@import "../partials/clean/constants" // When loading, fade in the loading spinner after a brief delay. We only apply // the delay here, not on the base styles, because fading *out* on load should // be instant. // // This is implemented as a mixin, so that the item page can leverage the same // loading state when loading a new preview altogether. Once CSS container // style queries gain wider support, maybe use that instead. =outfit-viewer-loading cursor: wait .loading-indicator opacity: 1 transition-delay: 2s // If the outfit *starts* in loading state, still delay the fade-in. @starting-style opacity: 0 outfit-viewer display: block position: relative overflow: hidden // These are default widths, expected to often be overridden. width: 300px height: 300px // There's no useful text in here, but double-clicking the play/pause // button can cause a weird selection state. Disable text selection. user-select: none -webkit-user-select: none outfit-layer display: block position: absolute inset: 0 // We disable pointer-events most importantly for the iframes, which // will ignore our `cursor: wait` and show a plain cursor for the // inside of its own document. But also, the context menus for these // elements are kinda actively misleading, too! pointer-events: none img, iframe width: 100% height: 100% .loading-indicator position: absolute z-index: 1000 bottom: 0px right: 4px padding: 8px background: radial-gradient(circle closest-side, white 45%, #ffffff00) opacity: 0 .play-pause-button position: absolute z-index: 1001 left: 8px bottom: 8px display: none align-items: center justify-content: center color: white background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.64) width: 2.5em height: 2.5em border-radius: 100% border: 2px solid transparent transition: all .25s .playing-label, .paused-label display: none width: 1em height: 1em .play-pause-toggle // Visually hidden clip: rect(0 0 0 0) clip-path: inset(50%) height: 1px overflow: hidden position: absolute white-space: nowrap width: 1px &:checked ~ .playing-label display: block &:not(:checked) ~ .paused-label display: block &:hover, &:has(.play-pause-toggle:focus) border: 2px solid $module-border-color background: $module-bg-color color: $text-color &:has(.play-pause-toggle:active) transform: translateY(2px) &:has(outfit-layer:state(has-animations)) .play-pause-button display: flex &:has(outfit-layer:state(loading)) +outfit-viewer-loading