- title 'Your outfits'
  These are the outfits that you've saved to Dress to Impress so far. To save
  some more, head to the wardrobe and click Save Outfit in the top right
  The link for each outfit is totally public, so please feel free to share the
  URL with the whole wide world.
- unless @outfits.empty?
  %ul#outfits= render @outfits
- else
    You haven't saved any outfits yet.
    - succeed ',' do
      = link_to 'Start at the home page', root_path
    enter a pet name or choose a color combination, create the outfit of your
    dreams, and click "Save Outfit" in the top right corner.
    It'll be fantastic. Promise.

- content_for :javascripts do
  = include_javascript_libraries :jquery
  = javascript_include_tag 'outfits/index'