class ClosetPagesController < ApplicationController include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper before_filter :authenticate_user!, :build_closet_page rescue_from ClosetPage::ParseError, :with => :on_parse_error def create if params[:closet_page] && params[:closet_page][:source] @closet_page.index = params[:closet_page][:index] @closet_page.source = params[:closet_page][:source] saved_counts = @closet_page.save_hangers! any_created = saved_counts[:created] > 0 any_updated = saved_counts[:updated] > 0 if any_created || any_updated message = "Page #{@closet_page.index} saved! We " message << "added " + pluralize(saved_counts[:created], 'item') + " to your closet" if any_created message << " and " if any_created && any_updated message << "updated the count on " + pluralize(saved_counts[:updated], 'item') if any_updated message << ". " else message = "Success! We checked that page, and we already had all this data recorded. " end unless @closet_page.unknown_item_names.empty? message << "We also found " + pluralize(@closet_page.unknown_item_names.size, 'item') + " we didn't recognize: " + @closet_page.unknown_item_names.to_sentence + ". Please put each item on your pet and type its name in on the " + "home page so we can have a record of it. Thanks! " end if @closet_page.last? message << "That was the last page of your Neopets closet." destination = user_closet_hangers_path(current_user) else message << "Now the frame should contain page #{@closet_page.index + 1}. Paste that source code over, too." destination = {:action => :new, :index => (@closet_page.index + 1)} end flash[:success] = message redirect_to destination else redirect_to :action => :new end end def new @closet_page.index ||= 1 end protected def build_closet_page @closet_page = @closet_page.index = params[:index] end def on_parse_error flash[:alert] = "We had trouble reading your source code. Is it a valid HTML document? Make sure you pasted the computery-looking result of clicking View Frame Source, and not the pretty page itself." render :action => :new end end