- secondary_nav do = link_to 'Back to Your Items', user_closet_hangers_path(current_user), :class => 'button' = form_for [@closet_list.user, @closet_list] do |f| %ul.fields %li = f.label :name %span.hint Like "up for trade" or "NC wishlist" = f.text_field :name, :required => true %li = f.label :hangers_owned, 'This is a list for…'.html_safe = f.select :hangers_owned, hangers_owned_options %li = f.label :visibility, 'Who can see this list?' = f.select :visibility, closet_visibility_choices(:description, 'Items in this list') %li = f.label :description %span.hint Why are these items in a list? What are your terms for trading? Or you can leave this blank. = f.text_area :description %span.hint We = surround '_' do %em support = surround '**' do %strong Markdown and some HTML. = f.submit 'Save list'