_nc self.new Item.is_nc, 'is:nc' end def self.is_not_nc self.new Item.is_np, '-is:nc' end def self.is_np self.new Item.is_np, 'is:np' end def self.is_not_np self.new Item.is_nc, '-is:np' end def self.is_pb self.new Item.is_pb, 'is:pb' end def self.is_not_pb self.new Item.is_not_pb, '-is:pb' end end end end