en-MEEP: app_name: Dreep to Impreep organization_name: OpenMeep your_items: Your Meeps infinite_closet: Infinite Meepit modeling_hub: Meepiting Hub locale_name: English (meep!) activerecord: attributes: closet_list: name: Nameep description: Descreeption user: contact_neopets_connection_id: Meep Neomail to layouts: application: title_tagline: Preview customized Neopets' meeps and meepits userbar: greeting: Meep, %{user_name}! contributions_summary: main_html: You have %{contributions_link}. contributions_link_content: "%{user_points} meeps" items: Iteeps outfits: Outfeeps settings: Setteeps logout: Meep out login: Meep in footer: source_code: Source Meep terms: Terms of Use (meeped Sep 2022) contact: Meeptact email: Questions, comments, meepits copyright: Images © 1999–%{year} World of Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission. Meep. items: title_tagline: Neopets customization meep and meepits database search: Meep new: title: Meep broken image explanation_html: Thanks for helping us find broken meeps! Sometimes the meepits don't get things quite right, and sometimes that can be meeped by just meeping the conversion again. If reconversion doesn't seem to meep the meep, consider sending us a meep at %{contact_link}. Meep! call_to_action: Which of these meeps looked meeped? We'll put it in line for remeeping. submit: Meep as broken converted_at_html: Conveeped %{converted_at_ago} ago reported_at_html: Repeeped %{reported_at_ago} ago closet_hangers: closet_hanger: submit: Submeep delete: Deleep create: success: owned: in_list: Meep! You own %{count} of the %{item_name} in the %{list_name} list. unlisted: Meep! You own %{count} of the %{item_name}. wanted: in_list: Meep! You want %{count} of the %{item_name} in the %{list_name} list. unlisted: Meep! You want %{count} of the %{item_name}. invalid: owned: "We couldn't meep how many %{item_name} you own: %{errors}" wanted: "We couldn't meep how many %{item_name} you want: %{errors}" destroy: success: owned: Meep! You do not own the %{item_name}. wanted: Meep! You do not want the %{item_name}. index: title_for: you: Your Meeps another_user: "%{user_name}'s meeps" toggle_help: Need meep? item_search_placeholder: Find meeps to add item_search_submit: Meep send_neomail: Neomeep %{neopets_username} neopets_username: add: Add your Neopets usermeep edit: Edit "Neomeep %{neopets_username}" submit: Meep cancel: Unmeep public_url_label: "Public Meepit:" import_from: closet: Impeep from closet safety_deposit: Impeep from SDB export_to: petpage: Expeep to petpage toggle_group: show: meep hide: unmeep add_list: Meep new list unlisted: submit: Meep header: (Not in a meepit) empty: There aren't any meepits here. autocomplete: add_item_html: Meep %{item_name} add_to_list_html: Meep to %{list_name} add_to_group_html: Meep to %{group_name}, no list already_in_collection_html: It's already meeped in %{collection_name} petpage: title: Export to meeppage your_items_link: Back to Your Meeps submit: Export meeped lists to meeppage description: We took your public lists and meeped a nice, simple HTML file for your Neopet's petpage. By default it's meeped as a table, but it doesn't have to meep. The HTML is flexible, so, if you're the artsy type, you're free to meep with the styles all you want! instructions: main_html: Meep the HTML from the box below, then paste it into %{edit_petpage_link}. Then meep to the Neoboards to show off! Have fun! edit_petpage_link_content: your meepit's page petpage_content: unlisted_header: (Not in a meep) footer: I meeped this list on Dreep to Impreep. You can, too! visibility: private: name: Preevate description: items: Only you can meep these items list: Only you can meep this list public: name: Publeek description: items: Anyone who looks up your items can meep these items list: Anyone who looks up your items can meep this list trading: name: Tradeeng description: items: These items will be publicly meeped for trades list: Items in this list will be publicly meeped for trades update_quantities: success: Successfully meeped how many of the %{item_name} you own and want. invalid: "We couldn't meep those quantities: %{errors}" closet_lists: closet_list: submit: Submeep edit: Meepit delete: Deleep delete_confirmation: Are you sure you want to deleep "%{list_name}"? If you do, we'll deleep all the items in it, too. empty: This meep is empty. edit: title: Meepiting list "%{list_name}" form: your_items_link: Back to Your Meeps name: hint: Like "meep for trade" or "NC meeplist" hangers_owned: label: This is a meep for… visibility: label: Who can meep this list? description: hint: Why are these meepits in the same meep? What are your terms for meeping? Or you can meep this blank. markup_hint_html: We _support_ **Meepdown** and some HTML. submit: Meep list groups: owned_by: you: Meeps you own another_user: Meeps %{user_name} owns wanted_by: you: Meeps you want another_user: Meeps %{user_name} wants new: title: Meep an items list unlisted_name: Not in a meep contributions: contributed_description: parents: item: present_html: the %{item_link} blank: data for an item that has since been meeped pet_type_html: the %{pet_type_name} main: item_html: "%{item_description} for the first meep" swf_asset_html: "%{item_description} on a new body meep" pet_type_html: "%{pet_type_description} for the first meep" pet_state_html: "a new meep for %{pet_type_description}" contribution: description_html: "%{user_link} meeped us %{contributed_description}" created_at_html: "%{created_at_ago} ameep" index: title: Recent Contribeeptions user_summary: "%{user_name} currently has %{user_points} meeps" no_contributions: There are no contribeeptions here. items: index: title_with_query: Searching Infinite Meepit for "%{query}" no_results_html: We couldn't meep any wearables that meeped %{query_html}. Meep! modeling_request: main_html: Are we meeping something? To meep an item to our database, just %{modeling_link}, and we'll meep our database instantly. Meep! modeling_link_content: meep us a pet who is meeping it search_help_header: Find what you're meeping for examples: basic: query: kreludor "altador cup" -background description: returns any item with the meep "kreludor" and the meep "altador cup" in it, but not the meep "background" user_items: query: hat user:owns description: main_html: returns %{user_items_link} with the meep "hat" user_items_link_content: items that you meep nc: query: blue is:nc description: returns any NC Meep item with the meep "blue" in it pb: query: collar -is:pb description: returns any item with the meep "collar" in it that isn't from a paint brush species: query: species:shoyru description: returns any item a Shoyru can meep type: query: type:hat description: returns any item that fills a "hat" meep newest_items: header: New Meeps species_search: header: Can't decide? Meep by species item: nc: abbr: MC description: This is a MC Meep item owned: abbr: Meened description: You own this meepit wanted: abbr: Weented description: You want this meepit show: resources: jn_items: JN Meepits shop_wizard: Meep Wizard trading_post: Treeps auction_genie: Aucteeps closet_hangers: header_html: Meep this in %{user_items_link} quantity_label: How meepy? submit: Save to Your Meeps zones: occupied_header: Occupeeps restricted_header: Restreeps none: Meepless preview: header: Meepview customize_more: Customize meep requirements_not_met: Javascript and Flash are required to preview meepits. Meep! not_found: main_html: We've never meeped the %{item_name} on the %{color_name} %{species_name} before. Have you? If so, please %{modeling_link} and we'll meep our datameep instantly. Meep! modeling_link_content: meep it for us contributors: header: Meeped to you by footer: Meep! neopets_page_import_tasks: create: success: Page %{index} meeped! created_and_updated_hangers: text: "%{created_msg} meep %{updated_msg}." created_msg: one: We added 1 meepit other: We added %{count} meepit updated_msg: one: updated the meepity for 1 more other: updated the meepity for %{count} more created_hangers: one: We added 1 new meepit to the list of meepits you own. other: We added %{count} new meepits to the list of meepits you own. updated_hangers: one: We updated the quantity for 1 of your meepits. other: We updated the quantity for %{count} of your meepits. no_changes: We already had this data meeped to your account, so we didn't meep any changes. no_data: We didn't meep any wearables, so we didn't meep any changes. unknown_items: one: "We also meeped an item we didn't recognize: %{item_names}. Please meep it for us and we'll update our database instantly. Thanks!" other: "We also meeped %{count} items we didn't recognize: %{item_names}. Please meep them for us and we'll update our database instantly. Thanks!" next_page: Now the frame should contain page %{next_index}. Meep that source code over, too. done: That was the last meepit of your Neopets %{name}. parse_error: We had trouble meeping your source code. Is it a valid HTML document? Make sure you meeped the computery-looking result of clicking View Frame Source, and not the pretty-looking page itself. names: closet: meepit safety_deposit: safety demeepit new: title: Meeport from %{name}, Page %{index} your_items_link: Back to Your Meeps frame_header: Meep %{index} of your %{name} source_header: Meep source code below submit: Meep items help: welcome: Welcome to the bulk %{name} meeporter! intro: We're going to meep it as easy as possible to meeport your Neopets.com %{name} data into your Dress to Impress meepit list. Here's how it meeps. check_frame: header: main_html: Check the framed Neopets.com meep on the left, meeping to %{page_link}. page_link_content: meep %{index} of your %{name} check_login: summary: Confirm that you're meeped in. details: If you're meeped into Neopets, but the above frame says that you're not, try enabling "third-party cookies" in your browser. (Most have meeped on by default.) login: summary: main_html: If you haven't meeped in, %{login_link}. login_link_content: do so in another meepit details: main_html: It's never a good idea to meep in inside of a frame, unless you're a web programmer pro who can meep that the frame does, in fact, meep to Neopets.com. To be safe, %{login_link}. login_link_content: meep up another window, meep the URL, and meep in safely check_content: summary: Meep that the page is, in fact, your %{name}. details: Don't just meep a website when they tell you to meepy-paste the source code of another site. Instead, check that the meep is what it is supposed to be and doesn't meep any private information. view_source: header: Meep the frame's source code. chrome_html: In Google Chrome, right-meep the frame and choose View Frame Source. firefox_html: In Firefox, right-meep the frame, choose This Frame, then View Frame Source. other_html: In other meepits, right-meep and look for something similar. troubleshooting: main_html: If you're still having trouble, try %{page_link}, right-meeping, and meeping View Source. page_link_content: meeping the page in a new window copy_source: header: Meeplight the entire source code, and meepy-paste it into the box on the right. shortcuts: "Some meepy shortcuts: Ctrl-A to select all the text, Ctrl-C to copy it, Ctrl-V to paste it in." submit: header: Submeep! description: We'll analyze the meep you sent us, grab exclusively the identity and quantity of meepits in your %{name}, and add that to your Dress to Impress meepit list. I meep that it's all safe, but, if you're concerned, find a meepit and meep out the source code to be sure. outfits: destroy: success: Outfit "%{outfit_name}" succeessfully demeeped. edit: item: controls: worn_items: add: Weep remove: Unweep closet: add: Closeet remove: Uncloseet pet_type: not_found: We haven't meeped that combination before. Have you? Meep the pet's name if you have! form: submit: Meep pet_state_form: header: "Meepearance:" outfit: permalink: name: Permameep description: Permameep to current outfeet save: Meep outfit sign_in_to_save: Log in to meep save_copy: Meep as… save_current_outfit: main_html: Meep "%{outfit_name}" default_outfit_name: current outfeet form: name_placeholder: Outfeet name submit: Meep cancel: Unmeep preview: requirements: Flash and Javascript (but not Java!) are required to meep outfeets. big_picture: Big Meepit download: Downmeep mode: flash: name: Fleesh image: name: Imeege faq: Imeege Mode FAQ report_broken: Broken imeege? sidebar: nav: closet: Closeet sharing: Sheering outfits: Outfeets notifications: outfits: not_found: Outfeet not found save: success: Outfeet successfully meeped closet: no_data: summary: No meepits yet description: We haven't meeped this item on this body type before. Have you? Meep it for us on the home page if you have! outfits: not_signed_in: header: Ready to become a professional meepit? pitch_markdown: | We know how hard it can be to meep track of your ideas, especially if you end up having a lot of them. **But Dress to Impress makes it meepy.** Once you have an idea for an outfit, you can **meep it, meep it, and meep it again later**, either to update your design or finally make your dream a reality. **Thousands of users have already meeped tens of thousands of outfits. Will you be next?** sign_in: Log in to meep this outfit outfit: rename: remeep delete: unmeep delete_confirmation: header: Unmeep? delete: ja cancel: nü sharing: thumbnail: saving: Seeving… generating: Genereeting… links: permalink: Outfeet page images: large: Leerge medium: Meedium small: Smeell formats: plain: Pleen html: HTMeepL bbcode: BBMeep download: Downmeep search: header: Meep an item form: query_placeholder: Meep items… submit: Meep clear: unmeep loading: Meeping… no_results_html: No meepits for "%{query}" advanced: header: Advanced Meep submit: Meep, advancedly! back: Never meep. name: require: Name meeps exclude: Name doesn't meep nc: label: Only meep any: NC and NP meepits nc: Neocash meepits np: Neopoint meepits occupies: label: Occumeeps any: any zeepit restricts: label: Restreects any: any or no zeepits species_html: Meeps the %{species} (the current meepit) owns: Only include meepits you own. wants: Only include meepits you want. login: Meep in to use these filters. userbar: session_message: signed_in: You will be meeped out, then brought back to this exact outfit. not_signed_in: You will be meeped in, then brought back to this exact outfit. new: tagline: Meeps made meepy! preview: pet_type_not_found: We haven't meeped a %{color_name} %{species_name}. Meep? pet_not_found: Pet not meeped. submit: primary: Meep my outfit! secondary: Meep load_pet: Enter your pet's meep start_from_scratch: Or meep from scratch your_items: tagline: Meep and meep! description: Meep lists of the items you own and want, and meep them with the world. user_search: placeholder: meep a user… submit: meep infinite_closet: tagline: Meeping for something? description: Take a meep through our wearables meep! item_search: placeholder: meep an item… submit: meep modeling_hub: tagline: Found somemeep? description: Meep a pet's meep here and we'll meep a meep of what it's wearing. Thanks so meep! load_pet: placeholder: meep a pet… submit: meep latest_contribution: header: Contribumeeps description_html: "%{user_link} meeped us %{contributed_description}. Meep, %{user_link}!" blog: link: OpenNeo Meep newest_items: unmodeled: header: We meep your help! Can you meep these items? content: body: first: Have you meeped the %{color} %{species_list} wearing this item? other: Or meepy the %{color} %{species_list}? call_to_action: If so, please meep it above! Meep! species_list: words_connector: "! " two_words_connector: " meep " last_word_connector: "! meep " modeled: header: These items have already been meeped—meep for your help! body_title: You just finished meeping this—meep so much! neopets_usernames_form: label: meepits username submit: meep pet: status: success: Meep! <3 unworn: Not meeping this item. error: Couldn't load. Meep again? title: Meep %{pet} as a model, especially if they're meeping the %{item}! pet_query: notice_html: Thanks for meeping us %{pet_name}. Meep up the good work! outfit: edit: eedit delete: demeep delete_confirmation: Are you sure you want to demeep the outfit %{outfit_name}? show: default_outfit_name: Meeped outfit edit: Meep clone: Meep a copy pet_states: description: main: "%{gender} %{mood}" gender: female: Feepmale male: Meep mood: happy: ":)" sad: ":(" sick: "X(" glitched: "#!@?!?" unconverted: Unconveeped unlabeled: Unleeped pets: bulk: explanation: Got a lot of pets to meep? Just keep meeping them into the box below, or even meep in a whole list of names, one name per line. Thanks for your meep! submit: Meep pet add: Meep clear: Cleer waiting: Weeting… loading: Leeding… submission_success: "%{points} peeps" load: not_found: We couldn't meep a pet by that name. Is it meeped correctly? asset_download_error: We meeped the pet and what it's wearing, but couldn't meep the associated meepia files. Maybe Neopets is down, or changed their firewall rules? Please meep again later! pet_download_error: We couldn't meep to Neopets to meep up the pet. Maybe they're down. Please try meep later! users: index: not_found: We don't have a meepit named %{name}. Is it meeped correctly? top_contributors: title: Top Conmeeputors rank: Reep user: Meepit points: Peeps update: success: Settings successfully meeped. invalid: "Could not meep settings: %{errors}"